# 🎄🎄🎄
😴 😴 😴
👴🏻 🇨🇳🖱 🔜 ☠
🔥👩🏫👙🍳🍳➡️👦🤩💦😎 🤔🤔🤔
0/10 😡😡😡😡😡😡
100% AGREE
109 subreddits? This cant be a coincidence!
12 year old makes a tribute to best grandpa ever wholesome 100
13yo kid comes out as trans due to social media and youtube influence. Reddits grooming, the usual
16 days and no response. I’m starting to think the Reddit Adm*ns might be salad-phobic. 😔
1 more day
1.Reason r/zweirama is better
2019: ok boomer
2/10, Mayos get out
2 Hi-IQ-cels Debate What Protests Are “Really” About and Who Should Handle Jokers in Gotham City 🚔
2 year old self hating genderspecial does a hecking enby erasure 😲😲 Transphobes mad 😠
30 year old live at home manchild average redditor reaches out to argh cooking to write a fucking novel griping about his parents culinary skill. Doesn’t consider moving out as an alternative
35 year old 🧓single childless 👩woman👩 invades incel 🧙🏾♂️ space to start a slap fight to determine who is more pathetic. 😵
3D animation of industrial gas turbine working principle
🆘🆘🆘 3 Ways to Close Internet Explorer 🆘🆘🆘
4chan takes a break from the usual and posts a different type of statistics this time around. Immediately, Burgercels begin to cope and seethe.
4 years ago today we lost a real great ape, causing the timeline to diverge. Dicks out for Harambe.
🎉🎉500 Abos party🎉🎉
6 year old says he is a girl. Lot's of heckin' transphobia 😢
8 year old account and moderator of 469 subreddits (nice) posting spam 24/7 for ASMR Youtube channel 🗑️🤫 Hacked? 🤷
A$AP Rocky released from prison and on his way home to the United States from Sweden. It was a Rocky Week, get home ASAP A$AP!
Abby causes a massive amount of seething from nudists
A brief history of me
absolute chad explains how he gets so many bitches 💦💦💦
Absolute chad ignores lockdown
Accomplished catladies express frustration that men don't care about their degrees.
Adam Kovic gamer man has buttplug cooming sextapes/images released on 4chan. Jannies destroy all threads and mentions of it on r/funhaus and r/roosterteeth. Funhaus uploads a video today with an interesting title and feeds the comments section
add this to snappy pls
Adele Expresses Her Love for Jamaica in a New Look - Racial Purists Try to Stop Colors From Mixing.
A dilemma arises as the Zweichad is forced to consider if this is an obvious baitpost or if this woman is so retarded that she would stay with a guy who would happily drug her.
Admins are racist 😡
Admins just axed half of t_d's mod team
Admins propose final solution to the chapo question
After 3 and a half weeks of rioting, the authorities of /r/animemes shut down the sub, for an estimated 2 or 3 weeks
After AHShits go after Zionism on Reddit. A Zionist goes there to spread his views on AHS after downvoting the last few posts against Zionism, I predict moderate to large shit flinging. Downvote this if nothing happens
After a week of sweating and no longer backed by island mommy, u/spaz finally caves in to public pressure and baletes a bunch of weird fetish pr9n subs - r/AgainstDegenerateSubreddits frohlocket und singt praises to Topmin even though he banned all their favorite nazi subs not a week ago lmfao
After reaching voicemail for over a week, Ben tries a new tactic to get daddy’s attention.
A fun read while on calls w/ asia
Aged like milk?
Agenda posting is a big no no. 😬🤬
Age of empires makes small change to their native tribes to make them less like an 80s TV tropes causing player to lash out at the Woke.
a glimpse into the future of how white supremacy will be defeated in the west
A Guide to Our Vocabulary for Drama Users
A heartwarming tale for all womankind.
A hilariously pathetic novelty account. I wanna have some fun with it.
AHS and BPT moderator angry that retards on WRD upvote obvious Larper.
AHS brings up PCM for no reaaon on a pics post. Sign of dementia?? 🤔
AHS completely spergs out over a nearly month old PCM comment with 1 upvote
AHS discusses how it’s ok if they organize cp posting raids offsite, since a random user on PCMs brought up something similar minus the cp
(((AHSfags))) somehow make retard ping and sperg out by linking his precious sub.
AHS finds sub where a "discount stonetoss" who's noticed ((Their)) threat uploads his comics. They bully his sub in an ableist manner while gifting his sub new subscribers. Here's the sub:
AHS forces another sub into a coma. Rightly so, for protesting my right to get diverse pussy.
AHS found this place before I did, smh
AHS Groomer false flagger calls someone a glowie and goes on a mass spergout and calls for False flagging deuxrama.
AHS have now determined that it’s a crime to like bussy. (NP link so they can’t claim we brigaded)
AHShit makes a quality effortpost about r/Israel.
AHShit mayos get offended over a Fentanyl joke made by sinocels😂😂😂
AHShit pings PajeetDEgenerates on his post. PajeetDE(r/politicalhinduism) goes private after that.
AHShits go 🐴👟
AHShit wants the internet to be more accepting towards incels, what have they jannied themselves into?
AHS invades averageredditor, tons of tran shitflinging
AHS leads me to some cool autism on r/braincels
AHS writes 1000 word essay about the sub where losers shit on furfags.
AHS writes new 1000 word essay about the subs where MDEgenerates adopted the already stale r/okbuddyretard humour and made it even more formulaic and retarded, mainly r/arabfunny and its head mod. Bruhfunny is also mentioned.
A huge yikes as Geraldo Rivera claims that travel agent for underage girls Ghislaine Maxwell is a victim of "woke politics".
AItA hits community spotlight with morality survey
Alarmingly based
Alaska dentist convicted of being overly based, sentenced to 12 years
a leftoid drama mod banned me for posting chapo-amber drama
Alex Jones on the RBG "blood sacrifice"
Aliens are real. Disclosure is happening [Genuinely not a Schizo post]
A lightweight offroad motorcycle causes arguments over whether Russians can be trusted. Also, Redditors complain that it's too heavy.
Allen screw
almost 100 comments and 2 weeks worth of bickering
A lolcows just came up to me in a 4 day old thread desperately mooing to be milked 🐄🥛
Alphabet commando seethe&cope&dilate over Polish cops CANCELLING a rainbow zebra
Already been posted on drama, but I hope we can actually play with them here
[AMA Reqgest] My grandpa u/Bamename
American """"""athlete""""""
American media conglomerate spends hundreds of millions producing sino nationalist propaganda piece, gets cucked by the c-slurs anyway
Americans divided on party lines over risk from coronavirus: Reuters/Ipsos poll
“An amazing project” or how the perspective of a free t-shirt makes (most likely) followers of an Indian YouTuber ruin multiple programmers' days
An AnCap(or a LARPer, hard to tell tbh) posts an autistic meme mocking the general populace. Retards come to their aid, but then there are cool threads, with hedgewik exposing that account later.
Angry rslur is planning a shortcel-cide😠
Animal rights arguments on a thread about how stupid chickens are or something, didn't read tbh
Animemes is in full revolt due to banning of the Transcel word
Animemes is in full revolt due to the banning of the Transcel word
Anime nigga celebrates Black panther death as a W for Whites. Blacks seethe in the comments
Announcement to every Hurensohn of the realm of r/zweirama
Annual 6th trimester reminder not to vote or comment in linked threads
Another absolute blow to the black male celebrity community as Kanye reveals Kim cheated on him with Meek Mill. First Will Smith now Yeezus, the question is who is next?
Another argument in a subreddit dedicated to anime lesbians about the word trap
Another brave soldier lost to the horrors of the internet. This is so sad.
Another day, another SRDine tried to break free before drowning in smug-posts
another one of watermark's alts got banned smh 😖😖😖
Anti-censorship site takes the Gab-pill and starts banning libertarianism
antidiet is just delusional
Antifriend regrets his decision to join the Antifa not the Anti-fire brigade. 🥵🔥
Anti-masker from that AITA post attempts to explain why he wasn’t ‘technically wrong’ to a subreddit full of schizophrenics.
anti-Semitism has NO place here. NO MORE BLAKEPOSTS!!!!!
Anybody migrating to ruqqus or saidit?
Anyone else taking great pleasure in the death panels southern and rural areas are forming? Sending the sickest patients home to die alone with no treatment? God bless America :)
Apparently I can't vote because my driver's license is six addresses behind and apparently that matters
Appreciating the bodies of the differently abled is not sexual frustration 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
Architecture is Yet to Come to Terms with Trans Bodies
Archive this pls.
A redditor stands up to the pornsickness running unchecked in the skyrim modding community
A respawnse hawng kawnger' racism brack peopre whire zeenkeen zey're hawnorary white. Never forget abawt zis. Ccp carreen for soridarity wiz african-american oppose white America racism and imperiarism 1960'
Are we the baddies?
Are you cisphobic?
Are you ready to end the MDEgenerate menace?
Are you ready to help end the MDEgenerate menace?
