What the hell happened? I put down $23k total today on Matic / TITAN LP token for 1 billion % apr this morning and this was so trash! I went from $23k down to 67 cents… how does your coin drop from $60 Down to 0? You better fix this soon!

8  2021-06-18 by JimieWhales


Going to the /rising tab on Reddit always have someone mass spamming a crypto pump and dump

They couldn’t possibly be more obvious, but people can’t help thinking they are smart enough to get out before the dump. Shockingly, they aren’t.

I have been shit posting for weeks on all the /rising spam - it’s all so ludicrously blatant. Why Reddit Inc. doesn’t seem to care about the most egregious platform manipulation I’ve witnessed in years is baffling. Unfathomable incompetence.

They haven't for years. Reddit as a forum platform is nothing like it was post digg migration.

Outside of small subs and drama it is entirely foreign to me nowadays. Has been since 2014 really.

You should see cryptomoonshots. Posts with <50 comments all shadow banned and 100 awards within an hour. Scam coins are everywhere.

You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal, nobody with a working brain would put time into reading such drivel, let alone attempt to use it in place of information sources. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure, or at least have one of your four links lead to something data-focused, instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.


  1. What the hell happened? I put down ... - archive.org, archive.today*

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I desperately hope these people lose all their money.

This particular one already lost all but $0.67.

I know that because I read it. What I'm saying is that we need more arrogant idiots like him losing everything

I just Google reddit for the Luls and see this as a topical article; https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/7-best-reddit-stocks-to-buy-100-to-spare-1030535520

If someone above age 20 is trying to gamble 100 dollars on stocks they are extremely economically fucked. Lmao. Live within your means, but most people won't or can't.

100 dollars I guess is a lot for manchildren nowadays. Now you want to get fleeced for another 100? Haha. Aight bet.

Invest in daggermag coins today! It'll totally 10x your 100 dollars into 1 grand! Oh no what's this about capital gains? Oh oops you missed the dump deadline, now your daggermag coins are worth nothing and you lost 100 dollars and hours of your life.

There's a lot of young men who really don't want to work a shitty job for the next 40 years, but who also don't have any discernable talents or ideas, besides YOLOing their meager savings on some meme coins or stonkz.

/rwsb used to be full of hedonistic nihilism, but now it reeks of tragic desperation (same with the crypto subs).

/rwsb used to be full of hedonistic nihilism, but now it reeks of tragic desperation (same with the crypto subs).

The old WSB would be absolutely horrified by what it's become today.

Decadence and fake speculation into opulence... the breeding ground for r-slurs.

i use big words i am dumb xd me grug

Decadence and speculation can be hilarious when it's being perpetrated by real market nihilists. The old WSB truly had no ethos except to try and make large amounts of money from high-risk plays. It was full of r-slurs but there was actually a decent amount of surprisingly well thought out bets. And everybody was as politically apathetic as it gets. A lot of users were probably finance bros making 150k a year being slaves for Morgan Stanley, it wasn't exactly a revolutionary front.

Now it's this pathetic group of latestagecapitalism users that hate the system but also want to become a millionaire with the least effort possible via the system. And they all convince themselves they're doing it for a higher purpose--"battling" the hedge funds and "getting shorty." It's just awful. "Down with Melvin amiright guys? Also can someone explain to me what a call option is?"

Instead of actually putting down your head and learning a skill these fat neckbeards just want it easy.

Well sorry redditors. Life ain't easy.

It totally went to shit after the gamestop frenzy in Jan

Normies ruin everything!!!!111 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

You know the market has reached the top (and its time to sell) when strippers and your coworkers start asking what stocks to buy

Us OGs are absolutely horrified. But it is also extremely easy to make money off those r-slured apes so it isn’t all that bad


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I always wonder how the crypto and wsb-cels keep getting these amounts of money. I know they don't have to spend anything on taking women out on dates, but surely the extra Mountain Dew and frozen junk food consumed would eat up any money saved from that. How do they build up 23k in liquid assets when there are Funkos and vidya gaymes to buy?

Also, these "currencies" are all obvious pump and dumps. If you've even heard of it, the people who pumped it have already started dumping it. I mean, duh.

Most of those people are normie low-middle class people putting their meager savings in a get rich quick scheme in hopes of being the next DFV
