/biz/nessman buys battlefield2042.com domain and makes it redirect to /pol/. /pol/acks on suicide watch.

13  2021-06-10 by boiifyoudont123468


/pol/acks on suicide watch

more like some normies gonna get redpilled

Yea wouldn't this be something /pol/ would do.


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Non tistics don’t get “red pilled” by pol. Lol. Its pretty obvious like 90% of them suffer from mental deficiencies even if they are amusing sometimes.

Top threads on /pol/ right now:

That surname has my Hebrew senses tingling like crazy but I cant find any info on it. Nose check this commie pedo.


I have just finished buck breaking and would like to tell you buck breakers one thing. Janitors this is political.



They'll destroy your history, then arrest you and charge you with a (((hate crime))) for touching theirs.

Oh yeah, it's spergpill time 😎

/pol/ was best enjoyed on election night, that was some premium cope.

Lol ur obviously full of shit, on election night it looked like Trump won, it wasn’t until like 5 am that the totally not sus mail in ballots all for Biden gave him the W

Are the mail-in ballots with us in the room right now?

mail-in ballots just flew over my house

Trump is vehemently anti-mail in ballot

Encourages supporters to vote in person

DDF shocked when the mail-in ballots are strongly in favor of Biden

Are all rightoids this stupid?

Naw some of us saw this coming, even beanie head Tim Poole made the “red mirage” prediction before slipping into full DDR mode.

All I’m saying is that the left had ample motive and opportunity so why wouldn’t they? Ethics? Please.

tim poole

The ultimate r-slur grifter

the totally not sus mail in ballots all for Biden

Tell me more about these “sus” mail in ballots.

Would you be comfortable mailing $100 to yourself?

lol people mail cards with that amount of money all the time

And mail is lost all the time. Point is, most people know the mail system isn’t entirely secure

feelings argument

not answering a simple question

Why don’t they just use mail in vaccination?

I would be comfortable mailing $100 to myself. Its a dumb question anyways since you aren’t going to use that for anything other than mocking me for not being as conspiratorial as you are. Now do you have an actual argument or no?

It’s not really an argument. Most people don’t trust the general mail system with transporting valuables so I think the DNC had both ample opportunity and motive.


That's on par with 2016 tho. Went to bed thinking Hillary had it in the bag and woke up with a Cheeto in the white house. The endless cope didn't come fullswing until the morning (when normal people find out about things).

Ur just digging urself deeper. Trump flipped Florida fairly early in 2016, after midnight est he had a clear lead and there were no surprise bags of ballots that flipped things at 5-6am

Give up already. He lost

Not as long as he still lives rent free in y’all’s heads

sus posting

y’all posting


>seethe posting

please continue

no u

Don’t worry, I will


Pink pussy hat screaming into the sky says what now?

midnight est

What's your bedtime?

On a work night? Bout then. Do u not have a job?

At the time I was working second shift factory and my dad (living at my place) was working first shift. And my dad loved the guy, but we were still floored by the results. If you weren't surprised, you were just too keyed in

Poorcels OUT


Factory job still having to live with parents. 🤢🤮

Lol, anyone with a basic understanding of outstanding vote, method of vote, and where said vote was knew Trump had lost by around 11:30 on election night.

In fact, Republicans specifically went out of their way to ban the counting of mail-in ballots before the day after election day because they figured they could fool enough people to challenge the loss.

I'm an amateur and I knew Trump had lost on ED. He horribly under-performed.

He horribly under-performed.

Pizza I know u like to think of yourself as smart but wtf is this? Even in losing he massively outperformed polling predictions

A) No he did not.

B) He under-performed on election day based on what percent of mail in ballots Biden was expected to win.

Basically the polling said Biden could easily survive a 2016 sized error (which was a standard error) and that's exactly what happened.

Biden needed to win like 65-70% of remaining mail-in ballots to beat Trump after ED and he was expected to easily win over 80%.

Once WI flipped blue in the morning, there was no way Trump could win the election. WI is more republican than PA/Michigan by a fairly significant margin and if Biden flipped WI with mail in ballots, he was absolutely going to flip MI/PA

The election was over when Trump under-performed on ED, the final nail in the coffin was WI flipping early next morning.

Even Republican analysts knew Trump had lost on ED. Which leads me to believe the Trump campaign did too. Which means Trump got out on stage, lied about the state of the election specifically to muddy the waters and try to steal an election.

Chauvin's conviction was a good time

All thats missing is a few posts about how the age of consent is a jewish plot to lower the hwite birth rate and you have the full set.

they'll be inundated with hundreds of pictures of /pol/'s latest fetish - buck breaking aka raping black men

They've finally realized that they want that big black ass.

Hopefully Kanye makes WAB soon to spread this message.

I hope the shapirdog raps the lyrics on his talk show


I thought they were more into BBC, considering how much time they spend thinking about big black dick.



*more like some normies gonna get a BBC fetish

this is a realistic outcome

That isn't a good thing, we don't need any more disillusioned, emotionally unstable men in the world.

go on 4chin

scroll for 0.42s

“damn k*kes”

bbc thread

loli thread

furry thread

diaper thread

"tribute" thread

beheading thread

Just another day on 4chan.

Buckbreaking thread

New but in the same spirit of unintentionally fetishising every aspect of their sedentary lives.

wow, so based!


Bunkerchuds never have fun.


Who the fuck still types "www.product.com"? Everybody just googles shit they want.

The only people who will see this are people in on the joke.

most companies use play{game.title}.com anyways

Which, among my other hot take on domains, is a dumb trend.

my other hot takes on domains

Don't leave us hanging

-Verbs (like play) are used inappropriately on strictly informational sites

-Country codes should be mandatory

-ICANN has let vanity TLDs get out of hand

This has been your daily network dork take.

Vanity TLDs with countries selling the rights to .me and .io so some nerd can use them on their speedrunning blog is one of my favorite things that is going to inevitably get parodied about the mid-2010's.

Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. /biz/nessman buys battlefield2042.c... - archive.org, archive.today*

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EA is gonna be in for a rough time when some twittard makes a shitstorm out of this.

Lmao it redirects to COD now

4chan giving that great advice.

This feels oddly nostalgic to me for some reason

It's just good old fashion trolling with no real agenda. Feels like fresh air after literally everything being about the culture war for so long. No hysterics claims of isms or naked politicking. Just good old fashioned Rick roll level trolling.

It's just good old fashion trolling with no real agenda.

This is probably the stupidest thing i've heard this year. /pol/ isn't political? They don't have an agenda?

Pol didn't link it moron.

Don't care didn't ask. Pol are still coping r*ards though.

Proud of being too lazy to read even the post title before running in to screech about /pol/. Are you british?

It's that weaponized autism energy that used to be more prevalent years ago.




I have been zoztized


noot noot lul

Yeah looks like their link didn't last long

he just changes link direction when he pleases

Time to grab the popcorn and watch anon get sued.

He can't be sued he has broken zero laws.

If they trademarked battlefield2042 they can go WIPO and request to take over the domain but other than that you are right, op didn’t broke any laws. In some cases even owning a trademark is not enough. Famous example is nissan.com owned by some local computer company also named nissan and they refuse to sell to automotive giant. Nissan sued them but couldn’t get the domain.


Biden2024.com also redirects to pol

