NPR spokeswhore writes an article attacking Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was completely innocent and that girl was clearly brainwashed into remembering him by her psychiatrist.

4  2021-06-19 by 911roofer


My favorite part of this whole saga was covering for her illegal sub renting situation. Dr. Ford converted her house to have a private entrance for a few rooms that was leased out, because it is a house in Palo Alto and the rent is insane and she probably covered her mortgage with this arrangement. Palo Alto has restrictions on this and I believe you need to pay separate taxes or get a license or something. But to cover it up it was reported that she installed a second front door to her living room because she was left so mentally scared she couldn't be at ease in a house with only one.

Maybe this will get Kav to overturn Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co.

Damn she is a landchad too. I believe her then

Journalism in the age of Trump has been an endlessly fraught enterprise; Calmes' book is a master class in how to do it well.

lol cope. The news were blasting any minor infractions the guy may have done for weeks, and they still couldn't took him down. Even my mother, whose new source regarding America mostly regurgitates the CNN and BBC talking points, stopped believing Ford.

Those idiots played themselves, not him.

Can someone tell me….do normies actually believe her? I can’t get a good read on this.

Normies don't pay attention to politics


This was removed by AEO.


In the ass. That's what boofing actually is

When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


  1. NPR spokeswhore writes an article a... -,*

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