Twitch hoe who said eat the rich has a 2,000,000 dollar apartment

1  2021-06-02 by hackfraud30011999


Is this the Bernie ok boomer girl? The one with the face that launched one thousand simps?

Pretty sure she has a pretty extensive criminal record including assault with grievous bodily harm. I might be remembering it wrong though since I'm on a fent bender.

I don’t know about “extensive” but she was sentenced for domestic violence in 2018 which, for a white foid, is a pretty difficult case to prosecute. She must’ve done something real bad.

Poor dog... I hope he is okay 😔


She's an e-girl. There was always a 110% chance that she was a lunatic.

I thought she had some shoplifting/writing bad checks charges too but like I said fent bender clouding memory.


She’s not white, she’s a halfie at best. Have kids with her and your children will be short brown manlets.

Go back to MDE, noncolonizer. My ancestors were Spaniards and I will make them proud.

white? isnt she mexican?

I can save her

Yeah. She got hit with domestic abuse for hitting one of her old bf. She made a twitlonger basically saying "achusally he hit me first" with no proof then set replies to "only people i follow" so that she would only get showered with heckin valid replies.

Absolute chad move.


He probably deserved it tho. She can hit me all she wants 😍

Pretty sure she has a pretty extensive criminal record including assault with grievous bodily harm.

Actually respectable then

I like girls that are tough too.

Yeah, ones that take and enjoy the beatings gratefully. My kind of tough girl.


Okie Dokie, abuser

For fuck’s sake man get a hold of yourself


It seems the investment she made with her fake bolt-ons was better than buying buttcoin back in 2011.

Someone actually got rich by getting a boob job and dancing in a skirt and a top with a meme candidate's name on it. Bizarre.

She got a boob job?

Before she got famous yeah.

Did she admit that? Seems likely I guess.

Yes she has admitted it and said they make money lol.

fake tits are the best investment any flat chick can make

theres no male analogue to that


the face that launched one thousand simps Just ignore her side-profile

...and chin


Good morning

She’s following Bernie’s example of preaching socialism while being a millionaire and making money scamming young r-slurred men

TBF Bernie isn't about communism. He's about a fairer system. I lost respect for him when he started politicking coming after Bezo's. Dude was born on a farm and built himself up. If anything that someone we should pedestool.

Ackshually, Bernie’s communism wasn’t Real Communism TM

Fat cock.

welfare capitalism =/= communism

Kysafe, that farm was 25k acres and his family was rich. Bernie is also shit but cmon

I gotta look into it. Watch his old interviews though. Dude isn't spoilt and it don't mean he didn't work hard

Bezos got his parents to invest nearly $250,000 in his Amazon in 1995 lol

He was already rich himself then! But going from a few mil to biggest company owner is pre impressive regardless!

What's your point dummy?

My parents are upper middle class and could do the same. And yet I am not a billionaire yet

bezos got a 250k investment from extended family to start that business. in the early 90s, that's like $1,000,000 today. he had security, and got lucky being at the right time to take advantage of the explosion of the internet.

I feel like the comment was too bait to not realise this. You got baited.

or you just got poe's law-ed. who knows.

What's your point? He shouldn't have asked his friends family for money? This mentality is literally r-slurred

you just like sucking rich dick don't ya? hoping some cum trickles down?

As opposed to what poor dick? WTF?

or i dunno, not sucking dick for a little dribble?

Well that goes without saying.

doesn't stop you from doing it tho.

I mean I do have freedom of choice.

So? Doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve his wealth

why does getting lucky imply you deserve anything?

I'd padle ol crazy eye over my stool anyday



dude cucked TWICE to the people who ratfucked him out of the election

he's controlled opposition, always was

I don’t know how people always end up on this larp but Bernie never wanted to abolish the free market or get rid of rich people, and him making some money off writing a book isn’t some sort of gesture of hypocrisy.

This is “omg AOC took a cab” level of rightoid nonsense.

Btw I think Bernie would make a shit potus, so don’t confuse me for a Berniebro.

It is telling though that such a lukewarm democratic socialist inspires this kind of hate. If Bernie is a commie, what are you gonna call the next guy who actually wants to abolish capital ownership.