Arrslashdrama "Dude nigger lmao" retard blasphemes this holy subreddit on doerama
👩🏼🎨Art hoe👩🏼🎨 gets 🤴🏽black autism King🤴🏽 😔suspended😔 from 🏫school🏫 for showing his 🔫power level🔫. This is gonna develop into a 💩shitshow💩 lmao. 🤣🤣🤣
Art requires enthusiastic consent
A Russian Doll-type situation develops in r/HistoryMemes, as a guy brings up some HammerShit youtuber by linking to a thread about him, which links to yet another such thread, and so on.
Asian Chads make woke jewelry named after dead blacks. Lots of seethe ensues.
Asians are weird, and Foids are a Menace.
Asian scewdriver
Asian woman is set on fire in NYC. Defundcels and thin blue line creeps hash things out
As the sun sets on their city's golden years, delusional wingcucks battle it out in a thread about a Somalian community activist getting carjacked in the parking lot of an organic food co-op. Name that local subreddit!
atheists seethe and rightoids smugpost when pro-2A single-issue-voter firearms CHAD decides to vote orange man
At long last, custom upvote/downvote buttons!
At the risk of rightoid posting plenty of drama comes from this bot/sub
Aussie company says job applicants with melanin don’t need to apply
Aussie police are allowed to turn their body cameras off. r/Australia isn’t having it, battery life and storage space limitations be damned.
Autism hallucinations produce the finest outsider artists/musicians/filmmakers. Take a break and enjoy this cool vid before it gets shoah'd.
Autistic girl makes rightoids cope and seethe in r/streetwear
Autistic incels are all of the sudden obstetricians
Autistic pedophile baits autistic pedophiles by turning a cartoon bunny into an Aryan bunny.
Autistic Pro Weebshit Libertarianism art on r/smuggies
Autistic zoomer microwaves his pet bird and now is freaking out
average burgerstani🤢🤮 is traumatized😥😭 by a domestic terrorist🧨
Average r/Drama user.png
average redditors seethe over every word of a way too long “inspirational” reddit speech
average redditors seethe over every word of a way too long “inspirational” reddit speech
average zoomer in 2020
Average Zweichads
average zweirama user
awwww look at that adorable child killer awwwww
Aznidentity and hapas leaking into r/smuggies
Aznidentity commits harakiri by banning another asian - me🍥🍚🍤
Aznidentity fails to understand nobody likes bad manners and gets into a fight with a Chinese on r/Chinesetourists. I, too, was shoved by the Chinese tourists and I’m Chinese 😒
Babylon Bee article about the riots gets posted on /r/AteTheOnion
Back in highschool one of my xbox live friends blocked and muted me for several months because I started dating a chick in our little gaming group
Bail fund frees a literal rapist. The most pretentious city in America discusses.
Bamename appreciation thread
Banning of dosrama was a disaster for the zweicels.
Barron Trump came up with a cute, unique prom proposal
Barstool makes a parody video about father Benjamin's WAP reading, r*ghtoids seethe in the replies when they don't make a corresponding video mocking someone else
Barçacels BTFO
Based AI
Based anar😿 dabs on 🤿-rightoids 💪
Based and Bussy-pilled
Based and fiqh-al-mu'amalat-pilled
Based and gorrila pilled
Based and Wakandapilled
Based CIA is after Karens
Based department calls, wyd?
Based Department will be contacting him soon.
Based DeuxChadfugees cause ruqqus users to seeth at obvious bait.
Based Deuxfugee causes the local ruqqus population to seeth over an obvious bait post.
Based FurCom exposes the rdrama menace?! 😳😍
Based Inspirobot
Based Mass-Killing of Jannies
Based on this information, I believe it is key we back the Armenians.
Based redditors revel in the thought of psychologically torturing the mentally disabled
Based schizo foid posts vibrator and sickle, causes massive rightoid seethe + leftoid infighting in comments
Based schizoposter.
Based Snappy quote laden essay.
Based trannies are bullying the gays back into the closet.
Based wiki
Based zoomer doesn't participate in attention seeking behavior
Basiert und coolgepillt
Basketball redditors debate on whether you should ever consider someone else’s opinion l.
Bastard in Blue forgets the spirit of ubuntu and threatens to kill doctor like George Floyd
Bavarian Indian Cosplay drama in /r/de
B-Black women fuck dogs? Amerikkka was a mistake.
Before you go off on Senator Harris, white folks, think very, very hard about the ways in your life you have contributed to the maintenance and perpetuation of racist, oppressive systems, and the ways you benefit from them.
Behind the times post: I avoided all the last of us 2 drama because spoilers. I also finished the game yesterday it's just what I thought: there's nothing wrong with the game or its story, it's actually dope as hell. Gamers are just for the most part mentally or literally children
Behold the mod for r/BHMGoneWild
Being a neckbeard is cool now according to some if they look queer 😳
Being a neckbeard is cool now if they look queer 😳
Be*liners🤢🤮 urges the EU to import more BIPOC, alt right sub r/europe does not agree
Belle thorne had only fan thots in their feelings.
Belleville washer
Ben ‘Hides children in his den’ Garrison reveals he’s a BDSM sub for w*men in uniform. The question is, where does the black guy fit in to this fetish? 🤔
Ben ‘likes em under the age of 10’ Garrison continues to blur the line between god tier satire and alt-right furry masochist porn.
Ben Shapiro | URGENT Message to Leftists
Ben ‘Sniffs the ink from his pen’ Garrison’s fentanyl withdrawal gets worse. This time he’s going after Dr Faucet again.
Ben ‘Swears he only takes it every now and then’ Garrison expresses worry there won’t be another debate.
Bernouts still cöping over no refunds
Best hits of the troll that recently graced drama.
Beware of more than just L*tins.
Beyond parody
Biannual monthly yearly reminder that this sub will only tolerate hate against Ethiopians
Big Brainers discuss homosexuality and Christ, Christian explains that Homophobia is Christlike and righteous.
Big if true
big seethe over reddit celebrating DD (R)’s virus announcement, average redditors call for genocide of the soyfaces in retaliation
Big surprise when sub dedicated to white men dating black women ends in them being nagging bitches
Big Yikes thread gets y'alled in /r/tucker_carlson as conservative factions duke it out.
Bikecels seething
Bike cvck channels his inner centrist. Pronoun twittercels are seething.
biofoids lmao
Bird basher goes into the beer chamber!
Black civil servant accused of car theft while jogging
Black king asks why wh*te feminists think they are more oppressed
Black Landchad has his propert destroyed by an ungrateful rentoid. Black kings naturally feel bad for him. Chapoids explain why they’re wrong to.
Black men have officially been canceled
Blatant Landphobia getting upvoted all over this rTRCM post 😡😡😡
#BLM -=| DO NOT DAB |=- #BLM
Bloaticus Maximus Index is disdained by high mass persons.
🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Boeing 767. Pure american pride. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Boetie BBQ
Bongs LARPing as Krauts seethe and cope when they are told being a burger is actually German culture
Boob milks sympathy part 27
Boogie has finally gone alpha
Books user is against the fascism in America known as the Republican party, people battle in the comments over whether or not he's biased
Books user supports a book that effectively says that trump is a fascist, people battle in the comments over whether or not he's correct
👨🦳Boomers👩🦳 go out on the 🛥️waters⛵ to show support for 💘daddy💘. But we all know that 🐙cthulhu🐙 is riden with Biden. 😎
Bot spam thread. Spam your bot commands here
Brainlet cries about failing the cognitive test Daddy "aced"
BrapoKrapper finds true work of art portraying Daddy as a Confederate and.....a commie?? Anyway, it's a masterpiece.
Brave Neolib wants to use tactical nukes in the war on terror.
Brave radical centrist gets downvoted for speaking his mind.
Brave user in r/europe rises up against sweden and me too. copypasta abounds
Brave Voxcel calls out viscous antisemitism behind the criticism of Cuties
"Brazil is so dangerous that music promoting organized crime and drug trafficking makes me nostalgic hahahaha"
Brb squeezing 🤗 the racism 😡 out of this Nazi 😎
Breadtubber sheeting over some kiddie game about cold war
Broads of Reddit unironically confirm that nothing you ever do is good enough for them.
Bro, you just posted cringe 😂🤣😂
Bunch of berniesanders supporters mad at wholesome black culture
Burger culture is threatened when one of their most sacred traditions involving keeping Walmart open on Thanksgiving is cancelled.
Burgerlander woman pretending to be an anime dragon for simpbux pisses off China by saying Taiwan is a country, ignoring all backlash. The reply section of every one of her tweets is now a flaming multilingual shitshow
Burgerland's "Summer of Love" block party just got an extra dose of love
Burgers BTFO 🥚w🥚
Burgershit. I'd like to see pizzashill and pol invictus's opinion on this.
Burgoids getting financially cucked by one of their banks lmao
But what could they mean by this? 🤔🤔🤔🐵🐵🐵
Call center uses a compressed recorder cover of Britney Spears' Toxic as its hold music. It's pretty dramatic I think
Cancerous subreddit goes the way of the crab (rip braincels)
Can I request to join Jannie team as a melanin rich bussy?
