Peak Reddit Moment today as this wordy "opinion" some would deem "unpopular" is met with much popularity. A group of naysayers sit toiling in controversial.

1  2021-05-11 by Oreu


The OP is slowly coming to the horrific realization they hang out almost exclusively in hug box communities that are devoid of any depth.

Right? I never have to deal with being told that I’m loved.

Good thing this place will never be a hugbox. We hate ourselves almost as much as we hate each other.

Keep yourself safe 🥰

I prefer being reminded that I'm a pos f-slur so I can aspire to be better.

It's striking to see posts like these being upvoted and jerked over in real time. To see jpg's after the fact is one thing - but to witness a reddit moment happening in real time is a different vibe. Shame on me for visiting the front page

Redditors are a few subgroups of a consistently sheltered people. They need extra words otherwise they hurt themselves trying to understand an internet comment. In turn they need to post essays to justify their retard opinion for fear of being called out by fellow mentally immature detail dependants.

Redditors are a few subgroups of a consistently sheltered people.

Redditors are too sheltered to even venture away from the front page. These people are discussing what a compliment is and what makes them special.

Which is ironic because every reddit argument turns into picking out the snippets you disagree with or just misunderstand completely and attack that, disregarding the rest of the words words words until you've got 20 arguments going that eventually end with who can say "no ur mad" last

OP you are loved. Not by me or anyone else here on earth but by the grace of our savior jesus

Of course OP's original body of text goes even further until they add even more words with multiple edits lol. Many enlightened redditors support OP and many others lament the circlejerk but we're all dumber for reading this shit.

i'm so autistic and emotionally-stunted that when people compliment me, i grimace and go silent

Hi so autistic and emotionally-stunted that when people compliment me, I'm Dad! :)

based retard

Wow. That OP is such an egocentric moron. The reason people post vapid shit is because it makes them feel better, not because they give a shit about anyone else.

R*dditards unironically lack the skills for basic empathy.

You mean w*oman moment


words words words

A literal wall of text. WORDS WORDS WORDS. R*ddit posts should have a limit of 5 lines because no redditor's thoughts are complex enough to deserve more than a paragraph