(Mild drama) After one girl is victimized in the worst way possible (by Br*tish football fans), some Redditors engage in their own favourite sport: victim blaming.

1  2021-06-30 by busslordlowkeybussin


Imagine having to hear angloid babble in your ear for 5 seconds. Now imagine that in choir for an hour.


Years from now, her husband will take her for fish and chips and see her shiver in her seat like a nude eskimo, before stabbing a fork into a young waitress' eyeball.

Br*tish "people" are the blacks of the white race

what did he mean by this

Pretty sure that's Australians. They didn't get deported for nothing

We're basically Britain and America combined. Casual alcoholism, bland food, fake news lovers, reality TV watching, consooming, car hooning, rslurred voting.

We are laid back as people say, but that's because we're lazy shits.

Imagine being a British reject, lmao

At least I'm not Bri'ish

Lizzie II is still your queen bruv

I'm a criminal's descendent, I don't bend the knee, since my great great great great grandpa Johnothan Shillingtton the 3rd got deported here and expelled from The Crown for stealing a sausage roll.


>not slavs

lol, Continentals just can't help themselves.


D1ck van Dy#e himself couldn't have said it better.

That was 100 percent accurate. My scottsh friend on discord even said so.

Poor waitress.

Lol, it's so funny looking at German fans trying to take the moral high ground here, when they laughed at a Brazilian kid in 2014. Every international fanbase laughs at crying fans. The insults towards her are awful though, but having a laugh at the pub is fine.

Crying about sports u don’t participate in is embarrassing af. Well worth a laugh but callin a kid cunt is a bit much

Yeah, agreed there.

but callin a kid cunt is a bit much

Hot take by a stinky SRD. Get out.

Yeah but this time it's an*los 🤮

Yeah but the kid is white here

That Brazilian kid was pretty white too tbh

Yes I'm sure no Kraut ever laughed at the Brazilian boy crying into cola cup after 7-1.

Laughing at crying children is an important part of watching football. I remember bawling my eyes out as a 7 year old after my country got knocked out when I thought for sure we were gonna be world champions. It's heartbreaking for a child but hilarious to see as an adult.

Anyway. I hope the bongs don't win.

Just seeing this for the first time. Absolutely hysterical, and I mean both definitions. I wish soccer was more exciting.

There used to be a site called “the agony of defeat” or something that used to capture crowd shots of drunk sorority girls crying and looking sad when their college football team was losing, one of the best places on the internet I can’t find anymore

college football team

It's more fun when it's a competition that actually matters.

I cried at a baseball game and they showed me on the big screen

It's funny to see the shock and horror influx over standard football tribalism during international tournaments. If only we could all clap politely like Wimbledon fans.

'ate Brits

Luv me wife

Simple as

Luv me luverpool fc

Luv me ingerland

Ate' kruats

Simple as

Why can't angloids be this based all the time?

When they were told to “pick on someone their own size” they measure by maturity

And number of teeth. Little girl is probably just getting her adult teeth so they saw it as fair.

When they were told to “pick on someone their own size” they measure by maturity penis size.

A little girl is crying because her team lost. When the England team lose domestic abuse reports goes up by like 38%. But let's all laugh at the little girl in tears. Fucking nasty bastards. Is it any wonder the world hates us when we are so arrogant

When the England team lose domestic abuse reports goes up by like 38%.


It's an almost constant cycle of sports failure and wife beating.

WTF? Suddenly I LOVE soccer!


Imagine being downvoted for hating Bri ish. What has this sub come to?

He's Br***sh. So down voting him is also acceptable.

Didn't German fans laugh at a Brazilian kid for weeks in 2014? And I don't see what correlation domestic violence increasing has to do with laughing at a kid for crying. God why are there so many self hating cucks in this country? European and South American ultras are far worse than anything England fans have done, eastern european countries have crowds doing monkey chants at our black players, Columbian fans killed thier own player for scoring an own goal and their fanbases aren't hated nearly as much as ours. Really don't think the rest of the world have a moral high ground here.

Slavs and Columbians barely count as people, and are held to lower standards. And nobody mangles the beautiful American language like angloid scum.

Columbians are hot and almost white.

Brazilian are the b***s of Latin America's

The brits of South America? I’ll accept that.

watch yo mouth yt boi

Are you slavscum or some variety of southern mexican?

Aren't you some kind of slavic or baltic immigrant? Or am I mistaking you for some1 else?

What’s you point?

Trying to figure out if I should upvote for self deprecation or downvote for burger nonsense.

American language 😂😂😂, I swear you guys don't even have a national language. You just copied ours and made it slightly worse

Ancient history doesn’t matter - modern lingua franca is American, because we are the top dogs in the world and britcucks are culturally irrelevant.

The language you're speaking is called English, because it's from England. No one calls it American. Relevancy doesn't factor into that.


Are all you bastards this fucking whiny and sanctimonious?

Imagine whinny about your country rather than just moving.


I am not that invested in football but I am always very happy when anyone in any european country which isn't mine cries about loosing. It's like it turns off my empathy, I just eagerly await the camera to turn on the next crying german/french/swiss/austrian/spanish/portoguese/etc. fan

Well my favorite sport is curling



Pick one

Redditors are such whiny moral guardians like they don't harass people worse than this for less reason.

Hilarious stuff. British football fans will defend the actions of their teams and fans to the death. Good luck trying to shame them as most are too fucking daft to understand your point.

you wouldnt say that to my face mate


Besides the one calling her a cunt I see no problem with anything else, not like other teams fan wouldn't get enjoyment if it weren't reversed.

Why are redditors so humor less. Seeing kids cry is objectively funny, get over it

To be fair, this is the least worst time a Bri’isher made a little girl cry.

I just don't really care tbh, anyone trying to make some wide cultural jab because of some cunts on twitter making edgy jokes is going a bit far.

Likely would've blown over almost immediately had people not had a shit fit about it

Very standard socially-inept internet commentary. Groundbreaking work

With this kind of vitriol being exchanged, I sometimes wonder why there has been no war started because of sports.

Well I'll be damned. I wonder when they would do it in Europe, then.

With any luck it'll kick off at the end of the Euros.


Thats some sweet German Cope right there...

If I wanted to see a German girl crying and being degraded I'd watch porn.

Redditors are such cucks

It's a reference to Fawlty Towers, you humorless twats.

You started it.



The English football team FINALLY does something worthwhile (or, at least not completely fucking embarrassing) and this is how they act. British football fans are some cringe shit. Pot belly, sunburned bald head, bad teeth…just no.

90% of the comments itt have forced me to repeatedly check to make sure I didn’t end up in SRD somehow. Get OUT.

I have no idea what this means.



Wtf.. she's just a child .. people are fucking sick

This is relatively tame in comparison to the what the internet was like 18 years ago. Some of you are so fucking soft

Homie wasn’t born eighteen years ago.

Wait until this fslur finds out about Chris Chan

Using a derogatory term to call a woman let alone a child is disgusting so In my opinion you are a prick

I'm here to fucking laugh, not for a morality lesson

You are in the wrong sub, love.


Take the average person, give em a norf fc shirt, lower their iq by 30, then you have the average Bri'ish football fan.

I understand now