I wonder if it ever occured to Masterlawlz that he can make irl stickies by renting space on a billboard ๐Ÿค”

1  2021-01-12 by Ionlylistentoanalcun


he still isnโ€™t a mod here


high effort post

All my posts are high effort

Edit Oh dang I'm r-slurred

Wait a minute. I can make irl stickies by renting space on a billboard!๐Ÿ˜ฎ

How do I stop being poor?

How expensive, ballpark, would it cost to place the GVLDEN RETREIVER pasta on a billboard in the middle of Times Square?

5k to 50k for a day and up to 1.1 mil to 4mil for a years lease ๐Ÿ˜‡

I asked on areslash nostupidquestions and apparently it costs "blocked and reported", however much that is