After analyzing a cartoon, the folks of r therightcantmeme definitively prove the link between Reddit, words words words and literal genocide.

350  2021-06-15 by busslordlowkeybussin


Why is everything genocide to reddit leftoids and rightoids

Their lives are sheltered and boring so they need something horrendous to fight against as a way of defining themselves. Despite this, they could do just that by boycotting companies that kowtow to China, but that would be too much effort and sacrifice for your average Internet "activist" who NEEDS to keep up with baby yoda and buy the new phone out or whatever.

I hate how leftoids have taken that one bors comic to mean that they have no responsibility to actually live up to the shit they speak

The guy in a well speaking to a peasant one? Yeah people pull that one up when you tell them that buying luxury items made in China is hypocritical

Talking about how private property should be abolished while buying the new i phone every year and a serf in medieval europe wanting a better life is completely the same wtf are you talking about????

You're missing the point of that comic rather hilariously.

I'm not gonna let a b*larussian person disrespect me like that, now show me some bussy so we can move on.

I'll go one further - why do rightoids get autistically literal when it comes to the memes coming from the other side?

PS. You should censor wh*te. Good job!

How am I a r*ghtoid

Still waiting on the bussy

You go first, seniority and all that.

The point is that it's not literal, and it's pretty fucking ridiculous to point out a hyperbolic example whenever someone points out that you never put your money where your mouth is.

why do rightoids get autistically literal when it comes to the memes coming from the other side?

Because lefties have become dull-witted and humorless and are so afflicted by the 'tism that they can no longer communicate with any subtlety. We're talking about people who thought "Drumpft" was high comedy. One should realize that they speak/post as literally as possible, usually with extreme hyperbole. It's almost as if you've never seen a Pizza-post.

Pizza isn't a leftie, he doesn't even consider himself one. I've had a long discussion with him once on the subject and he refused to define his beliefs as anything other than extremely buzzwordy "progressive". In fact his fights with actual lefties were as common as they were with rightoids...

Pizza isn't a leftie

he refused to define his beliefs as anything other than extremely buzzwordy "progressive".

Anyone who describes themselves as "progressive" is usually at least center-left and use "progressive" to avoid the negative stereotypes attached to "liberal" or "leftist."

He's using it as a buzzword. His actual opinions are all over the place and will land on the "right" side as often as they do on the "left". Pretty shit example of a leftie, since his actual post history suggests that he took magatard programme (lower the taxes and own the libs) and decided that it was too complicated, thus concentrating only on "own the cons".

By that same token I should use the dumbest, most rslurred mdefugees as the ultimate example of rightoids.

You're strawmanning, is what I'm saying.


Also buying chik-fil-a is trains genocide


I had given up fried foods for my diet but it looks breaded bird and pickle sandwiches need to go back on the menu.


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Yeah that one.

My principles are dictated by the convenience it takes to uphold them.

This but unironically.

Unfortunately, rightoids have been hunted so close to extinction that the remaining meek and deformed specimen aren't very fun to troll since they dont have the spine to stand up for themselves. So trolling is mostly limited to leftoids.

Gonna need to see this comic big boy, haven't come across it.

Ahh this one! Yeah it's never been so easy to wash your hands of any and all responsibility.

Thanks boo 🥰😘😘

Its crazy how they use this shitty comic like its some divine revelation to absolve them of their sins.

Says a lot when you need what is essentially an abbreviated picture book to reach this conclusion.

Living in the world as it exists while wishing for systemic change is not a sin.

Yeah but you can at least try. A lot of vocal leftoids are more involved with the trappings of consumer capitalism than apolitical 9-5 drink on the weekend, watch TV people. You'd think they'd lead by example and not look for the easiest excuses to make no lifestyle changes.

And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. Truly I tell you, they already have their full reward.

That's Wokies in a nutshell. It's all performative.

That's completely pointless.

non-homosexual link

Any true dramachad will click the other one.

The first one at least is completely valid criticism. Words mean nothing when you suppoort their actions with your money even though you have alternatives. Buy a 2 thousand dollar made in america phone, they exist.

It's so fucking annoying. Any time someone tells them to put action into their words, they point out that sometimes that's not effective, so they never have to ever do anything at all. Owned.



Well of course, if you want to boycott China you’ll have to drop like 90% of the companies around which is way too much effort for internet warriors

You can tell their income by what they complain about. All of these people will (arguably rightfully) rail on space daddy for using children to mine lithium, but they'll never get a Tesla so it's fair game to them. Conversely, every piece of rainbow clothing they buy comes with a child's hand stitched into it and they happily turn a blind eye to it. Having principles is admirable, but only if you actually to act on them. Anyway no more serious posting, I can only hope their idle nature persists into their ability to leave the house and reproduce.