Can some of y'all try to extract snappy quotes from this here lolcow? Thanks sweaties!
Can’t believe Trump had information that would lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton
Can't verify authenticity but apparently after WRD posted the fake AHShit screenshot that said they were declaring war on 4Chan, A screenshot claiming /pol/ is preparing to intervene in the Reddit wars. WRDgenerates overjoyed.
Can't Wait for this
Can we pull a cumtown?
😲 Capeshit creator goes against his own people. 😲 What an uncle Tom. 😒💅🏻
Capleton Bumbo Red/Mi nuh Lotion Man (Medley) Capleton Bumbo Red/Mi nuh Lotion Man (Medley)
Category:Execution sites
Catladies and troons pat themselves in the back for giving daddy the big 'rona. Also, there's this comment.
Cats and Domino
CBT'er is one planck length from self awareness.
C++ Civil War II - The House of Cards
celmates has been banned
🍚cels seethe that their women like white bvlls. Not even sure what their wordsposting means and some arguments over optics.
Centrist meme makes r/PoliticalHumor seethe
Centrists are forced to pick either the hungry hammer or the autistic windmill. Commies not happy with the results.
Chad bf alphas his cheating slut gf.
Chad Kaiser Willhelm II 💪💪💪 vs Virgin Adolf Hitler 👨🏻🦽👨🏻🦽👨🏻🦽
Chadmins came through
Chad programmer baits r*dditors by writing a script telling them to calm the fuck down, gets 10000+ responses from anger management dropouts after preaching about basic r*ddit things
Chad programmer baits r*dditors by writing a script telling them to calm the fuck down, gets 10000+ responses from anger management dropouts and their retaliation bots after preaching about basic r*ddit things
Chapocel cucked by Chud Chad - it never even began
"Chapo is a psyop!"
Chapo mad
Chapo rapper gets falsely accused of rape by /mu/ inkwell.
Chapos flee into the movie business
Chapotard has multiple Spergouts in the comments of his own smug post on r/historymemes.
Chapotard tries to infiltrate r/TodayILearned, gets cowabunga'd by the locals
Charming came through!
CHAZ got y'alled and Seattlecels are coping hard
Check this sub out
chester the cheetah declares jihad???😳
Chestnut backed chickadees are one of my favorite birds
Chinese animation explains why black people are good at sports
Chiraq goons attempt to streamline gun violence and remove hospitalisations by shooting at least 13 people directly inside a funeral home. Perhaps a group discount can be offered to the victims?
Chiraq goons show off their ingenuity and concern for ambulance costs by shooting 13 people directly in a funeral home. Perhaps a group discount will be available?
Chris Hansen holds a livestream with a child-rape survivor/victim, having copyright-struck-down a bunch of fan channels only days before. He opens the chat up for viewer questions. r/FansHansenvsPredator discusses.
christcucks destroyed
Chump wastes hours of time on presidential debate “research”, zoomoids get political in comments
CIA propaganda is getting lazy. Apparently giving Uyghurs birth control and free healthcare is now "Genocide"
Cis white straight male’s homophobic comment on an article about a lesbian sleeping with her male roommate during lockdown made all the lesbian holes close shut in fear
City that wants the police 👮♂️ defunded has a “mass” shooting. Does this mean more police are needed? Or maybe police are useless? Redditors let their downvotes decide!
Click here to watch inkwells cope
Cluck the cucks
CMV: Hitler was a fag
C++ Nerds Civil II - The Final Boss
C++ nerds on civil war over who is allowed to be a meanie
C*ntrists BTFO
Coding the right way with fascist free MIT license
Commie☭ BTFOs💥 anarkiddies👶 on⬇️ burger🍔 hate🤬 sub🥪, leftoid🏳️🌈 infighting⚔️ ensues➡️
Commie☭ BTFOs💥 anarkiddies👶 on⬇️ burger🍔 hate🤬 sub🥪reddit, leftoid🏳️🌈 infighting⚔️ ensues➡️
Commies vs Europoors. Same shit as always.
commies whining about literal video game trailer subverting equality and minorities
Communism claims another civilian casualty
🥴Communist revolutionaries discuss economics🥴
communists get mad at being told to not buy from exploitative megacorps
Communists raid anti-america sub because a mod is against marxism, which has done so much for trans rights
Computer literacy brings about fascism in Germany
Confused Boomer in PissEarth comments doesn't understand their unique art.
Congolese anime forum users discover the incredible fact that water is wet
Conservitards: OMG cancel culture is like SO cringe 😡🤬 also conservitards: haha what if I go through your social media and try to cancel you for having different political views haha that would be so epic 😳😳😬
Consoomer seethes at RedLetterMedia, gets dunked on by enlightened film hipsters
Consume finds out that not even /pol/ wants the fugees :o
Consumetards blame /r/Drama for rule breaking false flags lmao
Containment sub for mentally ill "w*men" now scouring every line of the only book they read to look for crypto-problematic opinions oh God please let me back in the main sub I'm like a shark washed up on the beach
Contra points erases the identity of non-binaries. top minds of r/BreadTube think otherwise.
coolguides hosts a spit swapping makeout match between rightoids and leftoids
Cool incest story on relationship_advice
Cool Shitflangin between AHShits and Freeze Peach Warriors
coomer larps as own e-gf, gives longposting SRDines an attack of the vapors 🎣
Coomers rise up
Cope and seethe from both sides over a shitty game.. JUSTICE FOR MY HOMIE JOEL HE DIDN’T DESERVE TO GO OUT LIKE THIS 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Coronavirus hoaxer comes up with the hottest take yet, conspiracy theorists weigh in
Creepy journalist neckbeard recognizes the threat of incel hitlers, WW2-nazi collaborators disagree
Crossposted from Dosrama: smelly white woman dumps boyfriend for telling her to shave
Cultural appropriation, SMH.
Cumtown is private😭😭😭.
🤔, Curious🤔
Current state of u/BriefSquirt, führer of this sub
🤗 cute lil redditers share their feelings 🤗
Cyclosarin (1949)
Dadbot with the fire
dad diagnosis his son as a shirtlifter, wine moms mad.
Daddy and Daddy may fight. 😔
Daddy enjoyer almost keeps himself safe after daddy leaves for a permanent cigarette. 😭
Daddy gets cucked by corona
Daddy Hospitalized
Daddy incites TDS in /r/libertarian, lolbertarians argue whether the sub is too Reddit.
Daddy non-confirms his his god given right to save the world from pedos and cannibals
Daddy Tanky has B-Day! 😍 r/Europe Libtards arent happy... 😠
Daddy wants Joe Rogan to moderate a debate. /r/JoeRogan is divided.
DAE GOD BAD?????? 😂😂😂😂😂😂👈😎👉
"DAE John A. MacDonald is LITERALLY Chairman Mao?!"
Daily Bardfinn spergout.
Daily reminder that the SPD are class traitors
damn 70 percent of the nation is voting for Daddy
Damn dude that sucks 🙁
Damn right I’m gonna eat an ice cream
DARPA feeds the schizos
Das Auto
Das Auto
Das ist ein Test-Post. please ignore.
Das Thema: Schutzhäuser für Männer. Unironische Empfehlungen von MensLib lassen nicht lange auf sich warten.
Data Hoarder has a dispassionate discussion on the ethics of rehosting the nudes of Gone Wild.
DC cope levels off the charts
DDD tests negative for corona. Yet another win for the anti Malarkey gang
deafness autism
Dear zweirama
DebateAltRighter thinks that PewDiePie's marriage is a victory for the Alt Right.
Debtcels debate whether it was real communism.
😡😡 Dedicated to Werner von Braun 😡😡
Deluded and fragile AHS janny fails to understand basic statistical concepts such as survivorship bias
Deluded incel falls in love with shitty chatbot, essayposts about how it's actually sentient
Dementia daddy makes journalists seethe
🚨🚨🚨 Dementia Daddy (R) has the China virus 🚨🚨🚨
Dementia ridden old man no.2 Joe Biden has apparently forgotten almost all of US history and proclaims that Donald Trump is the first racist president.
Democrat primary runner-up posts feet
Der absolute status des Deuxcels!
Der absolute Status des r/drama
Deranged harpy monitors her husband's every move on the internet, meanwhile he's using Google Street view to cruise around Miami beaches looking for photos of bikini ass 🤣🤣🤣
Der Corona Coomer
Der Führer hat gesprochen
Der Horrer! No one should be forced to study Fr*nch!
Der Virgin Cope vs der Chad Bewältigungsmechanismus
Despite making up only 1.6 percent of the population...
Deus Ex dropping redpills.
Deuxrama/Zweirama Duel Citizenship
Deux virgins and drama fags listening to zweichads having the time of their life.
Dev goes ham on gaymers.
Dicklets rise up after a dick in /r/pornhubcomments is called "tiny"
Did any other jannies get their checks late this month?
Did he know?
