Having clearly been forced to watch "Charlie and the chocolate factory" during the quarantine, Ohio governor Mike DeVine plagarises a way to encourage his rslur constituents to get vaccinated.

1  2021-05-13 by busslordlowkeybussin


this is good honestly

the gubmint needs to incentivize people for doing the right things instead of making everything punitive.

Great! I love incentives for doing what government wants me to do!

I mean, the other option is, "do this or we'll fine you/put you in jail"

Yeah, its pretty great that when they can't beat us with a stick, they find a way to shove a carrot up our asses.

at least with the carrot, you have an off-chance of it it hitting your prostate and involuntarily busting in your pants 🤷‍♂️

Coming from taxes.

Steal a penny from everyone and someone gets rich.

I can't wait to see what Mamma Whitmer decides to cook up to entice "Michigannnnnders" to get vaccinated.

DeWine was actually one of the lesser r-slurred Republicans and even got his own party to hate him.

But if he was really smart he would have partnered with McDonalds and given $5 coupons for each person vaccinated.

I'd be willing to take AstraZeneca for that chance

I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


  1. Having clearly been forced to watch... - archive.org, archive.today*

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First WV, now this. C'mon Abbot, I know you have a late start, but you can still catch up.

I'm still waiting. Match them!

Greg Abbott made it illegal for companies to be able to request proof of vaccination

He’s really that bad

He had the time to make such a stupid move, but won't budge to fix the grid. Smh my head.

Texas is doing (relatively) well because we're lucky, not because of GOP.

Yeah when I was freezing my ass off at my dad’s house because my apartment also lost power, I had the realization that Texas is apparently a third world nation and not one of the largest economies on the planet

Golden microchip