At long last, custom upvote/downvote buttons!

3  2019-05-03 by BriefSquirt

I think they're a bit too big at the moment so i'll make them a bit smaller in the future though, but to all the legions of desperate fans clamouring for this - your time has come.


ohh fuck i only updated them for new reddit design lmao

I used the french flag as downvote for now

wait if ur actually gonna update the css you want mod? (i dont think you are, right?)


uhh im not really sure what kinds of things can be done in css without a huge amount of effort, but other than downvote/upvotes, can the sidebar get done so it looks decent? im not sure how formattings meant to work on that. maybe even a few images like the main sub has

decent looking banner (not sure if thats' really a css thing though) and background for posts (nothing tooooo obnoxious)

at least those are some basic ideas, hopefully not hard to implement

I made my own subreddit as a playground to figure things out, and I mostly copy from Deux

Damn nice