poly-amorous San Franciscan shrink, aka your average "rationalist," writes a 9000 word rant about the history of r-slurred Internet culture wars since 2010. It's actually pretty good if you have the time

1  2021-05-10 by johannesalthusius


It's actually pretty good if you have the time

Sorry, OP, but I refuse to read walls of texts even if it's aligned with my agenda

This one has pictures too, tho.

Yeah, someone just tell me if I should be smug or triggered at all the graphs.

But they're gone now - you'd have more luck looking for recent discourse about Osama bin Laden. Nor has some some other gender discourse arisen to replace them. Everyone just stopped caring and moved on to race.


The early 2010s culture wars were much more vicious than anything you see today, and all of these groups were despised with the energy of a thousand suns.


I think they irony-ed themselves so hard that they accidentally ended up as Nazis.

Huge oversimplification

Clinton's speech massively accelerated this process - having your extremely uncool enemy go on national television and say "This particular group of mysterious edgy Internet people is so dangerous and threatening, I think I speak for all right-thinking adults when I hope no teens dare to join them" was, in retrospect, not so smart a strategy. And so we got the alt-right.

HUGE oversimplification

For the previous few years, the social justice movement had been the dominant intellectual paradigm in online spaces (and increasingly offline too).


It was the only way left to shock the establishment.

enter: xenogenders

Nobody would confuse them with the maximally-uncool people, the obese white Boomer who shops at Wal-Mart and plasters their car with anti-Obama bumper stickers.

clearly he has never seen those pics of /pol/ zoomers in the wild

I talked before about the profound effect that coining the term "SJW" had on the discourse. Thousands of people who had been vaguely angry at something suddenly had a way to describe the target of their anger. The mocking sense of "woke" was monumental in a different way: it wasn't already coded conservative.

wasn't 'social justice warrior' coined by SJWs on tumblr? 'woke' has made the same shift wherein almost nobody describes themselves as such unless to be ironic/self-deprecating

like our obsessions with religion and gender before it

race was also and possibly just as much of a fixation in the subcultures he's talking about during the #killallmen days

gonna stop words words wordsing because nobody cares but I thought everyone rides this guy's dick for being a supergenius or w/e. this was sloppy and at times inaccurate; would give a solid 4/10

snally where is history of drama part 2

I thought everyone rides this guy's dick for being a supergenius or w/e. this was sloppy and at times inaccurate; would give a solid 4/10

He, his cult, and their offshoots are incredibly pretentious. They are basically a bunch of tech guys that think that being a "programmer" makes you the most intelligent human possible and therefore endows you with the ability to speak with absolute authority on all topics. It's especially funny how many of them shun social sciences given their idol's profession. I'll admit it's been fun watching the offshoots spiral towards radicalization.

I love his writing but I know what you mean. He's never been secret about his blog being just his fallible opinions and ramblings. Him being outed was awful because now rslurs treat him like a god.

Yeah his point lies in that google's trends for specific terms have gone down. Seems weak when he's not taking into account site cultures and the new trains discourse as well the movement of these groups from fringe to mainstream. What would at one point have been called RadFem (like using terms such as mansplaining) has now shifted into just being leftist/liberal/woke.

Plus there isn't drama if you ban every dissenting opinion and restrict the rights of anyone to comment on it.

any study of Internet culture is basically a study of crazy people, and the failure mode is to point and laugh at them without looking for real understanding

Are we... Failing people? Dramabros?

Snally's still reeling from it.

im with snally

i was expecting big brain time

i am disapoint

But they're gone now - you'd have more luck looking for recent discourse about Osama bin Laden. Nor has some some other gender discourse arisen to replace them. Everyone just stopped caring and moved on to race.


The early 2010s culture wars were much more vicious than anything you see today, and all of these groups were despised with the energy of a thousand suns.


