Oh no, they shot rudolph and people conveniently “forget” where store meat cums from. He is a cute deer 🦌 though.

9  2020-12-19 by dramasutra2020

What happens when you hand feed a deer 🦌 aka i-eat-endangered-plants and call this wild animal your own baby 👶?

Remember kids, your chicken nuggets and bacon came from somewhere far worse.

Real talk though, this deer is a survivor and needs to be worshipped as a holy entity.

Please sort by controversial.



Reminds me of the wolfdogs post I made a couple days ago.

I have a theory that vegan redditors can't comprehend that sometimes animals need to be shot.

Why the fuck are they even wasting money on fixing it? Just shoot it and donate the meat to a food bank or something.

Wolfdogs? I need to check that one out of yours.

It isn’t just vegans... i have a friend like that. She couldn’t understand that culling is sometimes necessary and she couldn’t understand that hunted meat is arguably more ethical than farmed meat - especially the popular kind such as pork, beef and poultry.

There was a situation with an island of feral cats that had to be put down. People in la la land were saying how it was horrible and how the cats needed to be saved, adopted and raised. Puh-lease! Government money needs to go somewhere more practical, besides “feral” meant they were no longer able to be socialized. They probably brought a bunch of bird species to near extinction.

She was an acrobatic from cirque du soleil, who kept jumping through hoops when I told her that regardless of what she says she believes in or how much she disagrees with hunting, that she was supporting a system of animal abuse for food, far worse than hunting. She kept arguing that she didn’t but failed to understand that a producer cannot exist without a consumer, and the demand is what drives popular livestock fo be raised and slaughtered in questionable conditions. Like I eat meat and own up to the fact that I support this system indirectly, even if I claim otherwise, but she was your typical sjw snowflake.

Anyways... my point is vegan rage is expected, but rage from meat eaters is the worst because they somehow are oblivious to where the meat they consume comes from, and even goes as far as preaching. It is absolutely hilarious and always puts me in stitches

My wolfdogs post isn't too closely related, they just have redditors seething over someone rightfully shooting an animal.

I have a cousin that's just like your friend. Always gives me shit when I bring deer sausages to family events. "Deer hunting is unethical", while digging into a store bought turkey.

Too late 😂. I already read that post and was not disappointed by the seethe.

By the way. I never had deer. What does it taste like? Texture?

That is kind of you to share your sausages 🍆

Compared to beef it's less fatty, more chewy, has a much stronger flavor, and sometimes a little bit of sweetness compared to farmed meat.

Deer are active foragers, which means they won't have as uniform of a diet as a cow. This can give some deer a sweet taste to their meat, as well as a "gamey" taste.

They are very active and slim, so their meat isn't as juicy or as tender as beef.

Deer jerky and sausage also carries over this taste (and texture, to a degree), but most of the time they are over-seasoned.

I bring deer sausage rather than steaks because it allows the urban dwellers to feel special without being disgusted from something that doesn't taste familiar.

It's worth trying deer, but try to get a steak rather than a sausage, so you can get the full experience. If you want to relax with a juicy steak, I would stick to pea-fed beef.

Man with the natural predators of these animals being hunted/forced out of so many areas something needs to take their place. Got the longest hunting season set up this year and it still hasn't put a dent in the pest problem. Gonna have to propose a cull or mass sterilization next with will rustle all the bleeding hearts. 🙄

I had a vegan harass me on facebook (this was a couple years ago, before I became an enlightened redditor) because I participated in a massive wild boar hunt. We even donated most of the meat, but they were mad we killed the innocent little animals.

They "care" about animals so much they actively try to prevent rehabilitation of natural ecosystems.

That’s because their toxic compassion has left permanent brain damage. Like, they cannot see beyond a cute animal. Isn’t that some kind of phenomena or bias? When you are more likely to feel sorry for a picture of a starving dog over a man who is ampitates because the dog is cute?

Ye no one seems to care much when their pooch drops a #2 on the sidewalk, but when I squeeze one out people seem to flash me looks of disgust.

Right? If i started dryhumping daddy’s leg, everyone would be all like “wtf?!” But if a dog does it - “aw!”

I have lived with vegans and vegetarians and ate vegan/veggie for decent chunks of time. If they know what they are doing it's not to bad, but if some freak starts getting angry because you are trying to restore balance to the natural order no way I'm tolerating their shit.


Deer are actually a serious issue where I live and all the old mayo people treat them like pets. It's wack and terrible for the flora and pollinators.

Also u better be using broadheads

Yeah this is the same reason why kangaroos are hunted in Australia. They screw up the ecosystem

Return wolf's and coyotes to semi residential areas to eat the deer and pygmy dogs plz.

This but feral pitbulls.

I hit one every year with my truck. I make sure to reverse over them so the job is finished. Im doing my part.

/u/Imyellow33 tell me more about why I shouldn't shoot animals, I think I may be able to learn a lot from you and may even stop trophy hunting squirrels in my yard🤗

all we can hope is that dimwitted walmart dwelling swine such as yourself shoot each other in the woods; trigger happy asshats that have a pathetic need to hurt things....may a slow painful death be in your near-term future at the hands of another fucking douchebag hunter

If I go to Walmart I'm either shitting or shoplifting because I support local business. And there are justified reasons for shooting animals. Like my neighborhood is infested with feral cats and their deaths aren't in vain because I make and sell cute lil rugs outta them


Do you think we should put all rednecks in concentration camps?

Well she might like r/deerarefuckingstupid

fuck off maggot.....you're clearly one of the despicable degenerate asswipes that drives around in a noisy hideously polluting truck littering all over the place with shit in the bed....spreading your foul brand of low rent trailer trash life where ever you set your sooted foot....my fervent wish is for you and your inbred kids to all go hunting together over the holidays and wound each other mortally with your wonderful fucking ingenious weaponry in a remote section of woods where you die together slowly and painfully fuckwad ; after which the native animals would all come piss and shit all over your maggot riddled corpses......... EAT THAT dickstain

Lmfao absolutely unhinged seething

Middle aged carpet muncher, I'd be miserable too

he do be cute tho ❤️

I know! What a champ though, surviving like that.

das rite




You’re all fucking clowns, its a goddamned deer. Another redneck is gonna come by and shoot it or its gonna jump in front of my pickup. Stupid fuckin animals.

Based and r/deerarefuckingstupid pilled