RIP, Snappy (again)

1  2021-05-20 by JanetYellensFuckboy


We're all next.

Such a doomsayer

Any idea what comment did it? - filter by aeo removal.

Same one as last time.

Err might be worth removing just that one from the database ;/

none of the jannies are gonna do anything lol

If that's indeed what got it banned, they just made a bunch of other subs that also use the bot mad. So that's something.

Eat shit coward

learn 2 code

The Turkish rant?


God you people are lazy lol

Does JC have to edit this out or do you just have to take it out of the wiki? If the latter just give me wiki permissions for a few seconds and I'll do it

I think JC edits it. I looked around the wiki and didn't see anything snappy related.

You can just program autojannie to remove snappy comments with the no no words

I don't do nerd shit. I just get drunk and cause drama.

Don’t forget the blowjobs Joan.

Think of it like an email and you're spewing out an angry rant but need to remove a paragraph (dodgy Snappy quote) because it's not spicy enough.

You need another paycut


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reddit com r SnapshillBot wiki extxt drama

Just make an alternative in one of the other platforms which is easy or make your own site, make the sub private and advertise it on the message it shows about the sub being private. Don't you people have any dignity left, this sub is fucked either way, stop sucking up to these San Francisco degens and do something.

Why would anyone do something for no monetary compensation? 🤨

That's true. Maybe they should get a 20% raise for all their hard work.

20% of 0 is still 0 jannies! Get to work!

It has been an honor serving with you all. I only regret I didn't post more.

I regret every post but also regret I wasn't here more

Your insane posting has been an inspiration to us all, specifically me.





Do it! I'm hier!




Really, Reddit? Why can't you let your users create, share, and enjoy things?

Snappy's pastas are sub-specific; none of the ones we see appear outside of this community. You know who in this community finds it occasionally offensive? Nobody. Absolutely nobody. Quite the opposite: we all love Snappy.

We should (mostly) peacefully protest at Reddit’s HQ until they bring back snappy


Just mostly peacefully protest at Reddit's HQ in Minecraft. Problem solved.


Maybe you can play Minecraft if you ask your wife's boyfriend really nicely


I don’t wanna catch AIDS COVID, so I’m not going to San Francisco outside.

Let’s be real about Reddit users

I don’t wanna catch AIDS COVID, so I’m not going to San Francisco outside.

Let's be really real about reddit users.


Leak information to the IDF that Reddit HQ is harboring Hamas and storing rockets

4chan would tho

Or point out that this subs average iq is 50< and play the victim card.


You think they'll be impressed with a bunch of f-slurs blasting each other's bussies in the middle of the sidewalk?

You say this as if reddit admins aren't literally gender study drop-outs without a basic sense of humor.

Things I've been banned for:

  • Asking which country was worse at video games.

  • Making fun of overweight people because they're a "marginalized and vulnerable community"

Think about the absurdity of the second one. Most people are overweight, meaning they're the exact opposite of marginalized. It's also their choice to be overweight.

  • Making a mundane joke about women (again, under the idea they're a marginalized community) which is hilarious given they enjoy a majority of political power, over 52% of personal wealth, and a college advantage gap nearing like 17 god damn points.

The point I'm getting at is these people are brain-melted NPCs that have based the rules of this website on the incoherent ramblings of poorly educated social science majors that couldn't reason their way out of a wet paper bag.

I would pay premium rates to see the CEO of reddit debate anyone with a basic understanding of this shit just to watch his soy faced low IQ ass get ripped to shreds as he fumbles around realizing twitter talking points aren't reality.

Most people are overweight,

By weight or by headcount?

A majority of the worlds body mass is held by an elite few megafats, we must do something to more equitable distribute the body fat resources of the earth


I recently got a warning for "promoting hate" for a movie quote containing the fslur. I censored the fslur in the quote. I wonder how long until we start getting warnings for saying "fslur"?

I got one for saying "are you r-slurred....." in srd, not srd jannies, reddit jannies

Grand Budapest Hotel?

Snatch. The replica gun robbery scene, in a thread about someone trying to rob a place with a fake gun

Based and dag pilled

Pizza please fuck me

Dibs round 2

We can share as long as you present bussy.

more like margarinealized

Asking which country was worse at video games.

Is there even a right answer to that question.

Yes, there absolutely is, but reddit admins don't like it.

Every country that isn't korea probably

Korea is only good at esport, and they are slowly losing to the PRC.

They will forever be remembered as Starcraft gods, though.

Any country that isn't asian, then.

#StopAsianHate or something

redditor for 1 month

welcome back pizza. did you get a refill on your addy 'scrip?

Actually someone directed me to a drug internet market.

reagent test that if you're serious, very good chance it's meth

Sounds like a win-win to me us.

reddit CEO dunking on the hedgies during the GME congressional hearing

messing with subs and banning people from the site because he feels like it

Chad tbh

I got banned for insulting a bot


The time when snappy posted the “I don’t often downvote, but you have earned mine” copypasta on a post where the OP just got cancer was his finest hour


I went looking for it a few weeks ago and the OP deleted everything.

