A tale of two genders.

1  2021-05-15 by Hamalama


words words words to say "women are funny"

This broad definitely writes for one of the SEO monsters recipe websites where authors' entire life story comes first, recipe second.

"Brevity is the soul of wit"

~ Some Old Bong

Brevity is the soul of wit

Said by the character Polonius, who is an idiot.

Anyway Norm's moth joke proves it to be false 😌

“I have never seen a thin person drink Diet Coke”. Trumpf is an idiot but that’s still a great line.

You're speaking straight to my soul right now. I don't need you're god damn life story bitch, just give me the recipe so I can get a baseline for the ingredient measurements.

Just give up the goods, no foreplay huh? Typical man💅

Do animals have foreplay, Einstein?

You've obviously never seen me or a chimp masturbate.

I can only attest to one of these things.

See ya on tuesday ralph.

I read a WaPo article about a tman who started testosterone and instantly got tired of his gal friend's long-winded anecdotes.

This is one of the few things that actually makes me angry. The worst is the articles like “my dog ate my medicine what do I do?” and the first 4 paragraphs is like “don’t you hate when your puppet eats things they aren’t supposed to? I remember when my dog got in to my stuff”

The stuff preceding recipes like this is probably some of the most inane BS that exists on the internet. They're all the same cutesy nonsense about how this thing truly changed their life.TM

This is the fault of inline ads.

lol I've noticed this recently. I don't gaf about your husband and kids. Just give me pics and the recipe jfc.

Somebody tried to make a website that was just recipes without all the bullshit, but it got shut down almost immediately because food bloggers whined about m-m-muh personal narrative (and $$$ from ads)

Weak hands. Shoulda kept it up and told the whiners to gft.

Apparently Mindy Kaling (of The Office) last year complained about this very thing and got shit for it.

Sex never

This was on some random Norm MacDonald compilation. I just got done watching like 5 hours of every Norm appearance on Letterman. Norm was the best thing to ever come from SNL, and is the most naturally funny comedian that ever lived. That is all for my Normblog today thank you all.

Link the video 😡

Oops, Here is the one that the comment is from, and this is part 1 of Norm's Letterman appearances. Next time say plz for gosh's sake.

Why is the YouTube comment section such a mess, I’ve been scrolling for like 10 minutes and still haven’t found it

On the first vid linked, it is the pinned comment.

Oh, I’m r-slurred and scrolled past it

As long as you realize.

Of course! My mom always told me I was special after all ☺️

have you read his book? I just finished listening to it (he voices the audiobook) during a lot of driving I was doing and I highly recommend it. Was crying laughing at certain parts.

Yeah it was amazing, Norm is honestly a genius. His Larry King appearances where he is just talking, not really even trying to be funny were funnier than most comedians sets.

9/11 😄


My favorite part was that skinny guy breaking out laughing and then going "you set me up!"


This has to be satire ... it’s like peak youtube bait. If this was on FDS or somewhere like that I would believe it’s sincere

Sound like a rightoid screaming false flag, I think SOME most women might just be dumb lol

Unapprovedcel deepthroating the whole bait and editing their comments, how am I not surprised

Dude I'm so approved the jannies gave me a custom flair baybee! And I edited it to be less mean to the brave women that don't get upset about jokes lol



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Anyone remember that guy who watched female comedians until he laughed?

Some say he is still watching. They say on a quiet night you can almost hear him sigh.

Fun fact: the very first comedian "featured" on that video is our Sen. Majority Leader's second cousin.


Maybe female comedians would be funnier if they didn't make every single joke about the fact that they're women

Sweaty 40 minutes of vagina based humor is the peak of comedy yikes 💅💅💅

I won’t read this much whyt womxn nonsense but thanks for posting anyways🙂

So much of wokie belief is just projection, it's amazing.

the jokes are on men 99% of the time

In case you needed a reminder that women don't pass the Bechdel test.

good morning

Sleepy head 😴

This is what a tough breakup does to a mofo

Not the imperial German pfp 🤢

Y'all are mocking them but men... are not funny.

Are you on your period?

Thank you for proving my point.

nah sis I'm funny as shit when I wanna be.

Tho in your defense if your main exposure to men's humor is reddit then I guess I cant blame you for feeling that way

I've dated men since I was a teenager I think I'd know if men suddenly became funny. We shouldn't look down on them for having a biological deficit but facts don't care about your feelings.

maybe get better taste in men sweatie

that still doesn't make men funny, sorry.






As man that was way to much text to read. Response was funny.