A dead man?

Damn right

Agree. If anything, this supports his position and should show the people that hate him what he’s talking about. You can be rich, but pay your share. After you pay your share, you’re still going to be rich if you’re rich.

How to be a good comrade: more for me and less for you, but that's okay because it wasn't mean't for you, anyway.

He’s a fraud and a establishment hack I don’g know why leftoids like him

Because he's neither one of those things lol

But I'm not gonna seriouspost arguing with retarded rightoids 🥱

Do you think only people on the right think Bernie is dumb?


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I mean there's the entirety of arr neoliberal but they don't like him because they think he's a fraud and part of the system they don't like him because they think his policies are idealistic and rslurred

And the BLM founders'.

1000 seconds = 16 minutes

1 million seconds = 11.5 days

1 billion seconds = 31.7 years

Now add a $ sign.

making money scamming young r-slurred men


this but unironic, uncle ted didn't need no shit to start sending bombs in mail to people



This is what your sons twitch subscription pays for.

not me my son watches anime on netflix

That is unacceptable and quite frankly racist. I suggest something more POC friendly such as Buck Breaking by Tariq Nasheed.

Dw only watched Neo Yokio, Yasuke, Afro Samurai, and The Boondocks

When's he start HRT?

people simp over her. what is wrong with the world.

The internet, unironically

She knows exactly what her demographic is and how to play up to their interests/weaknesses

Her demographics need to understand you can pay a woman to behave exactly that way and have sex with her at the end of the day.

Men who feed into this clearly have some form of undiagnosed mental illnesses.

Simp Syndrome.

It needs to be officially recognized by the WHO just like mentally ill gaymers were, and both groups should be institutionalized.

Basado. Especially on that second part.

They want the fantasy of a real relationship, not someone they can pay to fuck them.

I remember a few years ago I spent like an hour on /pol/ talking to some South American dude who went in depth about why he was addicted to this one e-thot in particular. I was curious, and a part of me actually wanted to help him, so I gave him the time of day.

It was genuinely enlightening and helped me to understand this phenomenon.

I don't blame these women for what they're doing, but it's insanely predatory. They find these ugly, antisocial guys that just wanted someone to love them and act like a surrogate girlfriend. The second the guy even starts to slightly pull away they bombard him with attention, calling him by name and telling them how much they miss him.

They get these dudes in a web and don't allow them to leave.

What makes it work is that these are usually guys whose anxiety prevents them from actually buying a girl to fuck for the night. With the e-thots, they get to remain behind their internet wall and never have to face the girl in real life.

Even if the girl offered to fly out and meet them in person most of these simps would find an excuse and tell them not to come.

It's incredibly depressing when you actually talk to one of these people; in a sense they really are victims.

But they're also pathetic, so I can't bring myself to actually care about them.

You can pay an escort to hang out and have the whole experience instead of throwing money at some girl who you will never meet in real life.


who you will never meet in real life

Like I said, that's the point.

>They want the fantasy of a real relationship

thats the "gf experience" that any decent hooker can be paid to do. I guess you could even pay her just for that and no sex, maybe she'll give you a discount since going to watch a movie has to be easier than sucking some old fart's dick

I think its more about a weird form of flex, like I seen how if some guy is the biggest simp of a certain ethot then he gets to flex at the other minor simps orbiting her, something he cant do with a hooker because who the fuck cares? if anything telling people he is seeing a hooker makes him look bad

and yeah ethots are predatory as fuck and you can bet that if a dude could pull this out then sooner than latter the press would be tearing him a new hole for taking advantage off mentally ill women

If prostitution was legal this sort of thing would not be nearly as popular.

I dunno, the fantasy is a lot more appealing than reality for many people.

Outside of arrrr drama, does the fantasy version have track marks, bruises and a lingering odour of dried man fluids from the last dozen customers? Will it try to nick your wallet?

hookers are legal-ish in my country and indeed I have seen far less simps around

orbiters? a few, but they dont toss money at ethots like simps do


And we think f0ids are the issue.


These aren't men anymore.

A whole generation of young men has been lost to this.