Ccmon removeddit reveddit webarchive. Surely one of these archived it


You know, this comment was posted from the wrong alt. I have to keep my fetish separate from my other accounts specifically because of PEOPLE LIKE YOU. THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING ATTRACTED TO SHARKS AND THAT HAS NO BEARING ON THIS ARGUMENT. This is fucking 2017 it shouldn't even have to be said, but FUCK!!!!!

What does have bearing on this argument is objective facts. Facts like: a low shoulder to waist ratio being attractive on human females.

Facts like: juicer bullies like you are what's wrong with the world of fitness.

Facts like: you and your little "fitnesscirclejerk" buddies are too busy staring at men's asses to know an attractive woman if she swam up to you in anthropomorphic-shark form and let you fuck her on a cold, windy cape cod beach.

Facts like: you're too busy thinking about the gym and where you're gonna get your next steroid fix to realize that I'm on seddit learning stuff that's gonna help ME get the girl of YOUR dreams.

Wake up, bud. Your a fuckin' pathetic excuse of a man. I might not be as big as you. I might never be as big as you cuz I have too much honor to stick a needle in my ass. But I'm twice the man you'll ever be, sharktits and all.

Being attracted to sharks? What is this person, a Vtuder simp?

Seriously, where did you even find this stuff?

I fuck sharks, pal. Grow a pair of COJONES and maybe you will too 😎🚬

That's a great way to lose a pair of COJONES.

Snappy is irreplaceable.

Snappy is used in a bunch of subs. They're really going to ban it site-wide just because our jannies were asleep when they were told to remove the quotes with auto no-no words?

Are we sure it was something of ours that did it? How many subs did snappy service?

Fuck snappy he's a NWO shill

Thank god I recently saved all of Snappy's quotes to a word document. Now when I look at a post, I can skim through the file and pick which quote I think Snappy would've posted in response.

Here, you dropped this 👑

Number them and then use a random number generator to choose which quote to use. It’s like communicating with Snappy Terry Davis style.

This implies snappy wasnt a sentinent being

Is G-d not sentient?

Please share this document for posterity, it is essentially our constitution.




Doing God's work.

share it friendo

Don't share the document, but make sure you post an appropriate snappypost to every deserving arr drama post. For such a difficult job you will early double the normal Janny pay

please share this document

reddit com r SnapshillBot wiki extxt drama

I'd share this in a less a*tistic way, but you're here


Imagine doing shit for free

You are literally not allowed to have fun on Reddit

I only get banned when I post memes.

lol poor snappy. I saw several people talking about suspensions. I guess instead of banning the sub, they will just pick us off one-by-one.

We're literally a minority already. The more of us they ban the stronger we get. Look at pizza, he's unkillable at this point.

It's like we're Hamas and AEO is the IDF😥

Literally the best of this sub.

Reddit's admins treat Drama like Bill Lumbergh treated that mumbling idiot Milton in Office Space.

"Mmm yeah ... we are gunna disable snappy and ask you to not mention any subreddit in any fashion ever...mmmkay ... thaaaanks"

The interesting thing is that Snappy is used on a hell of a lot of subreddits, yet gets repeatedly banned for her posts here.

Why must our heroes die young?

It was definitely the Arab rant that did it in. It was highly based though.

What did that look like? The bedouin one? That's as old as homosexuality and kids

Yeah. Do you have a copypastable version?

Reddit only banned thxm because thxy were POC. Just blatant racism on Reddit’s part as usual.

Person of Copypasta

What Bedouinism does to a mf’er

With how long that obvious joke has been around on this sub I'm guessing Reddit admins will get around to removing the obvious antisemitism comments on PublicFreakout in 2033

The minions' malevolence is only surpassed by their incompetence.

Just kill me now

I knew the bot flew too close to the sun. Really a shame.

Snappys been having some hits lately, I'm not too surprised she got yalled for having fun

Snappy about to be flaired as an authright on PCM with how many alt accounts it will need

how the hell do you ban a bot?

Cant wait for the admins to forbid this sub specifically to use snappy after they unban him.

Snappy represented the best of us :(

Is it truly over for people of drama?

I can feel it, Snappy will rise again and he's return will usher in a thousand year Animesexual Reich.

Snappy died for your sins.

Someone should just make a new site with some reddit software clone and then shitty reddit rules no longer apply.



Do not worry brothers. Inshaalah Snappy will rise once again to strike the infidels. For now we must endure the onslaught of the janny menace.


If you delete drama, nothing would have been in vain

Drama turds getting rekt one by one, i love it.
Where you gonna go? Parler? xD

Call me a chud. Do it pussy, you wont.


cry abt it lol

cope and seethe

*coping and seething

We're all gonna go to to shitpost about the dogpill.
