(Not drama) Happy Birthday to DDR, the eternal president of drama.

475  2021-06-14 by busslordlowkeybussin


@ariannahuff is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man – he made a good decision

Based and bussypilled

this one is so savage

First LGBT friendly president ever 😢😩. I never heard obummer say that a man dating another man would be a good decision.

Obama and Biden (as VP) ran against legalisation of gay marriage. Probably just in the technical sense (it being a religious ceremony) rather than them opposing gay people personally, but still.

Actions speak louder than words - Trump never married a man!

Neither did O....wait🤔

Truly /ourguy/

this si what biden took from us 😢

When he lost reelection I didn't really care even though I voted for him.

But goddamn I just want him back now, the world isn't the same without him. I miss him so much.

I know dude was legit funny as fuck. I wish they would at least let him back on Twitter

On the plus side, banning him from Twitter did kill the "careers" of a lot blue check reply guys that rode his coattails.

Jeff Tiedrich still makes $440 a month from patreon

440Hz is the most common pitch standard used in music.

Every digit of Pi before the first occurrence of `42` sums to 440

Joshua 15:35

Jarmuth, and Adullam, Socoh, and Azekah,

   I am a bot. I Like Pi.  3 · 14

"Barney Frank looked disgusting--nipples protruding--in his blue shirt before Congress. Very very disrespectful."

He was unironically one of the greatest shitposters of all time.

That tweet led to some very good memes too. This one still gets me, one of the best from the trump presidency era Imo

tumor brain protruding

fucking gold

Iconic 👌👌

this one gets me every time... disrespectful ass nipples, get it together Barney

-- much better than seeing a psychiatrist (which I never have!)

Men will literally become POTUS instead of going to therapy.

Imagine going to therapy when you can just shitpost about North Korea from the White House smh

You know what you look like to me, with your good bag and cheap shoes? you look like a rube


To be totally honest, who wouldn't? If you gave me the choice of going to therapy or sublimating my mental health quirks by using them to gain fame and power, I know which one I'd pick. Why spend money to let some idiot psychobabble at me about how I needed to conform to his opinion of reality when I could instead make the ultimate flex and force his reality to conform to my opinions?

I miss him so much 😣

i know rite, so fucking boring now most of the time.

Looking at these tweets it's no wonder he got elected POTUS

can't believe they took him from us


Its hard to top the 9/11 tweet. Thats top tier shitposting. God i miss his tweets so much

That is simultaneously wholesome and in really bad taste. What a 👑

I saved one of his New Year's tweets on my phone. It was so ridiculous, and unpresidential, absolutely iconic.

mind sharing?

I had completely forgotten about that one, and now I’m cracking up all over again.

Jack took from us the fountain of eternal drama

The account was clearly a Horcrux. Jack has suffered tremendously physically since attempting to destroy it.




Now that Wand Mommy has purged the wokesters from her fanbase, I can openly admit to admiring her work.

Just goes to show you how progressive Americans are towards black people, there was a black president right before having a retarded one

Meanwhile I'm waiting for some train representation in the white house. Oh dramacoin would peak....

I wish trump fell off the deep end in his last year after losing and decided to become a troon for the hell of it and started dressing in skirts and stuff.

First woman, first troon, first lesbian, first Alphabet person.

It could have been amazing😒

Can't call him a lesbian dude was definitely talking about kissing guys and handsome husbands around the election

Jenner-OJ 2028. Let's make it happen.

Elect the Amtrak CEO as US President, or Andy Byford, or the Union Pacific Chief or hell, an EMD GP40. Then we’ll have Train Representation

Needs more Zephyr

Windmills are dangerous af.

okay Don Quixote

He's right though. They'll use up all the wind, gradually slowing the spinning of the earth.

The earth only has a limited amount of winds, that's why it doesn't run, it just drifts in space.

I am bigly serious.

Deontay Wilder likes this

Chair zelenoff liked this.

If the left wants to make any meaningful progress in electing leaders, this is the kind of shitposting that must become mandatory.

That Bette milder tweet lmfao

Yeah, this is the best on this compilation, imo - unprecedented level of roasting

This was his best work tbh

He went in and didn’t stop

Much better than seeing a psychiatrist (which I never have!)

