Leaf rentcels eternally btfo

61  2021-06-14 by Hotwheelsjack97


This is the future they chose by kneeling to their Chinese overlords.

When the Leaf begs for mercy on their knees I shall respond "不"

This doesn't have anything to do with foreign Chinese investors.

Yeah leech domestic investors in multiple countries are trying to pass it off on the Chinese because they know how angry it makes people.

Western governments better step up and do something about the rampant real estate speculation taking place.

I've read horror stories about people literally being unable to buy houses they want to live in because real estate speculators just run up the bids 6 figures over asking price.

In my neighborhood my real estate guy told me that over 90% of the home purchases are from wealthy investors from LA (we're like two hours away) that are buying them up at way over asking price and turning all the properties into airbnbs.

My cozy little neighborhood has basically become a nonstop party for outoftowncels that can't shut the fuck up and sleep at night like normal people.

There's even a massive campaign now against it and people are putting up giant signs in their yards protesting it.

On the one hand, I hate what they're doing to my city. On the other, it's kind of cool that my house went from 405k to 787k in a little over a year.

Become the dictator you always wanted to be by forming your HOA.

Being an oppressive tyrant was always my dream job as a child, maybe I'll go for it.

sell and leave, it ain't getting better

On the other, it's kind of cool that my house went from 405k to 787k in a little over a year.

Sell and move anywhere else.

There's literally no mention of anything Chinese at all. I'm pretty sure the comment OP was memeing w/o having read the article, which is absolutely an acceptable position.

The longer this goes on the more I'm starting to agree with you. A house going within a week for way over asking, all cash, no contingencies, seems like the norm now.

An investigative j*urnalist needs to find out how many of these are actually being lived in by a family a month after closing, and how it compares to "normal" because this shit is not sustainable.

Found the paypiggie. Get out of the kitchen if you can't handle the heat.

My family owns a large amount of real estate.

My dad could beat up your dad....if he ever comes back from his smoke run.

I'm in a high growth area in NC and the market is absolutely nuts rn. I've heard multiple stories of people getting cash offers well above what they're asking. Rona forbearance rules, real estate speculation, and from what I can tell even more people than normal fleeing the rust belt and I honestly believe it could be tough to find something especially if you don't know the area.

Do you have Canada confused with Australia?


massive respect to this landstacy of color 👏🏼👏🏽👏🏾

Day of the leafblower when

Aren’t home prices to rent ratios at an all time high? I hope this arrogance causes them to lose money

Wait, this is in Canada? Based, fuck leafs

Listen you fucking retards. Do we have a chair crisis? Like someone buys all chairs and then hikes the price of chairs by 5000%? No? Why? Could that possibly be because the chair market is as close to an unregulated free market as it gets, with all the nice consequences?

So when you look at a market that's suffering and causes suffering because it's pretty far from a free market thanks to government-enforced monopolies, how exactly do you conclude that this can and shall be fixed with more regulation? What?

Its actually pretty simple:

Limited number of housing + increasing/unlimited demand from people hitting 18+ yearly and mass immigration = too many people but not enough housing.

Renthogs are importing competition for them buying a home and then crying that the housing markets are responding normally by raising prices.

It's not pretty simple, the problem is that usually a surge of demand results in a surge of supply, so why isn't there a surge of supply of cheap housing?

Interestingly enough I believe that the reason actually destroys the libertarian principle that says that giving the power to make decisions to the people on the ground is good for everyone because they know what's best for themselves better than the government, right? Well, it turns out that they also know that their investment in their house only grows up in price if they are not allowing a skyscraper full of cheap apartments in their backyards, so they libertarianly don't do that.

I hop that Covid and work from home is going to completely burst that bubble and destroy that bullshit and it would be nice and would suffice.

why isnt there a large supply of cheap housing?

There is, but renthogs think theyre entitled to live in downtown major city for pennies. No one is stopping them from literally being paid by the gov to move to rural kansas but thats "beneath them". Hell, go tell a renthog to move to a smaller midwest city where 2 bedroom apt rentals go for a third of a soho studio and hell laugh in your face.

The supply is there, but its not good enough. Cheap city housing = bad and unsafe basketball neighborhood so nope. Cheap non major city housing = no Hustle and Bustle (C) TM, noped. Even cheaper rural housing = rednecks, noped.

The options are there, they just dont want it.

Most people have more aspirations than uprooting their lives to become a rural methhead waiting tables at the same shitty diner for the next 40 years. There's a reason industry and employment centers emerged the way they did.



Pick one. No, owning every funko is not a real thing to aspire to.

The exchange is why arr drama is still the last good thing on r*ddit

Dredd style Megalopolises now

Is there a more self entitled adult than an urban renter🤔

Bubble seems to still be inflating, but housing is different than chairs though. It requires way more time and money to plan/build along with all the supporting services and physical space it needs.

Your blame shouldn't rest solely on NIMBYs; the process and outsized investment it takes to get new housing going, as well as all levels of government being hellbent on constantly increasing populations, are also at fault.

Just going to ignore the missing middle? Also its not libertarian to use the government to stop other people from building more dense housing on their property.

If renthogs just shared their apartments with people this wouldn't be an issue smh

shared their apartments

Subletting MY PROPERTY is landphobic bigotry and grounds for eviction sweaty

They do, and you know why? Systemic racism. Get with it or get packing, rentaloid.

Limited number of housing

Come on, man! How bout that supply side, bartendcel??

I'll supply you a bottle to boof 😘

Can’tnadians should gather as many Yuan bucks from selling their land as they can before simply not recognizing the Chinese company ownership in the land. What are those Chinese businesses going to do, demand a charge-back?

Just sell it to the Chinese, and then wait for them to leave it empty, and then you come back and squat in it and claim squatter's rights. Problem solved.

Do you think theses hedge funds pay in yuans or dollars ?

But we need to mandate front yards! They are probably the most wasteful use of land in America.

Suburbs = 🤮

t. Pod-dweller

t. blue lives matter

Rental Single Family is the current hot trend in North American residential real estate. Since I profit from this directly I cannot wait for the seethe once mainstream journos catch on and realize that not only are those tract homes bad for the environment, you have to rent them from capitalist property developers 🥰🥰🥰

I don't get how profitable in the long term because the government massively subsidies owing a single, single family home. You have programs like the FHA, tax free capital gains for the first million and the mortgage interest deduction.

Built for rent SFR is not elligible for any of those programs, and operate closer to multifamily housing blocks than traditional SFR. They make money by leveraging institutional financing to have dozens of asset-backed cash flow generating investments for relatively little cash up front, more or less the same as apartment blocks but with the added benefits of being able to sell off housing units individually if they want to. Its made viable from a) just how cheap tract home land is and b) just how cheap of a home people are willing to put up with if they have a repair guy at their beck and call as a part of their rental contract.

pension funds

How does this fit into the commies' narrative? Workers are exploiting other workers.

Why did my mind automatically refer to the title as "leaf rectal"

Hicks was posting this sort of stuff in stupidpol recently