The latest franchise of the defund movement hits the mainstream media: After General Mark Milley expresses his white disappointment, Fox News abomination Laura Ingraham demands the military be defunded.

1  2021-06-24 by busslordlowkeybussin


Pretend I made an extremely smug leftoid smugpost because I feel like whatever I post here won’t be smug enough to properly express my smugness.

You become a 🥫 🐠

Lol this is objectively one of the better 🏴‍☠️Drama posts today and yet it’s got more comments than it has upvotes 🤔

And people once thought Burgerstan's drama would slow down if DDR lost.

In this house we:


The only people who thought that were coping rightoids

I keep seeing critical race theory pop up in posts here lately and I don't what's going on. What is it and why is it suddenly a thing that everyone is mad about?

CRT is a buzzword for general "be less YT" curriculums that have been circulating lately.

And that’s supposed to be a bad thing?

It's important to note it's only covered in college. Kiddies won't see this curriculum, which is what mayos are hysterical over.

They literally see it all the time. Not the bizarre academic version, but "be less YT" lessons.

what class do you attend to see triggered mayos?

just click on any /r/drama thread

Don't confuse "teaching about CRT" and "teaching according to CRT". Kids are not taught the background and principles that guided the development of the Common Core either.

Just like my wife never attends my boxing classes, they still teach her quite a lesson.

It is literally woven into K-12 curriculums country wide at this point

CRT=crackas really triggered

Its a sociological lens of analysis that tries to apply the class analysis of regular Critical Theory and its whole class conflict thing (how people with money and power “fight” with people with less money and power) and applies that to race. Most of the actual academics use CRT alongside regular Critical Theory.

Most people criticizing it seem to think that CRT is when you make hwites apologize for being hwite because they either don’t know what CRT is or think its whatever drivel Robin DiAngelo shits out. Additionally its not something people teach outside of upper level college corses.

INB4 words words words

Communism isn't fascism with extra steps/genocide, it just always ends up that way.

CRT isn't blaming YT ppl for everything and burning down the local wendys, it just always ends up that way.

CRT isn't blaming YT ppl for everything

Well then it should be

There were race riots before CRT existed, there will be race riots after CRT fades into obscurity. Pointing out that systemic racism exists, like what CRT does, doesn’t make racism and race riots happen.

CRT is just current rich people whinging, trying to avoid people whinging about them, so people are whinging about YT or their whinging. The only way it manifests is societal rage directed conviently at footlocker, other wise it remains pointless drivel to give the """right"""" people promotions.

Cool word salad, doesn’t mean anything but still cool.

I'm an old man, is this the new way r*ditors piss and shit everywhere when they take their opinions to seriously because I've seen it before.

I’m an old man

I could tell.

Cool it with the ageism sweaty.

just because you put

inb4 words words words

doesn’t make it not words words words

Its just to show how predictable the wordsX3 response is, nothing more nothing less

If you want to stop predicting it, stop posting wordy r-slurred drivel

Cry about it


didn't read cuz can't read 😎

I know bb

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That's my impression of you. On the flip side, that's the impression you gave me of yourself.


It’s the latest right-wing boogeyman

And the latest leftoid idpol bullshit


I want to understand white rage. What is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America

People don't like government, so keep cracking those skulls or get over it, militcel.

I really hope both sides try to one-up each other on the defund movements. This way, rightoids will see why even Jefferson realized it was a bad idea; leftoids will then realized they got played by rightoid ideologies.

TL;DR: left them fight.

its all so tiresome

Nous vivons dans une société

Wir leben in einer Gesellschaft

Vivemos en una sociedad

We live in a society

Just think, millions of black coffee sipping gigaboomers watched this live with chubs forming from seeing their favorite blonde bimbo on TV again, immediately in agreeance with the idea that the military should be cancelled, then surely went to post screeds about it in Faceboomer from their iPhone 6's.

It's amazing how much she sounds like a train

fuck it dude just defund all the shit

Libertarians: yes... Yes... But don't stop there! IRS next!

Tbh defund the military would be based if it was because it kills brown people and not because “it’s libral now”

No, bombing goat herders is good for our economy, national prestige, and employs hicks who’d otherwise have nothing to do.

It was inevitable that conservatives would turn on the US military. My bone spurrs are definitely flarin up if a war starts.

Pentagon loses trillions of dollars in the effort to keep the world hating the US


Pentagon says they like to study things