Did one of you fuckers give me reddit gold 4 times yesterday?
Die Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging stellt die Jüdische Frage
Disadvantaged Teen is upset that he's getting the wrong kind of free housing while he attends uni on full scholarship
Disgusting that some people actually believe trans women can’t get periods. (NP link warning 🤢)
Disgusting that some people believe trans women can’t get periods. (NP link warning 🤢)
disgusting unwashed foid complains that showering is really difficult
Doctors escapes Wakanda only to get hammer-timed in leafland ):
Does anyone smudge, scent, or use spells to protect themselves and their homes? In the 21st century do you believe we disconnected ourselves from our spiritual selves?
Donald Trump has died
"Donald Trump's tweets have less grammatical errors than this." | Confused screaming in Amazon reviews as Polish guy uses Daddy's tweet to advertise his subservient drivel and unique art
Don Jr’s girlfriend is a giga-chad?!
Don’t listen to the bullshit surrounding the Adam Savage drama, NONE of it is true
Don't trust white boy teenagers with rectangular glasses
Doomer posts epic cope WORDS WORDS WORDS thread
Door knob
Doscels eternally BTFO by the AHS-chads
Dos got a visitor 31/200 ratio
Dosrama gets AHSpilled
Dosrama user dares to be ugly and fat in the presence of a local KING 👑
Double-ended screw
Do you have an accent?
Do you have a source on that? Source? A source. I need a source.
Do you hear the melanin?
Do your part to stop the spread of Coronavirus! 🙋♂️🙋🏻♂️🙋🏼♂️🙋🏽♂️🙋🏾♂️🙋🏿♂️🙋🙋🏻🙋🏼🙋🏽🙋🏾🙋🏿🙋♀️🙋🏻♀️🙋🏼♀️🙋🏽♀️🙋🏾♀️🙋🏿♀️
Dramacels continue to be Germanophobic.
Drama in the football world when a woman referees a match, but the drama is about.. Muslims?
Drama Libertarian mad
drama mods in a nutshell
Drama over thirteen doing a fifty
Drama purges the AHS menace
Dramatards lmao
dramatards reveal how little they care about actual issues that actual people face
Dramatards taking the bait and downvoting the lolcow 🤪🤪🤪
"Drama"utists seethe when shown the video of ((Teens)) doing what chapos dream of doing.
Drum sticks
Drunk drivers argue about whether or not it's a good idea to snitch on a fellow DD
Du bist schön (you are beautiful)
Du bist verdammt tot, kiddo
Dude get ripped off by a crystal dealer
Dude writes multiple essays in defense of Benny S 👌😎
Du hurensohn
Dumbass gets arrested for shining laser in the eye of police officer(s)
Dwarf-tossing - Wikipedia
EatAss puts kneel man back into their 🏈 game for children. Needless to say gaymers can't pass the opportunity to seethe.
Eating most of a cake is an accomplishment for Redditors of Mass.
E. Coli
Edgy Communists proudly proclaim their intentions to vote for Trump because a Republican supreme court ruled against the Green party for being hilariously inept. Somehow this is all the jews... I mean the DNC's fault!
Eine Stimme, ein Volk, ein Verbot.
el. em. ayy. oh.
el goblino americaine
Elon Musk found a new place to get his bong water from
Elton John's ex-wife is reportedly seething that he mentioned their marriage in his biography. She claims that his actions "triggered existing mental health problems when he mentioned their marriage".
Emoji BAD 😡
epic ngl
Escape from the crypt keeper
👴🏻 E S I S T V O R B E I 👴🏻
Es ist vorbei fur Deuxzoelen.
Es ist vorbei fur Duexzoelen!!
Es ist vorbei für Baguetten.
Essay posting about the word jihad in a fictional setting on a joke sub. Peak reddit?
Es tun so sein manchmal
Europoor Refugee struggle session 47698.
Even more proof that reddit is landphobic
Ever wondered what an anti-patriarchal witch Redditor looks like? 🧙🏼
Everyone involved here is a fag
Everyone say 👋 to my brother's cat
Everyone, this is not a (Chinese) flag. This is the Wuhan Coronavirus. I will remove it to the best of my abilities.
Excusive footage of Dosramafugees entering Zweirama
Exploits of the 31337 H4XX0R 4chan make the front page
extremely cute drama when someone suggests reddit leans left 👈😍
"Famicom the autistic 4chan pedophile obsessed with Hamtaro's owners pretended to be a Warner archive employee and did an ama on 4chans co board" Shamelessly stolen from ardrama of course
Fam i'm 12 years old, and still smarter than you, and i'm from Bangladesh and live in England.
Famous E-thot becomes an Anime E-thot. Anime E-thots simps are really mad for some reason. (x-post from grandpa drama)
fatass mod of r/dickchoppers overwrites someone else's sticky because he is neither getting attention or paid
Fatcels 🍔 🍟 🍕 on Plussize seethe when 330 pound landwhale shares their story about their chad friend making fun of fatties
Fat g*mer billionaire notch deletes his twitter account to own the libs
Father of Augustus Sol Invictus arrested for trafficking children into prostitution
Fats furious when gym hosts a seminar on not eating for a few hours.
Fat women with stretch marks angry at problematic internalized misogynistic woman
Fauci moves the goalposts to late 2021 and even rCoronavirus is conflicted. NEETs elated while others turn on their messiah.
Fauci moves the goalposts to late 2021 and rCoronavirus is conflicted. NEETs elated while others turn on their messiah.
FBI goes mask off, can AHS ban them?
feeling cute, might delete later :)
Fellow Muslim Landchads, we may have been wrong in our rejection of the gussy - this is based and so hot!!
Fellow Radical Centrists, Bussy Lmao! Now look at my hilarious ((shit))post
Fellow Zoomers, Yeet! Time to RISE UP against the ((Millennials))
Female DIN connector
Femboy Fishing Episode 10 - GOTH FEMBOY FISHING?!
Femboys > Soyboys
Fe*oids seething 🤣
fetishists invade Walmart. kinkshaming: NOT OKAY
Field guide to liberals
firearms chad posts how he was banned from rAtheism for voting pro-2A, seething leftoid lolcows brigade the post
Florida man lets coom and bullets fly during bussy check up 👴🔫🐊
Foids cope when they are called out for only talking about race and gender
Foids👩 cope when they are called out for only talking about race and gender
football drama yeet
Former future EUcels discuss whether Arap(b)s are subhuman. Consensus seems to be Lebanese and Jordanians are ok while Gulfcels and Syrians are on thin ice.
former head janny knew about Maxwell's underage delivery service but did nothing about it
Found a cool subreddit that appears to be a bunch of women seething about another woman
found a guy who exclusively posts the gamer word to r/The_DonaldUnleashed lol
Found out I have Qur’anavirus.
Found this hate speech online. I'm literally crying and shaking right now. How can such bigoted individuals exist in modern day society?
Fragile white redditor goes full r-slur over a shitty joke
Free Coronavirus Clipart, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on Clipart Library
freemagic, yet again, seethes over the existence of trannies
FreeSpeechWarrior continues
frenworld has infected r/ape
Frenworld's legacy of being as subtle as a loud gunshot lives on! Mask their wokeness on the JQ with wokeness on the PQ.
Fresh from defeating racism and capitalism, Seattle sets its sights in climate change
Friendly neighborhood hysterectomist gets their side gig blown up
Frog turns on the gas, what a twist
FTAR janitor warns users that it's wrong to wish death on people and says that the Secret Service is going to give their identities to the Proud Boys at the behest of Trump.
Fucking hypocrite Janny mayo slides itself right up it's own arsehole
Fuck it, Face Reveal:
Fugees admit finding juicy benis hot
Fugees OUT
Furry on twitter has a spastic meltdown because indigenous people have a right to be zoophiles because christians can’t behave or something
Furry schizoposter strikes again.
FWRetard and WRDicklet have a slapfight on FWR on who's more oppressed.
G*amers mad when a streamer doesn’t cut ties with his friend to appease them
[Game Thread] Biden vs. Trump (9:00PM ET)
"Gaming" coompany makes an AMA (big cringe)😬😬😬
Gangbangers sweating bullets
Gaymers and - Allah forgive me - w*men duke it out like it's 2015 again. SRD smugposts about the whole ordeal, in keeping with the goobergate throwback theme. Feeling nostalgic yet?
Gays are arguing again
Gays argue about receiving dick pics as openers on Grindr "Dick pics as a first message works on me" Bonus: Porn connoisseurs are able to point out the pic is a catfish
Gays argue about the ethics of taking dick during a pandemic
Gay Trump supporters are r-slurs
[Gelangweit Scheissposten] Kring normies on rapmorelikecrap get wOoOoshed, brigade and mass downvote satirical post by a 15 day old troll account.
Gem of a subreddit that survived de newest shoah!
George Floyd murder suspect released on $1m bail
Georgia HS is based
German köpe or danish køpe?
Germans have launched a gay ass meme war against burgers on me_irl. Should we join?