Nowhere is this more obvious than in tipping. Redditors are stingy bastards and don’t want to tip, and oppose tipping to pretend to be moral in opposing it, not realizing servers make way more than they do.

Tipping is fake and gay, but you're right in that its never waiters pushing to get rid of tipping.

100% agree especially because they get paid $40/hr to sling dishes while the actual cooks are making $10/hr.

Tbf I'd rather take the $10 if it meant I didn't have to engage with the sperg customers.

Having principles is admirable, but only if you actually to act on them.

If you dont act on them, you dont have principles.

That's why I prefer being morally flexible.

Cobalt. 90% Cobalt is mined by quasi slave children in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Its in pretty much every lithium ion battery.


Leftoids are the ones who need baby yoda funko pops, Rightoids need WH40k figures and weeaboo merch.

The gold standard for a serious post right here boys, take notes unapprovedcels.


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Especially sucks cause all the ethnic cleansings are left in the dust :(

Sorry sweaty, those issues actually require effort so they aren’t important


That’s because those are all lies by western capitalists to discredit daddy xi. Get rekt neolib

This but unironically

Radical centrism is the only way


Because they think if they can somehow get their arguments to relate to Hitler, they win their pointless Internet discussion.

Because people's worldview is nowadays pure hyperboles with zero middle-ground in between.

Because we haven’t had a real genocide in a couple generations


* real genocide of people that matter

Black-on-black violence doesn't exist and is a fiction created by white colonizers to deflect accusations about their misdeeds. Even if there were any actual black-on-black violence it would be the result of a PoC internalizing whiteness and engaging in white supremacy.

Except literal genocide. t. CCP

Leftoids would have a lot more supporters if they weren’t such hysterical lunatics with no sense of humor

Or if any of their proposed policies made any sense whatsoever

Seriously, lol. Everyone on the planet is a Nazi. Black people attack Asians because of white supremacy. Wanting stricter immigration policies = a slippery slope to fucking genocide.

I was a leftist at one point, and when I realized how fucking stupid their argument for everything are is, I ditched them. The US and Canada/Australia/Western Europe are great countries that have very little problems so these people need to create their own problems, then divide us up and create an enemy out of some guy who wants lower taxes.

"very little problems" lol

You're right there are some pretty serious problems with mass migration from Africa and the Middle East, but leftists celebrate those problems. The problems they complain about are from last century and have little relevance in today's society.

Today I saw some urban, newcomer youths at the supermarket (in Western Europe), calling everyone "brotha" and shoving eachother for no reason. I thought "These are the only people on whom the term toxic masculinity would actually apply. What a pity the only people that utter that term would use this term for anyone but them"

So true. Aggressive behavior, blatant disregard for other people, thuggish attitudes, violence as a top priority and running in gangs. That is toxic masculinity. Not working out at the gym. Not dressing well and aiming for a promotion at your job so you can earn more money. Not hunting. Not raising a family with good morals.

We've somehow slipped into opposite world. Best of luck in Europe. I'd recommend Hungary or Poland if you wanted to find refuge, so to speak.

Nah, I wouldn't like to be surrounded by rightoids either. Denmark is probably the most balanced place, but I'd be a manlet there, so I'm fine.

Any of the Northern European countries could be good then, I don't blame you for thinking Denmark. I wonder how tall Finnish or Swedes are, lol


Well shit then maybe I should visit personally so I'm not just talking out of my ass all the time.


unironically fuck the poor


And here is the perfect example of why mayo culture is f*cked. Being scared of young men pushing each other for fun. Even mayo rightoids are soyboys.

The "country too cushy" angle mayo natsoc tards use, like everything else in politics, is just dumb projection.

I absolutely love that sub. The seething is off the charts every single day. That 4 panel artist (not stonetoss, I forget his name), who I love his art btw, is prominent there. Only because he's so good. The shitty memes get like no interaction. But that guy nets like 1000 comment responses and all these awards. As these rslurs jerk each other raw with words words words as why it's sealioningstrawmaning. Love it.


How did you get away with linking?

links to images are allowed

This is clearly a link to another subreddit not an image.

lawlz can y'all me if he wants 🤷

Lawlz can y’all me anytime he wants too😫😫

It's a gallery link; apparently autojannie doesn't care about those.

Nah, Stonetoss did this exact same joke but subtler

Hedgewik is so unsubtle and over-the-top that the RightCantMeme hand-wringers go absolutely crazy. His comics are blood in the water for them.

