Israeli Food Truck Excluded From Philadelphia Food Festival, Following 'Community Concerns'

1  2021-06-20 by 911roofer


“We realize now how many in our community find the existence of Jews offensive and we apologize for the harm we have caused.”

I didn't know /pol/ was in charge of this event.

It gets even funnier. The amazing spineless schmucks running the event cancelled the whole thing rather than get called out for it.

When are these people gonna realize there is absolutely no benefit to capitulate to woke demands. If they had just told them to fuck off from the start this whole thing could’ve been avoided

Just look at the difference between this and the factorio guy. Here, the whole thing was ruined because of the wokies. Because you cant please the woke mob, which is impossible because their goal is not to create change but to tear others down in order to prove their own moral virtue, now no one gets to enjoy anything and the idea of bringing the community together has completely failed. The mob has achieved the opposite of the supposed goal, and everyone is off worse for wear.

The factorio dude meanwhile gets to go on like nothing happens. It will be forgotten in a day or two, and neither the bottom line nor anything else will hurt from it. The review-bombing will probably be reversed as well.

Qed. Just ignore the mob, and it will go away because like a fire that doesn't get more fuel, it burns itself out.

You can bet the wokies would consider this a major victory though. They "canceled" the event, which probably was their objective all along.

Ironic, considering it was an event to promote immigrant owned businesses.

They're straight up hurting the people they claim to champion.

Don't feed the trolls.

What happened to factorio?

It gets even worse. They later told a local news affiliate that they wouldn't allow the Israeli cuisine truck there because a Palestinian cuisine truck wasn't able to make it to the event...and... they made the Israeli and Palestinian cuisine owners agree that if either wouldn't be able to make it then neither would be allowed to attend. The event owners talked themselves into a discrimination lawsuit.

I tried linking the news site but the dumbshit automod deleted my comment because it confused it for a sub link.

I dont think that's true unless they specified the owners of the food truck's ethnicity or nationality. If you look in the back of pretty much any ethnic restaurants, most of the workers are Mexican.

c'mon bruh

but not the owners

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Clean it up jannies



So then it’s the truck owners that are at fault.



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You dumb motherfucker

Protest over a food truck? Very sane indeed

For those of you not familiar with the Philly culinary scene, by far the best restaurant in the city, Zahav, is an Israeli restaurant and a James Beard award winner, would probably be up for a Michelin Star if Michelin judges ever came to Philly. The owner, Israeli born Michael Solomonov owns a group of restaurants in Philly that are widely considered some of the best in the city, including the aforementioned Zahav, Abe Fisher, K'far and Federal Donuts. On top of this one restaurant group, there is also the widely celebrated Suraya in Fishtown, another Israeli/Middle Eastern inspired restaurant.

The owner of this food truck actually cut his teeth and learned the trade at both Suraya and Zahav.

Like this is just absurd to me, when I think of Philly cuisine, Jewish food is right next to the goddamn cheesesteak in my mind.

>James Beard name-dropper

>CA in username

>foodie feeder talk

Sorry, bro: Opinion discarded.

Found the mayo that only bland food.

Restaurants are for people who can't cook.

I get that Israeli food is just muslim knockoff food, but what even is Jew food? Gefilte fish and matzah? Who would pay to eat that.

Jewish style deli food is fucking awesome.

I will also not accept any slander about pickled herring, that shit is delicious.

Herring is Slavic knockoff food. All actual Jew dishes are garbage.

By the way, I got curious and looked up the menu of Abe Fisher since it sounded the jewiest of them all and wtf is that restaurant lol. It's just a bunch of random shit thrown together. How macaroons, American barbeque and sashimi can be on the same menu, let alone be claimed as Jewish cuisine, I truly do not know. I'd have to be paid to eat there.

Dude, it's Philadelphia. These idiots think they're famous for putting meat and cheese on a sandwich, as if no one's done that before. This probably is the best restaurant in the city.

Matzo ball soup is delicious

Israeli food is mostly middle eastern, since half of Israeli Jews are of middle eastern descent and the general opinion is that middle eastern food is better than Ashkenazi food. Source: I’m a mixed Mizrahi/Ashkenazi Israeli Jew.


Israeli food isn’t Muslim knockoff food… there have been Jews continuously in the land that is now Israel/Palestine since before Islam existed. There are Syrian, Lebanese, and Jordanian Jews. Falafel comes from Egypt, and there are Egyptian Jews as well. Many/most of these foods have uniquely Jewish versions. Due to the Jewish refugee crisis of the last century, where millions of Jewish refugees came to Israel following ethnic cleansing in the Middle East/the Holocaust, the local cuisine has adopted and mashed up all of the foods these Jews brought. However, the food local to Israel/Palestine has always been local to Jews as well, since they have always been there. You can’t appropriate your own culture. Also, there are more than just Muslims in the Levant. There are Levantine Jews, Muslims, Christians (Maronite and otherwise), Druze, Armenians, Baha’i, and I’m probably missing some other groups.