German Soldier Remembers WW2 | Memoirs Of WWII #15
Geschichte dieses Subs
Gf's husband took this pic of me
Ghislaine Maxwell was actually the ideal form of femininity & womanhood.
Giga aut-slur uncovers (non-existant) plot to ban all subs that let you say the n word, WRD is mad as h*ck like this hasn't happened before.
Girl guesses another girl's weight almost perfectly, yet everyone is still butthurt
Girls night out! Trump wishes you well too.
Glückliches Sedantag!
G*mer permanently stains his body with a character that he plays a lot. No wonder G*ming Disorder is internationally recognised.
G*mers are mad that a good game is exclusive to Epic Store
G*mers discover the concept of exercise. 💪 🏋️
G*mers remind themselves to take their yearly shower.
God-tier media trolling
Golden retrievers are unironically the worst dog breed
Good, I hope I don't.
Good morning
Good morning
💖Good morning 💖
Good morning
good morning I hate mayos🤢🤢🤮
Good morning Mr. Ivanovich, I have come to ask you for your daughter's hand in marriage
Good morning Zweitards
Good news: I'm making progress in convincing the lumpenproles of Reddit to reject degeneracy!
Good shit, fam. 🍿Flaterthers and globulists duke it out.
Good thing fursuits are flammable
google makes a femboy emoji
"Gravy Seals" of philadelphia angrily jiggle their blobs at each other
Great way to engage leftoids with bad faith arguments
Greece leaves migrants in the water, World news has a civil discussion over this. Don't even have to sort by controversial
Greta’s army in full attack mode towards anyone who says something no-no about the little climate autist
g*rman breaks into a french home and leaves a homemade treat
Grown adult 👨 literally punches 👶🤛 a child. 😱 /r/JusticeServed tell us why this is okay.
>6k comment thread as r/holdmyfeedingtube rises up against rogue mod's mayocide efforts
>Zweichads wading through hordes of r-slurs to find some juicy gossip
>Zweichads 💪 wading through hordes of r-slurs to find some juicy pathetisch 😭
Guillotinecels threaten to storm Jeff Bastille, demand $60k minimum wage
guns n roses? wholesome??
Gussy finds her wedding pic on cringepics.
Guten tag
Gut feelings are more accurate than they have any right to be. Like they make me think there's more to life to what we see. Like when I was a kid I'm positive I avoided getting my bussy violated because I trusted my gut
"Guys, did you know Switzerland has very few murders despite having a lot of guns?" ... and thus, opened were the floodgates for 1000+ insightful comments about every Burger's favorite topic: gun control.
Guys please dont vote for Biden.
Guys there's a Miami Hurricanes emoji!
Gypsy stopped taking his pills and now wants to make Islam great again.
haha that would be epic😳😳
hands are like the feet of the arm
Hans . . .
Happening in Berlin rn lmao
Happy 9/11 to y'all
[Haram] Gussy Lovers RISE UP!
[Haram] Mayo Autist wonders into ZweiRama and disrespects Allah.
Harry Potter haters seethe at an objectively correct political compass made by a truly enlightened centrist.
Has 2020 got you feeling nostalgic about gun ownership arguments? No? Well reddit are doing a full fledged re-enactment.
Have they really brought it up to 50/50 yet🤔 I thought we were still in the 60/40 range🤷
Have you ever been so desperate for attention, you post a picture of yourself in a wedding dress to a sub about cute furry animals? Welcome to the world of mayo foids 💄
Have you taken it yet? 🏚️💣🌳🏞️
HBO’s “Lovecraft Country” triggers melanincels
Heated debate occurs when a redditor promotes traditional values
Heatoids btfo
he cant keep getting away with it
Heckin cute Strong Independent Black Womxn of Size explains to a room full of melanin deficients why they're all demons
Help me
Here's how he can still win guys!!😹😹😹😹
heya hoya
Hey everyone I’m a new mod here ☺️
Hey, Obama boys: Back off already!
Hey quick question is there like a based centrist movement/sub that aims to end the abusive/illegal practices in pr0n and *isn't* a rightoid/radfem whackjob puritan bin?
Hey there, it’s your appointed jannie here reminding you not to comment or vote in linked posts
🤗Heyyyya my cuties.🤗
Heyyyya sweethearts. 💝🙈
Heyyyyya my cuties.
HHH upvotes and discusses SpaceGhostPurrp's latest manic episode, also interesting argument about whether Chris Chan's a bitch or a victim in the comments
Hi hello my name is Shoob hi im joined
HILdawg often complains in this sub about men and their violence. To call her a hypocrite isn't enough, she's done things way worse than domestic abuse or rape
Hindutvacel vs Pakicel.
Hitman 3 becomes Epic Exclusive. Total shit show happens, seething on the anti side, pasta is formed by the pro side
HobbyDrama poster has the misfortune to be born to two unsalvageable consoomers
Homesick for a place I'm not even sure exists.
homophobe-phobes mad x69
Hook bait and sinker when based technocrats come up a robot that tells you to wear a mask. Comment section explodes with Drumpf supporters claiming LITERALLY SKYNET
Hot take aged well
How can one man get cucked this much? Smh
“HoW darE yOu Say a ChinEse WorD that SounDs lIKe N_____!!!” (Communications professor Suspended by cuck admins) - read comments
How do you pronounce zweirama?
How is this allowed?
How is this the last standing drama sub on Reddit
How often do you tell the boys that you love them?
How’re you spending your time in these infected times?
How sweet the sound
How thicc is my dicc? Just ask Kamala 😏
How to bait chapos
How to become an Alpha Chad 💪💪😤😤👂👁👃👁👂😤😤💪💪 accordin aut rightoid on PissEarthBegins
How to cause drama with no effort
How to make the average Redditor seethe 101
How to play Fortnite Chapter 2: Tips and strategies for new players
How to say cunt in German
Hufeisen Theorie schlägt wieder zu
Hugging m/n while being aware of your own safety
😻😻😻 HUGO BOSS 😻😻😻
Huh, I guess they are transphobic then.
human parasite of r/neet discovers his fetish of getting murdered
human parasites REEEE in unison when someone asks whether leeching off your parents as a 30 year old is shameful
Human tattoo compilation Adam22 claims Tory Lanez shot Megan Thee Stallion because she got jealous of the attention Tory was giving Kylie Jenner. The Kardashian curse strikes again.
Hund Pilled
Husband wants smelly wife to bathe. Gurl, that's some bullshit.
Hydra effect
I always forget to post here
I am a vegan, AMA
Iam lokingg for pPixxaShill
I can't believe that some people would dare to imply that you aren't required to do something that people literally get paid to do for you. 😭
I can’t even do my job that I get paid $0.00 + annual bonus because Reddit hires interns to build their apps that just crash 😠😤
I challenge you to find one comment in this thread that doesn't sound deranged
Ich Bin Über Alles
I conveniently found this by the path the park early morning...there must be a higher purpose or meaning
I (correctly) accuse prominent TF2 YouTuber of being the George Soros of TF2, his fanboys rush into the comments accusing me of “logical fallacies” in the vain hope of getting some form of validation from their internet senpai.
Idahoans commit massive pogrom against C*lifornian rats
I did a microaggression by keeping the PC’s volume at 88%
I did an art thats heckin cute and valid about cutting my dickerino off
I didn't know canucks could commit hate crimes
Idiot in r/DumbOpinion forgets that based non western countries exist.
I don't remember setting this flair
I don’t wanna die bros
I feel like we as a society don't clown on rightoids enough
If Hitler had a single ball, was he a 1/3 trannie?
If Hitler had a single testicle, was he 1/3 trannie?
If Hitler had a single testicle, was he a 1/3 trannie?
I finally found someone who denies a genocide that isn't about Ukrainians or Jews
If it moves, the Chinese will eat it. Not even coronachan could stop this dog meat fair!
I found it. The perfect schizopost
I found lawlz's alt.
I found the zoomer version of circlebroke
I found this subreddit because SRDines were complaining about it.
If r/relationship_advice was a comment
I fucking hate smug Zionists 😒
If women are really equal to men in every way then what's this?
If you call yourself a dank memer, you deserve to suffer.
If you're a man who likes romance anime, give me your fucking man card immediately.
I give my blessings to this new drama sub by:
I got y'all'd and I'm seething
I hadn't been to WRD in a while, when I visited it I saw Cumskins whining about a whiny AHS cumskin manlet and a whiny SRD cumskin manlet banning their fellow cumskins.
I hate them.
I have determined that a girl at work has a prosthetic leg and I am wondering how to work that in my attempt to woo her
I have solved the Daddy problem.
“I hope they all get their families deathly ill and have to live with the knowledge they killed their parents and grandparents.” Redditors seethe at college kids for having fun.
I hope to God Ben is right
I just found out that (((snappy))) posts on AHS and SRD and I'm literally shaking and I don't know what to do??????
I just saw an old man on a motorized shopping cart yell at a morbidly obese woman sitting on her driveway
I just wanna give props to the dopest mod I’ve seen on Reddit
I just want 2020 to be over 😭
I just wanted TotesMessengerBot to have a longer comment.
