Smugardines struggle with the suggestion that reddit is enforcing a political bias.

1  2021-06-21 by SandorClegane_AMA



srd users are the worst subsect of this entire site, because they pretend to be, "above the fray" but they're not, at all.

they're exactly the same type of unfunny, unoriginal, group-thinking, "im not mad ur akshually mad", terminally-online, "excuse me teacher you forgot to pick up the homework"-ass rslurs as the people they're supposedly mocking.

I hope bad things happen to every single member of that forum and yes that includes you the person reading this.

because they pretend to be, "above the fray" but they're not, at all

I think this really hits the mark for all the srdines who think they're "dunking" on PCM users for bringing up 1984 when that reference is clearly meant to be tongue in cheek in the original thread itself.

I'm growing concerned that there's a large segment of the US population, primarily younger people, that are incapable of communicating without snark. They've gotten brain damage from too many MCU quips and trying to emulate the style of black twitter.

incapable of communicating without snark

He says on a subreddit where everyone disguises their autism behind 10 layers of irony

Point taken, we're irony poisoned here too. But snark is just one generic expression of irony and /r/drama has always strived for something higher than the srd style daddy issues, in my experience at least.

and /r/drama has always strived for something higher

Yes, we strive for the sweet taste of bussy.

has always striven

Jesus, the state of this place.

sorry sweetie, strived is listed as acceptable in most dictionaries and also sounds stronger, like me pummeling your Dad's bussy last night

Sweaty, pls

The past participle is more complicated. Striven is the traditional form, but strived has gained ground and is now more common. So, for example, I have striven five years is the traditional construction, but I have strived five years is acceptable to modern English speakers.

> embracing "modern" English šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®

Normally I would be sympathetic but I think this is a broken clock being right etc. situation.


Yikes sweaty do better.

AAVE is a heckin' valid dialect that in some ways has a richer grammar than vanilla English, but you have to speak it right, not like some tiktok zoomer misusing a grab bag of "cool Black people words". (cf. Fuckboy's sibiling comment)

This article looks like it was written by a mayoscum who doesn't understand AAVE isn't "bad english", it's a separate dialect that hasn't grown its army yet.

ya I are EMBRAYCE da DESCRIPTIVIZMĀ”Ā”Ā” šŸ’Æ if uu can undrstaand wut Eyem writin && tryna say.,.thaen thare is 0 (szero) reezon not 2 not NOT eevolv language!

Chek-m8, prescriptivists!!!


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Itā€™s at least as old as Shelleyā€™s Ode to the West Wind:

ā€˜Scarce seem'd a vision; I would ne'er have strivenā€™

Oh nvm Iā€™m metarded

Oh no you must be an srdine.


Imagine not taking the choo choo train to bussytown dude lmao

Wait you are implying that the autism is diguised.

Like purified water through filters, my assšŸ” is distilled behind 7 proxies

le 10 layers of irony meme

a large segment of the US population, primarily younger people, that are incapable of communicating without snark

It's been noticed that the zoomer generation in particular owns and is proud of this. They claim it's a coping mechanism for a shit world in place of the depression of the generation before them.

This is what a generation raised on smartphones has produced.

TLDR: Day of the can when

not soon enough brother


We must revitalize our economy to full canning capacity.



SmugRedditDrama is a (well for the last 5 years at least) woke posting agenda subreddit. The "drama" is essentially to have fellatio smug posting in the comments and reassuring each other's neoliberal hot takes.

Unironic quote I had seen upvoted there: "cancel culture isn't cancer, it's chemo".

Arrdrama, no matter how rslurred, neutered, and pathetic it is, has always been the based place for real drama observation.

I also miss deuxrama, why the fuck were they even banned? I can't even remember now.

It's insane that they're still allowed to ping and link to drama when they're way bigger brigadiers than this sub ever was. All based dramachads ever wanted to do was lure a few lolcows into our lair to laugh at, srdnes march all over this website trying the enforce their morals on every sub that comes to their attention

I remember back when they actually used to complain about ā€œpopcorn pissingā€ Iā€™ve been in this sight so long.

this, popcorn pissing is an explicit goal now

Pinging is how I found this place.


Someone I know IRL got temporarily banned from this sub for ā€œencouraging a brigadeā€ (he basically highlighted how a ridiculous comment was getting upvoted and suggested something maybe should be done about it). This was only 2 months before masterlawlzā€™s blunder so any claim that this sub was doing nothing to stop it was bullshit in the first place. Itā€™s certainly more than SRD has done in years.

"It's not cancel culture, it's consequence culture."

Every damn time.

I feel like these people are intentionally lying when they say this, or just extremely stupid.

How drama isn't banned but Donald and chapo were.

God must watch over us. Spez, are you there?

Chapo would have been fine if they weren't just outright calling for killing off rich people. Drama has had its balls chopped off for the most part.

Chapo was plagued by woke shit, they pretended to be edgy, but they were literally cancel twitter brains. When they tried to cancel one of the podcast members for something so mundane is when they revealed their power level.