I used to post rightoid memes there and just say "ugh my dad posted this on facebook"

Wasn't there a /pol/ campaign there recently to submit racist/Jewish stuff with cringe titles in an attempt to Redhill them?

For some reason I'm reminded of the US Socialist Convention

Much like dogs and a*tists, DSA members are terrified of loud clapping

loud sounds are bad.

Especially when it's amerifats clapping at... well everything.

👋🏿👋🏿[-s furiously]

Is that the one where some fat soy-guy stripped to his underwear on stage and started dancing, or was that the libertarian convention?

No it's the one with everyone bitching about pronouns and a guy in a dress giving a speech with a moose knuckle clearly visible to all.

Ah, the one where they stopped every 30 seconds to mention personal privilege

Mmmmmmm point of personal privilege

That was the lolberts


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“They see the world and its people as a cartoon. But also, DAE everyone on the right is a racist, uneducated, redneck, white, bigot, male?”

I wonder if they're this critical of the terrible leftist cartoons that also caricaturize reality.

Self awareness on my plebbit?

Self-aware autist is an oxymoron

If I see this one posted one more time unironically... Well, I'll probably do nothing, but it's a stupid fucking comic.


How is this drama?

The people arguing in the second pic about genocide is the Reddit drama.


ugh, dont you get it, ugh leftoids, conservatards, genocide something, jeeze

The earth is drama

Lol at this dude pretending the r*ghtoid wouldn’t be morbidly obese

Right? Like the McDonalds dude could easily be a Fentuckian if they were several shades lighter.

That guy is on 4chan saying how white he is 110%

Yes the extremely niche comics that no one knows or cares about besides try hard rightoids and seething leftists are a precursor for genocide.

Rightoids cry about white genocide because they know they cant get laid

Is the macdonald’s guy bisexual?

Loving the Merimutt cameo in the comic.

The right can't meme is such a ironically funny place. The short live right winger joke was that leftwingers aren't funny. In response, the terminally online left decided to fight back by stealing the joke. And then obsessing over the phrase "the left cant meme" for literal years after its gone from a truism to an unspoken truth. And all they do is take ostensibly funny or not funny right winger memes and seethe and obsess over them with endless over analysis.

That sub is full of projection. It's pretty funny.

Does this artist live in 2003? The black people = saggy pants look hasn't been in style for years.

I live in Youngstown Ohio (total shit hole btw) and I can confirm it is still very much a style, suburbancel

the midwest is usually only about 10 years behind, so you're right it doesn't track




The rust belt really does suck

That's why I wear black leather belts instead.

America 🤢🤮🤮🤮



I still see sagging pants regularly just with more fitted style jeans opposed to the oversized jeans from the early 2000's.

Sagging in nuthuggers, lol take a dumb fashion and make it stupider

since 2003

Uh no sweatie

I saw it in Chicago when I was there in 2019. It's not in style but people still do it. Ironically though most of the people I see who "sag" are whitoid Eminem fans

Self aware = 0

blue collar, red neck, red voter.

The reason why they type paragraphs is because their ideas are so stupid, it would be lampooned more often than it is now. That's why they have to Thesaurus post their arguments, because no one with a life would read through all of it.

I miss the days when words still had meaning.

Can't believe they doxxed Finn like that

drama is turning into arr averageredditor, people seething over ___can’t meme posts.


If you don't ever want to have political power in this world, do what they do and just refuse to get along with anyone. It's a foolproof plan for tripping on your own dick.

Circlejerk post for conservatives in drama 😴😴😴

Need a good rightoid post every so often otherwise this place turns into Stupidpol. Only good thing lately is DDR looking very pale. Inshallah we'll be dunking on rightoids again soon 🤞🤞

I demand more post about rich people killing themselves and each other smh

You have very high expectations. Doubt we'll see much in those niche dramatic areas.

Unless you count Chrissy Teigen killing her own career and now grovelling for forgiveness. Or the attempted cancelling of Billie Eilish because she's 19 dating a 30 yo who made racist comments.

Damn he looks old in that second pic. I guess the decades of McD have finally overcome the absorbing effect of dicking 50% plastic-by-weight prostitutes.

Hedgewik is an incel chud who humps asuka body pillows

*Beep Boop This comment was made by Sneed’s Feed and Seed (Formerly Chuck’s)

damnn the projection you got there mate


Current status: seething, coping and dilating hard


Why do lefties and rightoids use the most ridiculous names to insult people

Can't tell if you're making fun of how ridiculous leftists are or if you're just a ridiculous leftist. 5/10 regardless.

I regret commenting that now 😢

Never regret anything.




Now I see.....