I just want it to stop
I know this is fish in a barrelposting but I love seeing the sea of words wasted.
I left my headphones on the train now I'm sad :(
I liked the song "Red Flag" by The Suicide Machines a lot more back when I thought they were referring to the pirate "no mercy" flag and not the commie one
I like to remind Bongs whenever they get uppity
I'll never be able to use reddit again 😭😭😭
i made a meme page on instagram
I made a spell to summon just a few ladybugs, accidentally started an ladybug invasion
I made someone angry give me attention.
I made the world perfect
I made the world perfect.
i made this garlic bread with cheese and swiss chard.
Image of gay porn causes drama
Imagine being the agent who has to monitor Lawlz's account
Imagine living in a landlocked country
Imagine not being able to link to other subs
Imagine not using light theme
Imagine using a french drama sub in current year
Imagine what Trump is going to say and do once he doesn't have to worry about re election anymore
I’m giving up detached irony.
I'm homesick for a place that doesn't even exist
I'm lookynf for fresh lilcowe pleaysere meat. Wfat are some low hangivg fruot subd?
I'm member no. 666
“Imperialist USA sabotaged you in order to frame your system and your people. One day the terrors against socialism will end brother. The Global South will prosper! The USA imperialists will fall!” 🙏🏻👏🏻👊🏻
Important PSA for everyone on this stupid website
I'm reading the flowers in the attic series and holy shit its good
I’m resorting to this two bit, knock off, discount drama sub
I'm ridin' with Biden
I’m sorry Mr. Zweichad. He’s gone.
In 2017 a Muslim man in France murdered his neighbor because she was a Jew. He was just acquitted of the murder because he smoked cannabis before the murder and the judge decided that he wasn't responsible for his actions.
In an effort to cash in on his minor notoriety, walrus daddy may have committed some light treason 😮
In an unforeseen turn of events, r/drama itself gets y'all can't behave'd
In between dying from the coof and diabeetus, burgersharts cope over MUH GUNZZZZ
incells on the WWQ
India exists only to make us happy and brighten our day: 'Men Scaled Walls, Masturbated and Molested Us': Gargi College Students Recall Horrific Night of 'Reverie'
Infected daddy's thread, sorted by controversial. It's a fucking graveyard of removed gilded comments.
Internet janitor that was missing for weeks comes back finally and realizes that people shitted and cummed all over their sub and now they have to clean it up for free
In the book Enders game, ender played a violent video game. At a later piont in the book, he committed genocide.
In the right corner we have "Can't Stump" Trump, current belt holder, backed by Putin. And in the corner on the left, the new challenger, we have Sleepy Joe, backed by... Is that who we think it is?!?
In this video we see Yeezus being treated like a servant as he holds a plate of food for a fashion executive while the man eats and Kim Kardashian films. Is this what Kanye was referring to when he made New Slaves?
In which a community rep bans a gay for saying "gay"
In which I almost convince a guy there is a conspiracy about wiping his ass.
Inzucht-Ungläubige stehlen kleinen Kindern Süßigkeiten (Schweinefleisch)
I only skimmed this but a dude got cucked or whatever
irl psychic posts article about the spiritual meaning of abortion in an infanticide subreddit but the bloodthirsty locals aren't having it
Is anyone else worried that concerns about chinese "replacement" of uyghurs have dangerous similarities to white nationalist rhetoric?
is blm based for posting crime statistics?
Is it okay to dox a child for saying the gamer word? SRDines discuss this complicated question.
Islam is right about slavery
I slept out in my truck in a bar parking lot because I wasn't good to drive and woke up to a cop knocking on my window
Is m/le humor just a cope?
Is pedophilia a sexuality rather than a fetish? The top experts on reddit dot com treat this sensitive topic with as much care as a black person receives in custody.
Israel does something. Rightoids and leftoids fight over it. Sort by controversial.
"Israel officially is not Jewish"
Is Stonetoss a nazi? More importantly, is Nazism beneficial to landlords?
I stan this not-man
is that-is that a... Child belly and chest?? UOHHHhhhhhhHHhhhhh god im COOOOOOMINGGgg!!! 😭😭😭😭うおおお!!!!
Is this “Based” ?
Is this Mayo worth investing in???
Is this mayo worth investing in??
Is this place destined to die?
is this the saddest community on reddit dot com
It has begun
"I think I can smell Corona virus". He really does.
i think this is the post that'll finally make me end it
I think this one kinda speaks for itself, doesn't it?
I think we should rebuild the wall and here is why
It is Anschlusszeit for another round of CSS macros
It looks like the Germans have perfected the popsicle.
It may truly be over for dramacels
it never even began
I took zweipill
It really do be like that
It's a really fucked up double standard that business owners are celebrated for creating jobs but when I did the same thing as a teenager by indirectly causing the construction of a fence and the hiring of security guards all I got was berated and charged with misdemeanors
It's finally over for burgercels
It's finally over for malecels 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻
its finally over for the dramazöl
It’s gonna be ViVi’s year! 😫🥵😻 #StanLOONA
It's ice cream Tuesday on zweirama! Get yor treat before deuxfugees steal them.
It's nerds vs geeks on the KYM page for the Angry Video Game Nerd
It's nerds vs geeks when an r/cinemassacretruth user uploads his anti-AVGN images to KYM
It’s official ❤️
its over for degeneratecels as ubermensch redditor exposes their bigotry
It’s over for English footballcels
its over for modcels. comment here or say auf wiedersehen to being a mod of the best drama subreddit
It's over for reclassifiedcels!
It’s pronounced brust-wurst
It's real!
It’s scary to let men you don’t know into your house during this time
It turns out Ninja's wife was BLACKED by a 6'6 King in college
I understand why people join Hamas now.
I Upset Some Re(eeeeeeee)dditors 😷😷😷
I've been drinking a lot of vodka tonics today and while I considered deleting reddit from my phone I'd like my trademark flair back (only makes good posts)
I've just discovered the White Supremacy Iceberg and it's filled with words
Ivy League marching band admits to being racist, misogynist and oppressive, disbands
I wanna share some cool art with you before it disappears
i want to live in a world without smugposters
I was like you until I read this. It changed me. It can change you too.
I was talking to my unironically fentanyl-American boomer neighbor and he's going out of town for a few days. "Can you keep an eye on my house? Anyone comes there, threaten to shoot them. Actually, call me. Actually, call the law. That'd probably be best."
I went to the store today without a mask on
I wnted slf hatibg mayis in FraguleWgiteRedutor to make fn of tgese frgile mayos. Bt tge fgot N9tgeGr0 sgadowbanned me. So post thid hrw
I woulf liyke to know ur opinion on ttgis Terible blcface acct and ping it for lulx.
Jacobin goes full reich, suggests that nazis make great CEOs
Jannie forcibly takes over based sub to post anti police propaganda
Janny does a hatespeech
Janny neuters a potentially dramatic crossposting war between /r/FemaleDatingAdvice and /r/MensRights for an unspecified amount of money
Janny sends fentanyl americans to the gulags
Janny that learned to code should have learned to lawyer instead.
Jelqer discovers adding .5 inches to his penis won’t stop his wife from leaving him
Jesus fuck I miss having feelings
Jetlets salute their Chadprop overlord
Jewish civil war 😧 Are hasidics masking up? Anti-semetic conspiracies by the media🤔?
Jews have never been the real enemy.
Joanne "Just Kidding" Rowling writes another book
Joe Biden's daughter-in-spirit explains who is and who isn't allowed to say the gamer word
Joe Buden takes the dogpill
Joe Buden takes the dogpill
“Joe Rogan under attack by Google.”
John Lennon nearly gets cancelled, so he whips out his n-word pass on live TV [1972]
JT LeRoy unmasked: the extraordinary story of a modern literary hoax
judge judy is woke on the pitbull question
just a cool photo, wanted to share
Just got u/Kellere31’s self portrait commissioned 😍🇩🇪
Just read that a cow produces 200 times more methane a day than a human.
Just witchcraft being witchcraft 🧙♀️🧙♂️
Kamal Harris feet pic
🤴🏿KANG🤴🏿 fights Corona problem at its roots. Publikdreakout concludes: black is wack. 🙎♂️ Mayos are not amused. 🙎♂️
Kangz mad when clueless post on arrr history calls Egypt an "African tribe".
Karen denounces 🤢amerikkka🤮trump supporters mad😷🚫🤕
Karma daddy draws a 2d projection of his dick on the sand, scale 1:1 (inches) 😍😍💦💦💦🍆🍆🍑🍑
Karma Daddy posts pic of himself doing karma worthy thing 8 years ago(4 years before his Reddit account) before he got his sexy beard and when he was young and fresh. He was (still is) such a stud😍😍.