IDK I never saw Chapo when it was actually connected mainly to the show

They took pinging from us. Never forget. But do not be sad, be happy that it happened. :)


Ahh yeah

You know you follow the based subreddits when you can't even remember which ones were banned for what.



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Good comment. I still think TopMinds and LeopardFace posters are worse, but maybe thatā€™s because Iā€™m numb to SRD.

Murderedbywords and Leopards are easily the shittiest ā€œnormalā€ subreddits

MurderedByWords and the Commy Mommy Fansub are mirror images of each other. Like I get it, sheā€™s a Midwest 9 and that would make her hot to some, but the obsession is unhealthy.

Fun fact: all submissions to the latter sub are posted by one account.

Leopards in particular is great because it lets you peer directly into the skulls of these people and you can see what their fucked up idea of justice and morality is.

Add SelfAwareWolves

The average subject on Selfaware deserves it, even if itā€™s indirectly. The average post on Leopards is like ā€œThis guyā€™s uncle called COVID ā€˜China Fluā€™ last year, now his kids were killed in a car crash!ā€

Topminds Leopardface and SRDines are all the same user base.

Don't get me started on malicious complainants.

Selfawarewolfcels are in the running for smuggest little rats on this site too

Any sub that regularly makes it to the frontpage is shit.


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I just don't get how they're so smug. My best guess is that it has to be a larp because I guarantee you there is nothing these "people" have to be smug about.

there's definitely a real correlation between how smug/self-righeous a person is online and how pitifully shameful they are IRL tbh

A large number of these people I suspect do this to try and atone in some bizarre way for their own past transgressions. How else could so many of these people end up getting canceled themselves eventually for things they did in the past?

I guarantee there are a lot of male feminists on SRD.

I just don't get it tho. Like we've all seen that the woke mob eventually eats their own without a second thought. Why would you join in the first place if this is how it goes down? Meanwhile if instead of caving when they try to bully you, you just kinda don't react too hard but establish boundaries, they eventually go away and you're fine.

Also, pro tip here people; just don't fucking say anything political on the internet with your name attached to it. My social media with my name attached to it is like "Here's me camping! I'm riding a bike! Look at my cute cat! I love my family!" As far as anybody stalking my known social media, I'm about as fucking grillpilled as you can get. It gives me plausible deniability on issues. If somebody asks me my opinion on some social justice cause or new event, I can fake ignorance by saying "Oh I don't really know about that" then let them blather on while I nod and smile, I never have to give an opinion or statement that could be turned against me.

Meanwhile, here I am hanging out with you autists mining salt and milking lolcows.

Going to out myself as an oldfriend here, but anyone remember when SRD used to be super against SRS and proto-wokeism?

I guess SRD is ultimately just conformist: As the whole site has shifted from "free speech" to "you can't say that!" they've moved right along with it.

At the end of the day, SRDines are just another flavor of mainstream redditor.

Yeah, and we kept complainined back in 2012-2015 how the place was going downhill, and was being taken over by SRS-ers. "LOL NO WE ARENT YOU DUMDUM".

I'm just glad /r/drama came into existence. It was way better than SRD ever was. Except now we have had our balls cut off.

It all went to shit when they started unironically having the same argument in srd as in the linked thread. No ability to laugh at morons if the moron happens to have similar same opinion to their own.

SRD has always been pretty loose on banning people for wrongthink. It naturally pumped all of the non-rslurs out of that sub.

Sure, I'm just saying I think their definition of wrongthink has changed over time.

because they pretend to be, ā€œabove the frayā€ but theyā€™re not, at all.

So dramoids and srdines are the same after all.

At least dramoids can be funny

Highly debatable.

Literally proving their point.



We at least donā€™t pretend to be above the fray. Our drama is about getting into it and egging it on.

Killing the ability to lure in Lolcows has really hurt that part of the subreddit.

I mean, us dramoids don't brigade to try and enforce our high and mighty moral beliefs on """hate""" subs. While we do sorta brigade, its usually just for drama, and not to fight hate or whatever srdines think they're doing

Yeah I only ever went into threads to stir up shit against whoever was being the most smug. If anything, I should have been rewarded

I sometimes think whether the SRS types moved to SRD, or it was just the fempire spreading to SRD, while the SRS types moved on to other stuff in life.

I guarantee the terminally-online SRSisters have not moved on to "other stuff" in life, but they have moved on to other subs, like Absolute Horrorshow Spectacular & friends.

Maybe. I just miss all the "queefing" they did back in SRS.


Nah, FDS is too terfy. SRS was all about being open and inclusive to everyone:

  • political lesbians
  • trains
  • sad single ladies

and, more than anything,

  • straight white men larping as one of the above

SRS was less earnest than SRD is today. They had 'Bens' instead of 'bans' - equivalent to the forced mayonnaise removal that this sub advocates.

I kinda liked SRS. High quality shit-stirrers, for sure.

the worst subsect insect of this entire site


Honestly I haven't really spent any time on that sub, but after perusing it for a couple minutes I've come to the conclusion that they're just a more rarted somehow less self aware version of AHS.

The worst thing about SRDines is that they pretend to love drama but it's a lie. They hate it and want to police it.

