How did you end up getting less pussy than Stephen Hawking?

1  2021-05-18 by Llamayoda


in which op learns that fame and money invite pussy

cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope sneed

Can't sneed your way out of this one buddy

He had the needs of an infant and the ‘body of a holocaust victim,’ she said.


Based as hell

And she sucked him

That she did. Tender, sweet gentle caress.

I mean, what did you expect exactly? For him to be some sex god?

it's not him, it's her lol

hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

Homosexuality helped a lot in my case. Highly recommend trying it sometime.

Yeah but have you ever tried pussy?

Not sure if this is a rhetorical question, but I experimented with gussy at least 5 times in my youth. Sadly, no matter how hard those busty, virile young womxn tried, they just couldn't pleasure me. That's when I knew I needed to seek out an alternative, and fast. It wasn't long before I came upon the fairer sex, and the rest is history.

OP do you suffer from ligma

Who is Steve Jobs?

It's fun to speculate on the psychology of these chicks:

Yes, he has a normal sized hog. Yes, she sucks and fucks it. Get over it, chuds.

Fascinating, something seems a little off about that couple, but good for them.

It sometimes seems scripted or like an act to me, but maybe it's just my cynicism. The idea of marrying someone who is giga-crippled and can't move around by themselves is so alien to me that I can't wrap my head around it.

Yeah I watched a few more episodes, and things just seem.... a little off. It feels like the woman at least is playing a character, especially during the intimacy video she seemed to almost resent him for bringing some things up. Maybe that’s not too strange for a relationship (especially a YouTube one) but there’s clearly more than what just meets the eye.

Okay it's not just me then. It makes me think of the parents of downsies who act like their life is so dope on social media, but you know caring for a mong 24/7 has to be a hell on earth. Imagine getting in a fight with your spouse and then you have to carry their limp body to the bathroom and wipe the poopies off their ass 5 minutes later. God that'd be fucking hot.

Tbh they are YouTube vloggers, I can’t tell if I’m just biased against them or if their behavior is completely normal given the kind of people YT Vlogging attracts

Wouldn't be surprised if this is the next big grift. Using disabled people would probably ensure a higher rate of donations.

I've saw quite a few of their videos. All of them have sponsors and have links to their merch and they even have a Patreon. Most of the comments in there are the "If only I could get a hot girlfriend as a disabled person", type. They recently just bought a new mansi- I mean house.

It's some sort of marketing thing I bet. The guy also had a "Girlfriend", who looked just like Hannah before. Wonder what happened there.

People must be desperate though to even believe this is a real thing.

Jeeesus, how are you gonna buy a house that size when you can't even go up stairs? It's definitely a fetish. Now she can carry him around to 50 different rooms while she flicks her bean. The clickbait preview below it illustrates the absurdity pretty well:

Good find. I guess if he's in on the grift it's ok. I think other disabled people would like to have some hope they could get an attractive able bodied person to love them too. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

Then again it's kind of like watching porn, the average coomer will never get a pornstar but they can always hope and dream.

The guy also had a "Girlfriend", who looked just like Hannah before. Wonder what happened there.

imagine being that girl and dating ol' crazy legs and getting DUMPED for a better looking girl. by crazy legs. jesus

I would commit sudoku tbh

For some reason I can see a man doing it for a disabled woman but the other way around is weird to me. Maybe it's because moids are so pathetic when it comes to pussy.

Caregiver fetish. That’s really all that needs to be said.

something seems a little off about that couple


yeahhh... i can't go through this, i didn't make it past 5 mins

“[Hawking’s] condition meant that Stephen had always been a completely passive sex partner as well as a fragile one,” Mlodinow wrote in his new book, Over time, his fragility caused Jane to worry that sexual activity might kill him… Making love to him became a frightening and empty experience.

Don't know what you're talking about he is litteraly me 😎

Uggo britbongs 🤮🤮

Most of the default subs are run by bots and shills.

Social media is the Matrix. Look into the ties between big tech and DARPA. The content is curated and contextualized to create a certain response in the public mind. Look up the original definition of Cybernetics.

You are human livestock and the internet is your digital enclosure. And like all good farmers, they have to make sure the herd gets their vaccines or it could mean disaster for the farm!

It’s not individuals who just love vaccines making these gay pro vax memes. Someone is being paid to do it by some shitty organization likely with ties to the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts or whatever.


  1. How did you end up getting less pus... -,*

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He could do better.

Lol, guess missionary position was out

Wonder if his wheelchair had a vibrate setting.




At the time of their affair, both Hawking and Mason were still married — he to Jane and she to David, “an engineer and self-confessed Hawking super-fan who helped develop Hawking’s speech synthesizer.”

Holy shit imagine inventing the device that makes speech possible for this vegetable and he uses it to convince your wife to hop on his frail ass dick...