Having failed to subdue a 6 year old black child with a sledgehammer, an Asian man defends himself with a gun.

1  2021-06-09 by busslordlowkeybussin


Be jannie

be unfunny

sticky unfunny to make everybody sad

Why do this?

Because Americans getting shot is funny to everyone else.

Burgers continue to pretend there are racial differences when at the end of the day they're all the same sort of retarded.


wow an insecure ricel downvoted this in 2s color me surprised 😎

Now they can put the picture of them downvoting you on their family altar, knowing that their family name has been defended. The ancestors may rest in peace.

No . Their ancestors want grandchildren.

what the diet of 🦇🍜 does to a mf

Batramen would be a pretty funny name for an asian Batman pastiche.

I’ve already told a story about the vietcong father of my first gf a while ago

Now I’m curious

It involves a first time dinner to meet her parents at their home, a 357 magnum pulled during the main course, some stories about university life in vietnam when SHTF when the communists took power. I can longpost but basically I met Asian dirty Harry while I was 19 with a bad case of yellow fever


Do it, it sounds interesting


Do it, it sounds interesting

OK but fuck you it's been 20 years so get my mindless train of thoughts 😎

I dated a Vietnamcel girl, huge whore who was my first gf 10yo ago, I was 19-20, first serious gf, I met her parents once at their home in a wealthy surbuban area of France , it was a carefully planned meeting by my ex gf

Long story short I think the father pulled a power move on me with this gun thing. Back when he was my age going to the university in Vietnam the communist students groups were very active and violents to other student-cels who didn't took side or were considered bourgeoisiescum , he got serious death treats so he started to always carry a big revolver going to the uni for several months. Since everything was boiling there and he wasn't an activist (I didn't asked if he openly supported the nationalists... ) he was in danger at a one point so he fled to France, the famous "boat people" you got also got in the US. France was heavely involved before the US "Vietnam War" we basically started this shit 😎, also human / asylum muh rights etc

30yo later I'm dating his 8/10 daughter who is in a business school 👠 and picture the most mayo French who is with her , it's me. So idk if it was ptsd, the wine or alcohol but at one point since I was asking questions about life in Vietnam at the time 🇻🇳, he pulled the revolver (empty... I think) in the middle of this family dinner cause maybe I expressed some French post modernists thoughts about this whole affair

Funniest thing (in my memories) was the mother asking what were my plans for the future while there was her alpha boomer husband was cleaning his gun at the table. I was in med school at the time so I likely was saved by this 🥲

Well this night , he/they made me more of a man than their daughter, the whole enchilada ✌️😎

I also discovered with him some suburbs shithole restaurants when only Asians men were going, a bowl of small soup was 1€ while the large 2 liters one was like 2€. Ngl the meat tasted like dog or anus pig 🐽 but he tried to warn me about being poor, cause he was loaded and insisted strongly that I finished my bowl 🥣

Anyway nice culture chock I got at 19, virgin incel mayo , I only met her father once. We dated for a year, then she dumped me nicely a summer cause she was moving to a business school 500km away. 😎

Anyway be careful out there

Tl;dr : farm the rice pay the price like some wiser than me people said 😢

Edit : a dramatard I know can confirm she was an 8/10 so everything I said is true and should be taken to the most serious degree 🐽

Wait you’re a 🐸? Gross

Also thanks for the longpost, was pretty interesting


Huh what happened with the vietcong??

Its the processed meats and cheese.

Its done a real number on our psyche.

Don’t use Imgur to hide your long post smdh

"Yeah bro just pass me the radicchio and dandelion leaves real quick" 🤣🤣🤣

It's all the heavy metals in everything

The difference isn't the fact that these r-slurs exist but the shear rate is like 20X different.

That's what I tell these dumb Krauts over here.

"Dumb people are in every country."

Yea but some countries have way more per 100k than others.


When you assimilate so hard you start shooting black children for sport

AAPIcels in shambles

they really are the perfect minority

the fuck does the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin got to do wid dis

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Blacks and Asians aren't so different after all


They actually show a child getting shot on TV in the US? No wonder that country is fucked they must have zero sensitivity to violence at this point.

I mean baller ass kid for sure.

Motherfucker is 6 years old, got shot, and he handled it better than LeBron James does when somebody brushes his shoulder.

or most soccer players

No titties allowed on TV though. Gay as fuck.

Bro who cares you see how big the reporters tits are


Man, people complain about bonds all the fucking time. Make it free and people complain. Make it $10k when 90% of Americans don't even have $10k and people complain. Make it $100k and people complain about only the rich being able to make bond.

Just tie it to income lmao

Agreed, anyone who doesn't make at least $250,000 should automatically be denied bail. Damn poors will just commit more crime to sate their horrific desires.

Unironically true.

I agree it really should go down with income.


I am slowly slowly starting to actually gain a bit of a racist edge like my grandpappy, and I actually hate it. God rest his soul. These fucktards literally won’t acknowledge something that’s been an issue for so fucking long that the TV show LOST made it part of an episodes plot line.

These fucking idiots like the one in the tweet just deny reality. Honestly just fucking pull the plug on the Us experiment. Figure out a way to divide land by the GDP by population percentage and form 5 or 6 ethnostates. Then block Twitter so I can’t accidentally stumble upon this fucking brainlet.

we never did that shit without provocation

Unless blacks and Asians have psychic battles I've seen several videos where this isn't the case

Don’t you know our great Käñgž communicate through the beacons in the pyramids. Get some culture ytboi



Go outside.

Take the neetpill. Don’t go outside you’ll literally kill grandma and grandpa. There’s a panpizza happening. During this panchetta we need to come together and stay inside. During this pandora I have researched and indexed the world.

I wish a high IQ individual like Darqwolf or Lawlz was here to understand me and explain to the peons how this works.

Both those tweets were nothing but facts, what are you crying about

"Bro wtf why are they mad about an unarmed 6 year old being shot"

MDEfugees 😴😴😴

What a weird piece of evidence to cite

My point being all these idiots acting like it’s a new thing. It’s not.

Your so silly

the TV show LOST made it part of an episodes plot line

Which episode was that? It’s been so long since I’ve seen the show that it doesn’t ring a bell.

Jin and Michael were fighting on the beach and Michael says something like “I don’t know if you all know this but his people and my people don’t exactly get along”

Nasneed: This the prosecutor out there in that area, Eli Savit. Eli, are you behind this suspect getting released with that ridiculously low bond after trying to kill a 6 year old Black child?

I'm sure it was a simple misunderstanding. Anyway, Buck Breaking 2 is going to feature the history of Asian railroadies x Black minors. According to sources close to the investigation, Tariq has been commissioning artwork with the glowfurries.

Buck Breaking 2: Chang breaks Africa

lmao, shit gets real in the bunk bed room.

lmao the judge sets the bond not the prosecutor.

Hmmmm so now that bail was TOO LOW? I thought that was what 🏀s wanted.

The only opinions that burgers have regarding criminal justice are hypocritical ones.

Everything exists in a superposition of too cruel and not cruel enough with very little long term thinking involved

In burgerland, whatever choice you make policy wise will be criticized. It’s a little annoying tbh

that's what happens when you have direct elections of senators

Off by two error.

that's what happens when you have elections

Take the fascism pill


His ass needs to be in jail otherwise we gone trip

Yes, yeeessssss

it is insane to see the king talk about my city