Teach your son how to lockdown an e-girl, because after spending all his money on simp donos he won't be paying much rent.

The industrial revolution and its consequences.


ted kazcynski is when stuff

It is our duty to spread the ways of bussy.

"2 million is not rich" The absolute state of Twitter simps lol Edit: more of your brain on Bernie

Words cannot describe how much I hate formatting on mobile

Reminder it's 2021 and reddit has had like 8 years to make a decent native first class app of their own fucking site and it still blows ass. gang rise up

It's called Boost for Android retards and it does everything that old.reddit does. But the G-blade is coming for the API and third-party apps.

I'm old.reddit till I did, unless you can explain yourself in English

It's an app superior to whatever boomer shit you're doing now

I don't app. Desktop Opera to rub it your walled garden be-dazzeled eyes😎

Isn't that basically Chrome for hipsters now?


Boost gang rise up 🚀

slide its better

There is zero chance she's worth just 2 million as well if she literally spent that on this apartment. Probably several times that.

Dude, what is credit.

Mortgages don’t real

When we reopen the subreddit we get a bunch of short-bussers who have no idea what equity is.

Poor fools think everyone buys houses for straight cash, must invite one hell of an inferiority complex.

All things considered, I'm a software consultant and my home's total value is a bit more than a quarter of hers, so clearly something is up with this situation.

Yeah - you're ugly. Point is, if you're like most people, you probably didn't have "several times" the total value of your house sitting in your bank account when you bought it - you borrowed the money.

Yeah - you're ugly.

lol I meant the fact that I'm a software engineer that does not publicly endorse democratic socialism, whereas she's well known for publicly endorsing said ideology while withholding enough money to afford a house worth 4x mine. Granted, she lived in Los Angelos, right?

Point is, if you're like most people, you probably didn't have "several times" the total value of your house sitting in your bank account when you bought it - you borrowed the money.

Yeah, I already got your point. Ignoring paying down principal, the interest payments and property tax on a 2 million dollar property still requires a high income, especially in LA. If she's largely independent in financing that property, that implies a lot of disposable income.

Endorsing Bernie doesn't mean that you have to be poor, man.

Endorsing democratic socialism while taking that much money from lonely online dudes through streaming (based on the aforementioned persona) and then spending it on financing a $2 million home is a bit perverse.

None of those things have anything to do with each other. There is no actual inconsistency here.

Building an online persona around being a pretty democratic socialist and then making enough money from said persona to be able to afford the downpayment+interest payments of a $2 million home presents no ideological inconsistencies?

Sounds like cope to me.

Actually try to describe said ideological inconsistencies. Democratic socialists in america want fairly low-t things like higher wages, social services, higher taxes on the wealthy, etc. Nothing in there precludes making money or being rich. You might have a case if she was running a sweatshop, lobbying for low taxes, etc - but simply being an ethot is pretty neutral when it comes to that sort of thing. She is, essentially, an entertainer.

Nothing in there precludes making money or being rich.

From my perspective, if you claim to be a democratic socialist in your early 20s, then you proceed to purchase a house worth 4x that of a software engineer (on average one of the highest salaried undergrad positions) via donations from ideologically-aligned, desperate men, then something is clearly a bit off with your ideological priorities.

This is not a Bernie situation where right-wingers lob attacks at him for not being entirely financially illiterate. This is a woman in her early 20s who professes to be a democratic socialist while also being able to make the down-payment and interest+principal payments for a $2 million home.

I only brought myself into the conversation because I consider myself particularly blessed, in addition to being in a very well-paid field. For me, that notable disparity, given her claimed ideological leaning, was surprising.

You seem to think that democratic socialism involves some sort of vow of poverty scenario or rejection of market economics. I am not a democratic socialist, but I know this is not so. It’s just a collection some vague ideas about the wealthy pulling their weight via taxation and an appreciation of safety nets and social services.

There are plenty of software engineers out there living in two million dollar homes, btw - and some of them might even think the poor are getting a raw deal in this country, I’m not sure why you need to inject your job into this.

You seem to think that democratic socialism involves some sort of vow of poverty scenario


rejection of market economics

Getting closer.