Kayne is currently having a twitter meltdown after posting his entire contract and recording himself peeing on his grammy
Keeping Up With My Rock
Keep Yourself Safe! :)
KIA is torn between their desire to own the libs and their desire to [CENSORED]
KIA is torn between their desire to own the libs and there desire to [CENSORED]
KiA-zöls verstehen nicht, warum normale Leute den Kinderporno ekelhaft finden 🤢🤢🤢
Kim Kardashian allegedly had an affair with Meek Mill. My boy Ye is in free fall.
Kinda epic ngl
King of the Mayos: "I’d like to take this time to apologise… to absolutely f****** nobody!”
Kings and queens ask the white women🙎🙎🙎 question
King shit
Know your place, subhumans
Kope on smuggies over a meme looping them in with the people they hate. As NotchDidNothingWrong suggested, the comments mirror the image.
Korean man declares war against the Filipino menace. Flipcels duke it out in the Youtube comments.
Kyle "Don't Call Me Kyle 'Hundred Proof' Rittenhouse" Rittenhouse to sue Dementia Daddy (D)
Lady Watermelon 🍉 Delivers Scripted Speech to Rioters In Order to Urge Actual Action
Lady Watermelon Has Hi-IQ Idea of Faking her Own Kidnapping in Order to Garner Sympathy as Democratic Candidate
Lame slapfight on the topic of Libertarianism on HHH.
Landchads celebrating a special day
Landwhale explains various categories of coping mechanisms
lardbinn questions dogma, gets downvotes
LARPing chapoids plan to siege the White House, gets their ratios sieged instead
Last words by brave red army martyr before the deep state got him. Rip 👑
Leaf opinions continue to not matter
Leaf Redditors outraged at the arrogance of Americans who don't acknowledge the incredible importance and political weight of the Mayor of Sarnia's (pop. 70,000) personal opinions.
Leafy gets banned from YouTube and r/livestreamfail still manages to find a way to seethe.
[LEAKED] Turmoil in zweirama's mod chat
Learn how to earn the praise of arr-slash-arrr-JoeRogan reader jncellies🍆💦. To start: 👏🏼don't 👏🏼be👏🏼 a👏🏼 womyn👏🏼.
Lebanese girl is a bigot🤣🤣
Leftoid begs for money on YouTube
Leftoid CANCELS Bernie Sanders
Leftoid ne peux. Rightoid ne veux. R-slur suis.
Leftoids and arrr antihatecommunities have the same take on a meme.
leftoids and rightoids smugpost at eachother in rPoliticalHumor 🤓🍆💦
Leftoids doomposting on FtAR about the inevitable racewar - "buckle up. Here comes Civil War lI"
Leftoids doomposting on FtAR about the inevitable racewar - "buckle up. Here comes Civil War lI"
Leftoid somehow understands why people vote MAGA
Leftoids turn on each other in one big giga-seeth moment (Sort by controversial)
Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler
Le smug /r/politics Redditors gather around and pet the new lil good boy in town
Let's build a lolfarm
Let's play a game: Two paragraphs. One from r/nofap. One from r/braincels. Which one is real? Which one was auto-completed by AI?
Let's play a game! While I was sleeping, it was revealed that a kaffir DISRESPECTED ALLAH! Can you guess who this kaffir is?
Liberals cope over the assumption that they are all manlets in comparison to most alt right chuds
Life imitates art, angry impoverished Chinese railworker furiously rants at sociopath racist kidnapping him on the back of a horse in RDR2
Lindsey Graham is getting kicked out of the closey
Listen fat
Listen Jack
"List posting is stupid it will never catch on"
literally the average r*ddit j*nnie
Literal NAZI gets BTFO'd by peaceful protester - wholesome 💯 redditors spend their coins
Lithuania shows some appreciation for their American overlords, r/europe is not pleased.
[Livestream] This is too important for unapprovedcels to miss.
Living ZweiChad: Blackpilled Rabbi who says the Jews are greedy and promoted homosexuality in Weimar Germany and started Communism (because they abandoned the Torah's teachings)
Local centrist gets BTFO by jannies, rages about it like a shrieking baboon.
🎼 Local music circlejerk shitposts 💩 jannie into submission over POLITICS ✊🏿
Local Redditmans post video about US female statistics. Most rational creatures understand the joke, but some - Allah forgive me - w*men choose to instead prove the video's point.
Lolbertarian redditors debate whether male Circumcision violates the NAP
lolcows find pasture in an rFirearms thread
lolcows on the loose in rfirearms, locals take up arms and stand their ground
lolcows on the loose in rfirearms, locals take up arms and stand their ground
lol Cuckoldry, the religion
Loli sub banned, libertarians crawl out of the woodwork
Looking through my post history eh AHScels?
Look's like I'm back on the MAGA Train boyz! NO BRAKES
Look what I got at the zweirama butchery
Lore Time: I read an article by this Indian activist whose white bf was calling her racist names. I checked her twitter and she liked to post about white people’s microaggressions, I made a Twitter account to DM her. She blocked me and changed her banner to “white people aren’t the devil”
Loser writes a book about why PCMs is literally hitler
Lots of shitflinging when r/hottiesfortrumps gets brigaded and hits r/all, lots of boomer comments
Loveforlandlords and drama become a modern day Corcyra and Corinth
Lovely Peaches' life story
low effortpost, testing how pinging works
Low Info Voters berate Mayo over holding an n word coffee cup
<= Number of people (manlet, g*mer) Ryan Haywood has sex pested 🤮
<== Number of people Ryan Haywood has sex pested
Lysistrata takes to Twitter, but the Athenians aren't having it. Seething incels riot in the Acropolis.
[mach dich nass!] Drive-in sex booths proposed for Berlin's historic Tempelhof airport
Magic cardcels seething over some new program
Mailchimp chimps out on molymeme
Malcolm X ✊🏿 meets George Lincoln Rockwell 🥛, colorized, 2020
Man a get wrapped and smoked in blunts
Manga made for MDEfugees !😍😍
Man kann pissen ohne zu scheißen aber nicht scheißen ohne zu pissen
Manlets rise up?!
Man proves that Columbus was right about America
Martial arts discusses.
Masks are fascism.
Masstagger adds /r/truscum to its list of natzee subs. Tranny comes into /r/masstagger to voice his concerns
Masstagger super-janny with no trace of self-awareness cries abuse because a bot scanned xir's post history
Mayis cannot stwp getging butthyrt
Mayo foids need to be stopped
Mayo hamplanet makes a vid saying that a D-list celebrity gamer tired to fuck her, Rooster Teethers #BelieveWomen and çøpê
Mayo neo liberals are shocked by the existence of ZweiRama
Mayos from T*lsa 🤢klah🤮ma react to a mayo mayociding 2 mayos in blue
Mayos get buthurt.
Mayos Mad
Mayos mad
Mayos Mad pt 2: Getting ready for a war against r/fragilewhiteredditor
Mayos refuse to educate themselves[Seattle-oid drama]🤢
MAYO TIME! French police kills mayo! My timbs is ready for some jogging
May Zwei reign eternal
M bsck dfrom my suspendiun!
mdefugees are asleep post gay
MDEfugees looking for a new subreddit to migrate to after getting the previous one banned. (2020 AD) (Colorised)
MDE gets woke on the (((Pitbull Question)))
Me and a few zweitards preparing for the Day of the Can. Are you doing your part?
me and the gals started a cool subreddit where we're totally not seething all the time
Measurement while drilling
Me before killing everyone in call of duty modern warfare 500 😎😎👳🏾♂️🔫
mediocre acab drama
Men are bad 👏🏻
Menslib user btfo by Jenna Jamison
Mentally ill Jewish woman wins Republican congressional primary in Florida
mentioning the word "ephebophile" on r*ddit brings out angry pedos
Meowsommarcels 🇨🇳 go apeshit 🦍💩😤 when k-pop boy band doesn't spit on the graves of veterans 😇
#MeToo comes out in support of the biggest victim of the decade
Mike Pompeo: I have information that will lead to Hillary Cl- 👵🗡🕵
Mild footie drama
Mild MAGA drama in r/trashyboners that you probably shouldn't worry about but you will because you're addicted to all kinds of drama
Militia plans to kidnap Michigan's governor. Foiled by Alphabet Boys infestation
Minneapolis says "Yes!" to accelerationism
Minor cope on smuggies about a smuggie depicting a Nazi.
Minor discussion on paradigmshift2070 on whether the most subhuman of a subhuman race (pastacels) accepted by retarded mayos are white or not. (Kinda unrelated but the OP of the post seems to have libertarian tastes.).
Minor drama as imaginary friend 👻 takes the 🍑💊
Minor drama in r/Jewish as some jew gets killed for not being kosher enough or something
Minor Nazi drama in a subreddit for a mobile gacha game that I'm addicted to
Misogyny from male redditors was called out with feminist art
Missouri Man Charged with Assault After Cop Breaks Hand on His Face
M/le gamers assumed that gurl gamer would stay at base and take care of it while they go out exploring 🤬🤬
M/n on Reddit bad 🛑
Moderator of r/actualpublicfreakouts suggests watching some baby elephant gifs, right after watching two cops get shot to death
Modestly endowed Mgtcels coape, fume and seethe
Mod me
Mods don't want to moderate sub.
moid ---> troid
Moids gonna moid
Mom gets toenail removed. Is out of spoons and bed-bound for a week. Goes ballistic when husband asks when she'll stop milking it.
