The “first true gen z candidate” running for NYC mayor, Paperboy Love Prince, has a 13 yr old campaign manager who wants SCOTUS to “ban homework” more of his takes in comments

1  2021-06-03 by JungleStirFry


He is also a rapper by the name of “Paperboy King of the Suburbs” on Spotify and Apple Music. With hits like Drinking Milk is Racist, Popeyes Chicken Sandwich, How to Sell Cryptocurrency, and I Bought a Dolphin.

Refinery29 article on him

Some choice quotes from the New Yorker and Refinery29 articles:

Theo Demel, the teen campaign manager, sat in a floral armchair petting a dog that had meandered over. “I think homework’s unconstitutional,” he said.

“Well, I think a good goal is two million,” Prince said. “Shit, yeah, that’d be good!”

That’s why I give out my phone number PAPER9 2327 a.k.a. 727-379-2327, so anyone in the community that needs help can reach me, and I make an effort to speak with them as quickly as possible. That’s why we are creating an app to allow citizens to vote via the blockchain on what their elected officials work on every day.

Also goes by the pronouns god/goddess.

Also do your part and visit the new drama site.

I'm excited for this new crop of obviously-cis pretend troons to start a t-slur civil war. Actual trains up to and including queen mouthfeel mommy have gotten dragged for broaching the dysphoria question, and it's only a matter of time before narcissistic white bitches* conquer gender mountain and regain they/their place as the most oppressed people.

* I know Mx. Paperboy is a proud chocolate king. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

Is the offshore site down? I can't seem to access it


New yorkers deserve him tbh.

He’s too good for New York, they deserve another four years of De Blasio

Based. Fuck homework.

It's pretty obvious he's just doing this for attention, "clout" as the kids call it. He's hoping to become a meme and get popular enough to get people to stream his songs.

Good for him tbh, get your money

This fucking site sucks ass. Just got banned for 7 days for calling some rightoid a rslur

Ya obviously. Its free press. Its till funny though. And he organizes free groceries for the poor so idgaf about adding to that attention. 🤷‍♂️

Running for public office is next level clout chasing. Its over for elected-public-officials-cels

This is the guy from the HE Will not Divide Us saga, pure attention seeking

as the kids say, no cap.

I guess is the Dem's turn to run the asylum candidates

Paperboy, paperboy, all about that paper, boy.

Atlanta is a great show. The prison scene and transracial scene are classic.

Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


  1. The “first true gen z candidate” ru... -,*

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I smell a vermin supreme wannabe

The law of gravity needs to go!

That shits oppressive af. Been holding us down our whole lives. Repeal gravity.

Go further let's abolish it.

i know you xers love to do herher xe wildin out but this solidified my community college major in phrenology:

I support getting rid of homework, but it’s tough to implement since you still need something to replace it in the classroom.