Fuck school fuck softball fuck cheer fuck everything: Major win for snotty teens as SCOTUS rules in favor of the betch

1  2021-06-23 by JimieWhales


8-1 ruling with Thomas dissenting

The mind of Justice Thomas is an enigma


you can't say that

They don't call him Chocolate Judgement for no reason.

Justice Thomas is a true dramachad

Remember when based lasereyes blackman was gonna overturn the election for Daddy? Good times!

/pol/ would certainly have unparalleled insight into the mind of a black man

His dissent literally said Children should be seen and not heard, based as all hell

Surprised that cheerleading hasn't been cancelled yet. Telling XXwomen to sit on the sidelines, spell out words and support men while they do the hard work is low hanging fruit for #cancelculture.

It makes perfect sense when you realize that bluecheck twitter is mostly just catty white women jockeying for status, and cheerleading is a hive of high-status mayofoids.

They're not gonna come for the alpha bitches, because they know they might miss.

Omar is Tariq if he grew up in the streets. The mayo menace can't stop either of these kings.


Unironically, schools should be prohibited from punishing students for behavior that happens outside of school hours and property. School marms shouldn’t be able to essentially create their own set of laws the public has no say in that only certain people have to abide by. Imagine some janny-souled teacher handing you a detention slip on the street to enforce their power outside of school because they are control freaks.

Dude bussy lmao


Good for this cunt

It's just beginning for Stacys

This reminds me of when one of my friends posted a picture on twitter of her friend smoking a blunt while wearing our high school dance team’s uniform and got her kicked off the team 😂

I bet that moron didn’t even take it to the Supreme Court


The real case should’ve been wether the snitch gets prison


Because you can’t not look at vapid social media

Imagine being r-slurred enough to appeal the L in federal court and turn it into an L in the Supreme Court

Good for this cunt

Oh god this is just going to make kids even more insufferable on the internet.