It’s just a collection some vague ideas about the wealthy pulling their weight via taxation and an appreciation of safety nets and social services.

Bruv, that would be social democracy. The definition of socialism is pretty fucking clear about one thing: elimination of private property. A democratic socialist in their early 20s buying a $2 million home using streaming money from desperate, lonely men is somewhat perverse.

There are plenty of software engineers out there living in two million dollar homes, btw

Yeah, no shit. What makes you think I'm not aware of this?

I’m not sure why you need to inject your job into this.

I was making an offhand observation based on my own anecdotal evidence of myself and the content of this story. I'm not sure why you can't seem to grasp that.

Edit: No, I don't think the elimination of private property means that nobody gets a home.

Bernie calls himself a democratic socialist, but he espouses something akin to social democracy rather than socialism. He has never advocated for elimination of private property or for-profit enterprise. Maybe this is the source of your disconnect here, you’re too hung up on the terms.

A collection of vague ideas about the wealthy pulling their weight via taxation and an appreciation of social services and safety nets is a pretty good summary of these peoples’ ideological position - and twitch thottery doesn’t violate it.

Yeah, I realize Bernie does not espouse actual democratic socialist policy. I also agree that this girl is probably not actually advocating for genuine socialism.

you’re too hung up on the terms

I think it's a pretty important distinction. I'm not really a fan of how people conflate social democracy and democratic socialism. There are a non-trivial number of genuine socialists out there and I don't care to legitimize them.

True, just dumb.

for an apartment? or is it actually a condo.

You can buy an apartment, which is, in practical terms, pretty much the same as buying a condo.

Anyway, whatever piece of housing you’re buying for 2mil, chances are it involves mortgage and debt.

the American """left""" is just the upper middle class (current and aspiring) angry at their CEOs

the American """left""" is just the upper middle class (current and aspiring) angry at their CEOs parents

gotta get it right.

simp nuked his account, mirror?

What happened to tax/eat the Rich?

2 million is not rich

Good morning. I hate champagne socialists.

Holy god bernie bro's in the replies are really going to die on the hill of "Its not hypocritical to preach equity/taxing the rich" while owning a 2m$ house.

She could really buy something a lot cheaper.

Unironically I bet Bernie's 2 residences cost less or a little more than 2 million

There's nothing wrong with having money, it's having it and flaunting it and being quite proud of it when you've condemned other people for having money.

I don't know her exact beliefs, but when you say shit like "eat the rich" it tends to lead me to believe you were slightly above the average Bernie bro on the socialist scale

She 100% says it to be edgy and get bernie followers money. Pretty much every progressive i know IRL has parents with fuck you money and goes to a fairly prestigious school.

Most normal/working class income people aren't going to spend 100$+ buy merch and donating to an egirl. Bernie bros are the perfect demographic to get rich off of tbh.

They probably think they're helping wealth equity by generously donating to twitch e thots 🤢

Not that they realize it, but I seriously doubt her apartment/house actually costs $2 mil. She probably rented out the apartment in the video just for a week.

No shit. How could someone as plain as that earn money off looks🤔

Simps simping for an "obtainable" girl

I get it, m-ids have very low standards these days

yea like the 'knawledge' guy who rented a mansion for a day on airbnb, same with the lambo and likely the books too

"Its not hypocritical to preach equity/taxing the rich" while owning a 2m$ house.

tbh its not hypocritical to do that. you do look like a hypocrite when you're flaunting your wealth like that tho

How did such an average looking woman become famous for being attractive

Because the market for this stuff isn't the same. Movie stars are meant to look attractive from all angles a camera will capture. Super models are meant to look somewhat attractive, and unique. Both of these types of women are completely out of the realm for nerds to even dream about having. That's where e-girls come in. Most of them are not unattractive by any means, but they're also not super attractive; they're attainable. That's why every successful Twitch/onlyfans/egirl is always in that cute, but not intimidatingly beautiful range. The nerd needs a girl he can delude himself into thinking "well I could..."

There is a lot of mediocre looking movie stars.