They want to make fun of conservatives with views as far right as those held by boomers like Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton.

Low hanging fruit. It's because they really aren't as smart as they think they are. šŸ‘¹

Nothing makes me seethe more than srdines spouting smug takes from their self made pedastals

Nothing worse than a smug person who is also wrong.

Retort: piss off chud

I think the best thing to ever happen with everybody trying to be inclusive and not whatever-ist has been the evolution of incredibly non biting obscure insults that nobody understands and therefore are not actually offended by. Like I don't even know what a chud is, so it's hard for me to get offended if I'm called one.

Like just because they're so sensitive that they consider words literal violence it doesn't mean that people they hurl these hilariously ineffective insults at feel the same way. Like you think some righoid that throws around r-slur, f-slur, n-slur, t-slur etc. is gonna actually get buttmad at being called a chud? I can guarantee you they don't give a fuck.

You should probably just pretend to be insulted and avoid the essay explaining what a chud is and why you should be offended by this incredibly witty non-slur.

I miss when SRD posts were just links to niche arguments or people shitting on the OP for some reason. Now every post is just "user says racist thing. other users disagree" and there's about 50 fucking links to each individual comment.


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This is a comment from a poster on a subreddit for people who like drama:

A few people have DMā€™d me asking why Iā€™m not willing to outright say that this is what is going on.

To be clear, I absolutely do believe that this is what is happening based on patterns and trends that are consistent with analytics that Iā€™ve seen from this strategy having been used before. Obviously a journalist would need to look into the data and publish it (barring a leak from a company that is being paid to do this).

I was careful about the language that I used because I think itā€™s important to maintain that we make statements based on verifiable facts (what I said is verifiable but needs to be shown and I frankly donā€™t have the space to do that here).

I think now more than ever itā€™s important to maintain that reality. This is what separates genuine knowledge from bad-faith conspiracy theories that are used to lead people into these toxic ideologies. Reality matters, truth matters, data matters. I donā€™t ever want the power of well structured arguments to fall prey to the alt-right model of hear-say and anecdote as fact.

Yeah, he's just a messy bitch who is addicted to drama.

What kind of life do they lead where they think writing this out is normal

... a life of moral certainty.

which is ironic considering how many of them are atheists.

A life on Reddit

Who types like this

A journalist who deeply regrets not going for a STEM major

Reality matters, truth matters, data matters

Well said - for the absolute antithesis of drama

What a fucking mess of a word salad.

Mods being gay this is nothing booooring šŸ˜“

mods being gay

You mean mods being mods?

No that would be mods being pedos

At least three or four times in the last couple of months I've seen posters on srd mention in their comment that they vote republican. They're usually careful to let everyone know that they're one of the good ones though, usually condemning DDR now that he's completely irrelevant again. Despite these attempts to appease, the ruthless srdine mob saw through their weasel words and downvoted each of them to at least -30. They also mass downvoted anyone who mentioned that this was a bit weird because obviously if they couldn't see the posters for what they are then they must be crypto fash or some shit like that

If you don't vote for the party of Lincoln, then you are pro-slavery.

And I am


Maybe if rightoids quit killthejews-hateblacks-posting, they wouldn't keep getting censored.

Maybe if each righty sect weren't forced into the same space, Reddit wouldn't have to chase the cockroaches from sub to sub. ConsoomProduct only died because racists have nowhere to go. Racists will always exist, which means that if there's no well-modded place for them, then they're just going to keep showing up where they're not wanted

I'm honestly baffled how these Internet Police types managed to convince everyone the Containment Board Principle was false even though there was a mountain of evidence to the contrary

Can you just convince Reddit and Twitter of anything as long as you sound smug enough?

Tumblr banning porn unironically led to so much of the degeneracy on the internet in the past few years. One of the best containment sites ever is dead.

Thought a lot about that recently. Same thing happened with Gawkerā€”Gawker gets cruise-missiled (god bless u Hulk Hogan) and their terminally online staff all disperse to other publications and now it feels like every fucking mainstream media outlet is full of gawker-tier shittakes.

How can you post here without appreciating Gawker? It was easily one of the most dramatic websites ever.

They were the Patient Zero of screedy agenda-poasting.

When you kill containment boards like consoom and mde they become like the lost tribes of Reddit wandering from board to board and subverting them

RIP Deux, you were based

Deux was funnier and better than this sub, prove me wrong (u can't)

Whenever I think of Deux, I think of logging on and seeing this shitpost at the top šŸ˜­

Sidenote: does Reddit even quarantine subs anymore? It seems to be that they just skip that step nowadays and go straight for the party van.

nah, containment board logic is just straight up retarded

/pol/posting is as dominant on 4chan as it ever was, and reddit has become decidedly less right-wing (for better or for worse) after the_donald was banned.

Is this literally the only website on the entire internet or something?


Damn, can't we just solve all racism forever?

Brave new world did.

hateblacks posting


I wonder who the smugardines could be šŸŸšŸŸšŸš® šŸ¤”

Fugees ruin another sub

I can't wait for the day of the can

Damn, did I miss a PCM copeout?

About time.

E: pcm fugees mad lol