Slay qween ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช. Our favourite queen Azealia Banks flexes on two radio hosts by bringing out the skull of a 6 year old girl during an interview. Skip to 2:10.

1  2021-01-21 by busslordlowkeybussin


Lmfao Kyle and Jacke O, didnโ€™t expect to see them mentioned here. Kyle should be a patron saint of dtama

Fuck how many dtama moments has Kyle had throughout the years. Remember when he asked that young girl if she enjoyed being sexually assaulted or something. I think they had to change broadcoast policies because of that madman lmao.

Didnt they start that 10 or 20 second delay on their show just incase kyle says some r-slurred shit? He looks like a greyed fatter keemstar and acts like it

๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ yes. Best thing is he can never be fired because his rslur antics bring in listeners. Complete immunity ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Only one who even comes close to Kyle is Alan Jones but he's more of a grumpy, ranting boomer. Think he was single handedly responsible for Cronulla riots lmao.

Ray hadley is pretty close I reckon, heโ€™s still a boomer Liberal party r-slur but heโ€™s pretty funny for what he is

Sky News and oid media in Australia are generally way better at stirring the pot. Look at this interview with Milo on Jessica Rowe's aard jerkoff show. They have no banter or ability to stop him. They literally sit there and listen to him rant.

Goddamn I canโ€™t believe Studio Ten is still chugging along, from what I remember its the most generic midday tv show in existence with half its content being vacuum ads and boring guests talking the days boring politics

Lol straight up. It's bad when you realise even The View would be too good for 10. Broadcast tv is dead I think it's mostly Married at First Sight, the Bachelor and KFC ads now. Netflix, Amazon and Disney can't come fast enough.

Yeah I havenโ€™t used my TV for free-to-air in honest to god 3 years, I guess i do sorta watch the bachelor and shit through FriendlyJordies watching it

Lol same but longer for me. Jordies looks kinda sad that his biggest videos are MAFS recap videos but ๐Ÿ˜‚. Some pretty good meme content on youtube Aussie man reviews and Superwog had pretty good videos not sure if theyre still making stuff.

Anyway king, back to Azalia. Would you smash or nah?

Fuck yes. I love bitches with brain damage ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Dtamachads yet again proving weโ€™re just built different ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜Ž

Imagine being normal ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ dtamachad ethnostate when?

Link to that



My comments still post and links to my removed posts still work so I'm hitching a ride

Someone didn't pay you $7000?

Yes. And until they pay what they owe I am out for blood

Why do they owe you that money?

Did you not read the post? They infringed on my copy rights

The post is removed. How did they infringe on your copyright?

Not sure if this is one hell of a larp or if you are actually tistic. It's just a comment bro. You can't copyright a comment.

I'm getting my 7000, whether peacefully or by force

How do you plan on doing that?

I don't know yet, but the meth will guide me. It always does

Lmao there's only one place meth will guide you and it's usually ends with a cock4cash situation.

That's the kinda shit that people that have let their brains be smoothed by sleep say. You are a ๐Ÿ‘

I dunno man. I know 2 meth addicts. One went to jail for assault and killed his cellmate while in jail. The other is a childhood friend who is permanently fried. Probably a lesson in there somewhere.

Assuming he still had to access to meth and didn't sleep for at least a few weeks, the cellmate definitely deserved it.

As for the other guy he's just ascended to a plain of existence that you aren't prepared to understand

Well I can't argue with that. What's your methlogic telling you to do right now?

Finish watching the incredibles

Let's bring u/bertli into this.

What do you have to say bertli?





im from texas. i only speak dixie.

Then continue speaking it while you explain how you will pay me๐Ÿ˜ก


u/Ionlylistentoanalcun he said he doesn't speak English which is probably a lie.

Let's all go on Google translate and find a common language in German then continue this riveting conversation.



Chinese is ideographic not pictographic. Educate yourself spigot.

Educate yourself


Edit: picto... Pictures... Drawings... DRAWINGS


I hope ghosts means white people in this context.

u/Ionlylistentoanalcun how do you respond?



I'm at the plane crash scene

Fuck I thought that part would show too

One sec

Nah only shows the headline.