Cope. Without Muhammad's culinary genius, Jew cuisine would still be solely comprised of manna they scrounged up in the dessert.

What the fuck? Jews have been in the Middle East from thousands of years. So now even middle eastern Jews are not allowed to have their own culture? Do you think Jews starved until the Muslims came? There has been a continuous Jewish presence in the Middle East since the kingdom of Judea.

Sweatie, you're starting to sound like an islamophobe. Please correct your ignorance, read the Quran, and stop trying to steal recognition for the food Allah has bestowed upon us all. Inshallah.

Ok, I guess Jews starved until the Muslims came along ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I hope this is a joke lol

Pastrami and lots of great pasties both sweet and savory

so, like, German food?

Don't Germans mostly eat pork? Pastrami is a distinctly Jewish-American thing. Brisket was the poverty cut of choice 100+ years ago, and all the assorted euro migrants on the east coast ate it. The New York Jews were likely not the only people to figure out that corned beef tastes better smoked, but they were definitely the first to codify it as a dish of cultural significance. As for the pastries, yeah. Turns out Europeans love butter. But if you really want to claim that x, y, and z are all ripoffs of other people's food, you're not going to get anywhere useful because humans mostly all eat the same shit. Except the Chinese, they do an unusually good job of varying their proteins.

Don't Germans mostly eat pork?

let's try to fix american "education" a bit

Pastrami is a distinctly Jewish-American thing.

in America, yes. in Euroland it's a germanic thing, that was adopted with some enthusiasm by Northern Slavs as well

The New York Jews were likely not the only people to figure out that corned beef tastes better smoked, but they were definitely the first to codify it as a dish of cultural significance.


As for the pastries, yeah.

thanks for conceding this one


Simple cultural appropriation, not "ripoffs". Happens all the time, in all cultures. Romanians claim "sarma" as their own dish, when it's clearly a middle-eastern thing, for example. Hungarians claim palinca as their own, when it's clearly Romanian. Banh mi greatly benefit from French-style bread, absolutely not an Asian thing, wheat wasn't even grown in Thailand until the colonists came. And so it goes.

t. Coping Eurangutan. I didn't read any of that btw

based and matzo pilled

That’s just what’s found in the US since most American Jews are Ashkenazi. Israeli Jews are mostly Mizrahi (Jews from the Middle East and North Africa) and the cuisine reflects that.

There's more to Jewish cuisine then Passover sedars. Jews tend to stick to regional cuisine with a kosher twist. For example, my mom's stuffed cabbage originated in Europe.

That said, when I think of Shwarma and hummus I think of Israel and how awesome it is.

Excluding people is fucking toxic. What a bunch cunts. If people were going to harass them call the fucking police and have them there. It is a community event. Whoever was running this has single digit IQ

Jew[ish food truck] expelled from an event to make it judenrein – in Philadelphia, PA, United States.

This is antisemtism in 2021.