Can you elaborate more on both. I don't mean this rhetorically, I somehow remeber you know a lot about ehistory.

first one: gender is a hotter topic than it's ever been, it's just shifted in focus from feminists vs. MRAs to libfems (i.e. TQ+ and allies) vs. everyone else

second one: the people involved in the 2010s culture wars hated each other (kind of), but there was in general a much lighter tone, some of the most invested people on different were hanging out with each other in shitposting groups (at least on reddit), and it was extremely rare that people's careers ended over it. there were far fewer eggshells to walk on.

Firstly true on reflection, secondly interesting. Funny I sent that PM right before you replied.

could you also elaborate on this

race was also and possibly just as much of a fixation in the subcultures he's talking about during the #killallmen days"

My (very limited) cultural memory lines up pretty well with his narrative. Where was this race stuff and how was it packaged differently from today?

He’s a very smart guy, obviously, often on the money, but this one was pretty shit and he does have a habit of failing to connect inconvenient dots once in a while.

What happened to your flair, chief?

dunno :(

Jannies are slippin'. Maybe a motivational pay-cut is in order?

wasn't 'social justice warrior' coined by SJWs on tumblr?

I definitely remember this as much. Because of how self-important it sounded the opposition mocked it pretty much immediately.


Where’s kimmo alm part 2 snally

i don't have the time or motivation to finish it :(

❤️ Queen shit 👑

enter: xenogenders

Wait what.

clearly he has never seen those pics of /pol/ zoomers in the wild

Because those people disguise as "libertarians" in the wild.

Generally, I'll take your word for it on topics like this. You might as well write a book and sell it on Amazon or something. It will probably net you a pretty profit on the side.

Is this person supposed to be famous, or something?

Because those people disguise as "libertarians" in the wild.

there's a pretty large corpus of pics of people holding up protest signs with /pol/ memes on them and donning plastic LARP shields and shit. they look exactly as you would expect them to.

Generally, I'll take your word for it on topics like this. You might as well write a book and sell it on Amazon or something. It will probably net you a pretty profit on the side.

I have a broad structure for a 'history of internet culture' text, but it would take ages to write.

Is this person supposed to be famous, or something?

He's the guy who coined 'virtue signaling' and brought in-group/out-group dynamics into internet consciousness with some blogpost about tribes.

there's a pretty large corpus of pics of people holding up protest signs with /pol/ memes on them and donning plastic LARP shields and shit.

Ah. I thought you meant on an everyday level kind of encounter

I have a broad structure for a 'history of internet culture' text, but it would take ages to write.

All good books take a long time to write.

He's the guy who coined 'virtue signaling' and brought in-group/out-group dynamics into internet consciousness with some blogpost about tribes.

Oh for reals? I've always wondered how it came up.

It also all seems to coincide with the occupy movement. Can’t have the poors getting too comfy with one another.

Is it exactly 9000 words or is it over 9000?

Here is the thing about polyamory. Only m*slim alphas and their harem of wives have any individual value as polyamorous humans. As much as this tortures me to say, females are worth more than males in reproduction.

When you have a polyamorous relationship with a single female and multiple males, each male's worth as a human is 1 / # of males in the relationship. Actually, it does not matter how many females there are, only one male is necessary. Every male’s vote should count for 1 / # of males in the relationship. They should also only receive this proportion of welfare benefits for their funko pops or Nintendo switch or whatever.

tl;dr polyamorous males are sub-human.

This criteria obviously does not apply to our objectively superior homofascist overlords.

Slate Star Codex is one of the most talented and prolific writers of our time, and I would totally suck his dick

i didn't know scott was polyamorous

All Rationalists ™️ identify as poly because Less Wrong was a mistake

Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


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any study of Internet culture is basically a study of crazy people

Where's the lie?



The problem with socialism being the new internet circlejerk is it's just not entertaining enough. wAtcHing trainS talk about how calling traps gay is a horrible act of hate and bigotry is always going to be more entertaining than watching them whine about the 1%. Most people just can't be bothered to care. Even if it does take over, it will never reign as strong.