Imagine being DDR's psychiatrist. It'd be like Dr. Melfi and Tony Soprano.

She should have told Tony she was attacked and raped. Would have been great to see him get revenge for her.

Yeah, she should've. Tony was a much better patient than DDR woulda been, he would've had the rapist skinned alive. DDR wouldn't've given a shit.

Unless the victim was Ivanka. Which would mean the attacker is.....😐

I miss this man so much. You Amerifags really fucked up

Father please come back😢

RIP king 🙏🏿🙏🏿 truly an inspiration for all the shitposters. Happy Birthday!

I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date.

To all Americans, a happy 9/11. I ❤️ you all! Except Ariana Huffington and Bette Middler.

Lol he used to be very catty and into celebrity news before he ran for GEOTUS.

Lol yeh he live tweeted the Academy Awards or some award show once. What a dramaqueen.

I don’t care if he wasn’t playing 4D chess and he was just r-slurred I still miss him 😔

All the ddr-oids saying they “miss these tweets” when they’re all from 2013 at the latest. You know the climax of this drama was his election to office—downhill since.


And it was a fuckin great time. I still remember a friend calling me on election night in 2016 laughing his ass off saying "DUDE TRUMP'S GONNA FUCKING WIN HOLY SHIT" and I'll never forget that no matter how much of a bore he turned out to be after getting elected.

I was in Fr*nce 🤮 at the time, and I went to bed thinking there's no way he'd win. When I woke up and saw the news, I about laughed myself into a hernia. Every 🐸 I spoke to that day wanted me to explain how DDR winning was even possible

Firstly, my sincerest apologies for you having to visit that... area of the planet.

I had a lot of people question why I was so happy and how could this happen to us.

It was fun for a while but then I started actually getting shit from people for not jumping on the orange man bad bandwagon so it became less fun, but fuckit conflict is what makes the world go round.

Rural 🐸land isn't too bad, people are friendly, the wine's cheap, women take care of themselves and aren't bitter social media addicts, the old people love Americans, and the food is great.

The group I was with had an election celebration breakfast planned the next day (clearly expecting evil orange man to lose), and they cancelled it when they found out DDR won lmao. Grown adults literally crying and drinking away their misery all day. I was wandering around chugging wine from the bottle in celebration of the sheer absurdity of it all. A couple people in that group never spoke to me again after that day

Lol how hilariously pathetic is it that an election result in another country causes grown adults to break down into blubbering messes and terminate friendships with people who have a different opinion.

I lost a few friends and acquaintances because I didn't take it too seriously. I had family who practically raised me legitimately ask if I was racist.

People are fucking stupid. Can't wait for the meteor.

I was listening in on the discord voice channel for arrrr enoughtrumpspam. It was glorious. I fucked up majorly by not recording it.

Shame you didn't but I bet it was worth it, hahaha

Yea but even with the best behind us, 50% if something is better than 100% of nothing.

I'm out of the loop, can someone please tell me what DDR stands for? I have a feeling I know but can't figure out if I'm right.

Dementia Dad Republican, though I prefer Donald Delano Roosevelt.

Ok cool. I got the DD but thought the R was something else, thanks for setting me straight

No, it's also that.

I miss him so much

The OG snapshillbot !

Congratulations Daddy ❤️

Happy birthday diaper ass

Man's got fire in his heart. Too bad Twitter couldn't keep him.

I’m still convinced he just ran to be on a shitpost rampage for 4 years.

An objectively terrible president but without a doubt one of the Top 5 shitposters of all time. Hail to the 👑, baby. Taken from us by tyrant turbo jannies at twatter.

An brilliant terrible president

fixed it

You know, we may never again see a president with the same mix of feral savagery, populist charisma, and total insanity as Donald J Trump. That's probably a good thing for global stability, if we're being totally honest with ourselves. If the guy had just dumped a few more points into Intelligence and been more cooperative with potential allies, who knows what he might have achieved.


This bastard fired Scaramucci. He denied us a timeline where/when The Mooch gets quoted in the press every day.

Remember what they took from you...

The second picture on the left shows how happy T@ump is. He is more happy shaking hands with rocket man than holding a bible in his palm




Trump is cuckpilled.