Oh, Philadelphia. What is Philadelphia? Philadelphia, as a city, brings nothing but shame to Pennsylvania on the international stage. When comparing Philadelphia with other English-speaking cities such as London, Sydney, Auckland and Toronto, any decent human’s face must blush in humiliation. Even bumblefuck states like South Carolina, Wisconsin or Utah have Charleston, Madison and Salt Lake City: presentable cities, complete with high standards of living. Pennsylvania gets punished with Philadelphia, capital of losers. In all the union, Philadelphia is home to the largest number of arseholes by far. Comcast, DuPont, the Flyers and Bill Cosby are but a few examples of all the incompetent scum being kept here. Glorious times have long since passed, the city is face down in the dirt. Philadelphians are lazy sods to their very core. Traits that would, in any civilised culture, pass for nothing but laziness, rudeness, incompetence, dissocial personality disorder or idiocy, are taken by the Philadelphian and declared a way of life. That is why the Philadelphian harbours intense feelings of hatred for anyone who’s better than him in any way. Especially the all-around superior New Yorkers are a thorn in his side. He envies their success, and Manhattan makes the top on his list of hatred. That city is – and has! – everything that Philadelphia wants to be and have. Philadelphians take no interest in the fact that it is Manhattan that finances their dissolute lifestyle, in fact, they secretly believe that they have earned it. So instead of freeing themselves from their envious and resentful lethargy, instead of rolling up their sleeves and improve their city, they revel in their antisocial freeloading and praise their so-called World Heritage City. Culturally, Philadelphians are set up rather weakly, great works lie far back in history. Moreover, mispronouncing "water" as "wooder" is considered a great cultural feat. Advanced students have mastered replacing each and every noun with "jawn". The city’s culinary performance is second-rate. Here, a sandwich made from glued-together, meaty odds and ends adorned with Cheez-Whiz and onions is sold as a culinary masterpiece. Hardly any reasonable person would consider a pile of leathery beef with imitation cheese a recipe, let alone the holy grail of culinary arts. Yet, in their magnanimity, the rest of the USA lets the Philadelphian keep his delusion, not wanting to amplify his inferiority complex. Economically, Philadelphia is an utter disaster, even California stands on more solid ground. The local economy is based around heroin, casinos that would be considered fifth rate in Atlantic City and, if the FBI is to be believed, the Mafia. Disregarding his own bankruptcy, the Philadelphian treats himself to prestigious projects like the Constitution Center and the subway "system" – which, considering its inoperative nature, is likely an art installation. Moreover, the city houses the Wharton School, which refrains from using "white-collar criminals" in its official name (Probably for marketing reasons). For the longest time, every one of this "town’s" "mayors" has butchered anything he found left in a presentable state. Long story short: Philadelphia is America's tiled coffee table. It is to America what Tijuana is to Mexico, and if it hadn't finally started picking up the trash in its streets, it would be America's Naples. Philadelphia is a blemish, the abscess on the arse of the nation. Philadelphia is the uninvited party guest, who didn’t even bring any booze and wouldn’t even understand he’s not welcome if he had his teeth beaten out and got thrown down the stairs. Philadelphia is the Glasgow of America and should be sold to Brazil for 200 reais.

Based and oh, Berlin-pilled

I think the murder rate of Glasgow is way lower than Philadelphia's.

This is so hilarious I thought you were snappy for a second. I think I'm gonna steel this and replace "Philadelphia" with "Baltimore".

Bonne chance


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Philly is filled with idiots, and the sub for this shithole is filled with even more insufferable idiots.

I can't believe I moved back to this dump.

Your food is fire tho.

Like I live on the West Coast and whenever I make a trip to that side of the country I tack on a few days in Philly just to eat.

It really isn't though, and I'm not sure why this meme persists. I love soft pretzels more than most other foods/snacks, but there is nothing special or great about the food in Philly, that you can get in pretty much any other major east coast city

I think the difference is the cost to quality ratio.

I was actually talking to a bar owner in Philly a couple years ago and he explained to me that because of it's proximity to NYC combined with Pennsylvania's r-slurred liquor laws, many chefs will basically pilot their concept in Philly due to the low overhead costs making risk lower before trying out the concept in NYC.

So basically when you actually hit that spot, you get high end NYC level food, for a fraction of the cost because the rent is cheaper and nobody bothers trying to get a liquor license, which is a huge upfront cost for restaurants.

I live in Portland, ME which has arguably the best food scene per capita in the country and there’s a similar dynamic here. The access to tons of local produce, restaurant trained labor force, and low cost to open a storefront means a lot of NYC chefs do the same concept proving here.

In a lot of cases, the liquor license is worth more than the property the business owns.

The beauty of Philly is its real estate is relatively affordable while also being a city with great diverse food, tons of stuff to do, and not being a giant enormous tax loving city like NYC.

Lol, that's a lie and I'm tired of hearing "omg the food" about cities.

Philly takes an extra 4% of your pay just for working there, 3.4% if you don't live there. It has one of the highest crime rates, and it's a garbage city, filled with garbage people. Philly is one of the few places where people think all the worst stereotypes about them are something to be proud of.

There's a reason most of the big companies locate just outside the city, and it's because it the most business and worker unfriendly cities in the US.

I was having a conversation about Philly the other day. For such a large city, we know almost nothing about it. There's the Liberty Bell, cheesesteaks, Rocky and IASIP were based there, UPenn and... that's it. We couldn't think of any businesses based there, any of their local politics, any immigrant group that is\was disproportionally settled there, what industries are big, musicians\artists from there, etc. We'd never met anyone from there, knew anyone who moved there, or heard of anyone we know vacationing there. It's like they never told the city they couldn't just say "original capital" over and over.

Would you live in a city just because it was featured in a pop culture sensation? That is literally the dumbest reason to live anywhere. You don’t live somewhere because of the musicians that made music there. And same goes for your other arguments.

That’s why living outside of the city while going into the city for events/meetups is the best.

This is like banning a Chinese food truck because of the actions of the CCP, or banning Russian food trucks because of Putin. So stupid.

I'd like some Freedom Fries (TM) with that order pls

There's a Pennsylvania Dutch joke in here somewhere

Good morning, horseshoe theory is fact

the horse doesn't fall far from the shoe




Horseshoe theory at its finest.