Pre-drama alert: America's whitest Black Nationalist sells out The Squad, Rose Twatter gears up for a good #cancelling

1  2021-06-21 by JimieWhales



1 like tweet from literally who

I said it was pre-drama! It's just a few drops dribbling out now, but if they keep stroking it soon there will be thick sticky ropes of drama all over birdapp and this site.

And yet you linked to a tweet containing 0 drama

Joe Manchin is a Chad.

Joe Manchins bill is never going to pass, he's literally just wasting time which is the entire goal of the Republicans in this anyway. Imagine you have one bill that's never going to pass, and then a cuck makes a cucked version the same bill, which is also never going to pass, and your like "Wow how amazing what genius!" Gullible moron.

Not even the squads bill lmao, Manchin is selling out the corrupt Democratic leadership in return for nothing, and you want to present this as if a couple of lawmakers are some dominant alternative faction he is competing with.

That’s kinda been the republican strategy since Newt Gingrich. Obstruct anything that could help people, democrats can then get high off their own farts about how much better they are for pretending to give a shit about the poors

Incel watermark vs Chad Manchin.

With a name like man chin he is literally this guy

He would favor 15 days of early voting and making Election Day a public holiday, as well as automatic voter registration.

he also backs requiring voter ID and does not favor universal no-excuse absentee voting, two positions favored by many Republicans.

I know we're all ironic and stuff, but am I crazy? Isn't this honestly a legitimate bi-partisan approach, that would make both sides happy? Hasn't this been what both sides have been screaming for?

Makes you think why anyone would be against it 🤔🤔

This is quite literally the best of both worlds. Make it easier to vote but uphold the integrity of the election with that ease of voting.

So it’ll never pass. The congresscritters are too invested in wedge issues and like to dangle carrots.

Would be better to make it way harder to vote. Imagine the president being chosen by like 25 people per state.

That's basically how it was before that rapscallion Andrew Jackson began the expansion of suffrage

Epitome of a jackass. We could have had an American Idol style of elections instead of the debacle that exists now smh.


If you are too r-slurred to get an ID to vote, than you don’t deserve the right to vote

It’s 100% bipartisan. People would go against it because in American politics it’s: I get everything, you get nothing

There’s never any compromise. My side good, your side evil etc etc and so on and so forth.

requiring ID has never been as big of an issue as people want it to be and no-excuse absentee voting is just r-slurred. This is a win democrats are refusing to take.

Why is it "r-slurred."

Because I said so

Do you have a coherent reason?

Do I need one?

Yes. when you support making it harder to vote, it's good to have some coherent reason.

Prove it

So you have no actual reason.

neither do you




I'm very skeptical of any voter ID bill that does not include handing out mass, free IDs to everyone, no matter what.

It has been repeatedly proven in court that the GOP uses voter ID laws to reduce turnout, using fake election fraud claims to justify it.

Obama saying "get something instead of nothing especially with Stacey Abrams on board with it" offends white twitter posters.

Obama is going to get nothing instead of nothing, just like in all his other genius strategies to compromise with the Republicans. Reminder that the Republicans never compromised with him once in 8 years, 8 years where he delayed everything any just bent over backwards for them and let them run the show, not a single bill was ever passed through this process. And like Charlie Brown Obama rears right back up to kick that football. It's hilarious.

Wake me up when the Democrats pass nothing and the republicans take back congress in 2022, I already know the ends of this story.

You fucking idiot. Do you think any republicans are elected on the platform of letting dems ram their legislation through? It's the job of the opposition party to oppose the agenda of the majority party. Wahhh they won't let us do whatever we want cry cry. Dolt.


The only people I won't bully on Twitter are old ladies. That's someone's gamgam. May be r-slurred but still someone's gamgam.

Exceptions apply to gamgams under 65.

Actually idk, just read her bio and idk anymore...

If you don’t have Twitter to bully people’s gamgam what do you even have it for?

Be nice to Gam-Gam. A gummy yummy will literally change your life.

I have no idea what's going on here and I don't care

Neither does she, she’s probably got Alzheimer’s

Say what you will about the Obama administration stoking the race war in this country and setting it back 50 years. Go look at his mom's nudes. Nice cans.

She's definitely pump-and-dump material. Barry Sr. knew things.

Where can one find those pics

I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


  1. Pre-drama alert: America's whitest ... -,*

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