Yeah! Anna Farris!

also not talented. anna is okay fuck scarlett johanson

I mean I’m not a Scarlett simp or anything and I may even think that her looks are overrated, but you’re not seriously trying to say your original point was about Scarlett are you? You seriously think she’s unattractive?

Based on looks alone I'd say she is okay. She ain't ugly. To me women like Stacey Dash, Meagan Fox, Halle Berry, and Alexandria Dadario are top tier. Asides from Stacey and not sure about Meagan, Halle and Alex have good talent.

Also nothing wrong with finding a women attractive. Doesn't make you a simp. I don't get the whole hate from other straight guy's. Feels low key incelitis.

Also nothing wrong with finding a women attractive

There is everything wrong



Presumably most of them have some form of acting talent, though.

Very few. This new lot is all looks no talent. Than again the stories out of hollywood are fucking garbage. Mostly capeshit. Just watch capeshit. Scarlett Johanson is a glorified latex ass for all those films. She butchered Ghost in the shell too.

She butchered Ghost in the shell too.

Good. Weebs deserve it.



emma stone is not aging well, but at least not like lohan did

I liked Lohan. Feel sorry for her. Girl was used and not treated well. Also no support. Both parents, people that should protect her exploited her.

Wow way to miss the fucking point dork.


im gonna take your lunch


You can stop commenting you lost.


you're banned.

Gimme a taste of that bussy boy

shut up you're banned & just saying drama buzz words isn't funny.

I am the Drama


so they went from lusting for supermodels to simping for an average girl with tons of makeup and filters, how is that an improvement? they werent getting any from supermodels before but at least they werent giving them money either

Bernouts are horny 19 year old virgins who will stick their dick in anything obove a 5/10 and have parents with deep pockets.


A lot of young men don't have the skills and confidence to engage with women anymore. Their lives and friends are online for the most part.

When they give these girls money, the small attention they get from the girls is enough for these guys to get through the week.

People existing online is fucking detrimental



Again: 2 mill is somewhat obtainable; a small business can make that amount in some years.

The real rich have influences and 100mill plus.

Those, we have tu tax and eat.

Loved this part of Das Kapital

A small business that doesn't have two million is fucked for the most part, but a vast majority of that two million flows in and out regularly. You can't just take it out.

Not that I expect a Twitter user to get it

I firmly believe that If everyone took a basic economics course the political landscape would be much better

Not just basic economics. If everyone became actually proficient then they will stop complaining about everything and appreciate the beautiful system we have today


Why wouldnt she buy a house with that money

Probably wanted to live in LA and live the dream instead of buying a 'burb house around LA and make sound financial decisions.

I will laugh if she burns through her millions in two years and gets replaced by one of the other million e girls.

Isn't that skyscraper with the green lights on its edges in Dallas


If you can afford to, buying an apartment in LA is a sound financial investment.

$2 million will get you a shed with an outdoor toilet in LA.

Probably three times as much.

Sorry I'm not into eating gussy eww


STEMcells mad at the foid for making good choices in her life.

Noooo you can't play the hand you were dealt. You should play my game!

She's put on a few pounds.

Those Hispanic genes kicking in, she'll be looking like Jack Black soon

And it does not look good on her.

To think you can make that much with a face like this

There are classes in socialism. Communism no.

Man leftists cannot catch a break can they? Grifter after grifter after grifter.

Lmao workcels btfo. Good for her to be honest

If you wouldnt ur volcel btw

I remember her being better looking

why does she look like she's in constant pain

born a squatemalan

victim of cosmetic poisoning to hide the fact that you look like columba bush

I dunno.

It's the ok boomer chick.

lmao eat the rich or get marketable skills

i mean. if you're going to be stuck in capitalism cause the majority is too fucked to do much about it ... might as well play along, eh?

but it is completely tone def to go boasting about how much it costs. >.>

Social media socialists. Twitterati and breadtuber lovers love the word grifter but every single one of their idols match the profile tenfold.

“$2 million is not rich.”


Twotch bitch


Obviously it’s a sexual innuendo you guys /s




Eat the rich is more aimed toward hoarders of money. Its not that people cant have a nice cars and expensive apartments. I hate this subreddit

hoarders of money.

You don't mean investors do you?