Mommala vs uncle pence
😍😍😍 mommy is back 😍😍😍
Monthly jannie compesation
More like Puberama amiright
More mayo nonsense:
More pathetic than a janny: person doing work that a simple machine learning classifier taught in an intro course can do
more reason for mayofoicide
Mother Sub
Move over, fish hook theory
Mr. Garrison has a competitor in the #resistance
MRW I see Balkancel drama
mtg right wing knock off sub copes that transphobia and racism are NOT okay
"Much like the Osama Bin Laden raid or D-Day, you never know when your number will be called to serve." -- literal blogboi. Bait is swallowed and yanked to the watery deeps
“Mulan was shot at Chinese concentration camps” - oh shit
Muslim defends Muhammad against kafir slander.
Muslim KING slams teacher for pushing gender agenda.
Mustache appreciation thread
Mutti feet pics when?
Mutti, ich möchte auf /r/drama posten
My brother-in-law's dating history (personal drama)
My brother make god point abt hinduphisbia in the arld. Mudslimse are doing jihad against us in London.
My dad would punch me at random sometimes whenever we were within punching distance and growing up I thought it was so I could practice my blocking and counter attacks and shit. I now have a similar dynamic with my nephew I realize my dad just liked punching me
My experience with browsing r slash relationship_advice
My former boyfriend Kaiser-Romulus breaks up with me, and then removes as moderator on r/DosRama and tries to silence me pls share the truth
My new home :)
My parrot died today.
My piby tweuts scrernshot cayses drwma in BPT.
"My real name is Rósa Arianna McGowan. I have lived a double life. Being a radical has been my only way out of being controlled by three letters that start with C. It’s nice to meet you all. Go to my IG for more."
My sqeet pibgy maued tge tiw truck dfivers kid anf tpld me abt it by brrkinh. I pusywd it on Twitter anj somwone screenshoted it and posted iy on BPT!
My wife said Daft Punk are not that good
My wife wants an MFM but not with me
Nach diesem bild hatten wir einen dreier 😎😎
NASA dorks!
Navies of landlocked countries 🤣🤣🤣
NBA whiteboi shoots game winner while standing on BLM logo
Need good YouTube recommendations
NEETrage over Zweichad excellence.
NEETs c*pe with their lack of yangbux
Neo-Confederate compiles 9 minute snuff film.
Neo liberals of SRD2 take victory lap with a questionable news article ‘debunking’ some autist project veritas claim
neoliberals unironically arguing bernie sanders is literally trump
Neolibs argue whether to let in Commie Grampa supporters, and whether they are essential to Dementia Daddy's campaign, while sperging out with salty Berners coming to kope.
Neo-nazis claims that "personal responsibility" and "free will" is a real thing🥴
Nerd has priorities
Nerds want computer graphics card. Sie können die Karte nicht haben.
Never forget who sexism really benefits.
New colony, get it while it's hot
New leaked footage shows AOC did porn! [Click here for free smilies!]
New potential lolcow sub
"New" rules cuz y'all can't behave
News photographers and reporters fight over who should learn to code first
New Witches Should NOT Hex Trump. Seal Team Hex is already working to counter hex the covid witches.
New witches🧙♀️ should NOT HEX TRUMP. Seal Team Hex is already working to counter hex the covid witches😯
New York Times hired a woman for their IT security
Nexus mods yalls Amerikkkans eternally cus they couldnt behave
NFACel does a sky pop, as is tradition. Local dramanauts do their part to make sure everyone stays entertained as the SS abduct him for literally no reason
Nick Mullen banned from Twitter after saying he was going to kill Dead Libertarian Daddy.
Nihilists have a slapfight over retarded faggy shit
NoahGetTheBoat calls out pro-incesters, turns out that it's a popular opinion on reddit
Nobody gets me
NO EXCUSES: Date Multiple Men Until Commitment is Established
No, just no. There's so much wrong here to unpack; racism, misogyny and pure ignorance that I don't even know where to start
no-life r-slurs in an autism support group have a shouting match over which flavor of wingcuck is more better
No more brother wars Deus vult larp cool art part 2:
No more mentioning/linking r/breakingmom.
Noo mah kang
NOOOOOOOO! You kannst get plastik straws verboten nooooooo
NOOOO!!! The Jannie has come back to the sub after missing for 3 weeks!!!
No refunds btw
northcels BTFO
Not drama. The adult children of r/harrypotter do what they do best, circlejerk over how real life is totally like their favourite book.
[Not shitpost] is this legit?
"Not soft enough to attract the shotacons, not bishie enough to attract the fujoshis, not cute enough to attract the trap-loving degenerates and nowhere remotely good enough to keep the dying fanbase." 🤮🤮🤮
"Not to sound like a crazy conspiracy theorist but wasn’t that girl said to have been raped and beaten to death by the elite pedo ring? I’m probably wrong but once I read that allegedly this girl was kidnapped,gang raped and beaten to death by the Illuminati lmao"
Now seems like a time to revisit some of Yeezy's less known rants. In this transcript of a secretly filmed rant Kanye unloads on Taylor, Pink and even mentions Eminem.
Now THIS is the kind of content worthy of this sub
[NSFW] Found BriefSquirt's alt!😍😰😛🐲🐉🌵🚅🍑⚽🍆⚽💦💦💦
Nuclear cope when Average Redditor Starter Pack is posted.
Nuclear take
Nuclear take in r/bl*ckmagicfuckery
Nuclear-tier twitter seething as the hard sciences submit to the soft.
NYC is dead forever, inshallah.
[Obscure Drama Alert] Chris Hansen takes a seat as YouTube commenters seethe over his awful IT team
oh boy, here we go
Oh, dang nematodes.
"Oh h*ck yes dis hard. Going in the heavy rotation with my YTPMVs and Megalovania remixes"
Oh nein, die Hexenmeister geraten außer Kontrolle!
oh no no no no no
Okay I wasn’t sure but now I’m definitely ridin with Biden
Okay pedo
ok serious question: is canada a real country or just a joke? 😅
Old guy starts smoking on a bus, /r/justiceserved debate the ethics around dragging then throwing a old guy with dementia to the curve.
omg which one of you wrote this. I CACKLED
one brave user in r/holdmyfeedingtube goes against the white supremacist tide.
One of the many thousands of retarded r/nba posters is gobsmacked when told that Milwaukee is in Wisconsin and not “around Maine.” Also calls these literal basketball Americans “ignorant” in his post history.
One of the moon-hexing witches has died 👀
One of the multiple struggle seshes on AHS on who's racist towards whom(Pajeet Hindus to Pajeet Muslims or vice versa) or what are the real hatesubs.
on-the-ground journalism
On the topic of imageposting
On this day, /r/europe coped
OP doesn't know women can orgasm multiple times
OP donates to Hezbollah, is shocked and confused when his bank accounts are frozen
Opinion | How to Force 8Chan, Reddit and Others to Clean Up
opposing having women in your medieval fighting game makes you far right, according to some posters in r/Mordhau
OP posts a photo of himself with a preggo he rented out on craigslist, but then a bunch of vile nazis brigade his post, invalidating his sexual orientation through kinkshaming
OP posts his bad mathematics in badmathematics
OP starts sperging on a public freakout agendapost, we need these leaks!
Orange daddy puts up poll to ask 👉🧒 you if you are going to vote for a low IQ socialist democrat or the greatest man alive.
Orange Man fight on guncels sub.
Our favorite sub🥪protects hello_bob🙆🏽♀️
Our new waif - South Dakotas governor - causes so much twatter peta seethe
Our new waifu - South Dakotas governor - causes so much twatter seethe
oWo What's this?
Pack of angry mayo foids and suspected white supremacists harass a POC for streaming while brown (2:30-8:00, 22:00--)
Pajeet accidentally starts infinite loop between bots, 100+ replies and counting
Pajeets kope on WRD about "worldnews pushing anti India narrative Post-Cashmere", a day after a Paki Pajeet complained about worldnews pushing Anti Pakistan narratives. Argue with local Mayos about whether their country's a shithole or not.
Paki Pajeet explains how sex slavery is consensual.
Pakistan Bans TikTok, Citing Morals. 🕌
Panicked parents desperately search for their daughter and redditors project their own parental issues
parasites argue over jewish plasma vampires
Parents now asking their kids if they want to get blacked
Part-time RuPaul 🍆🍒Trussies 🍌🧄are still white ☠️supremacists☠️ keeping Latinxers and basketballs🏀 down. Sub agrees that they indeed live in a s🌎ciety.
Patriotisches Lied des Tages | Patriotic Song of the Day: Preußens Gloria
PCM bait thread brings out the seriousposters
PCM: Mayos rebel against BIPOC-britons🙄🙄🙄
Peak mayo
Peak responsible mayo gun owners pew pew pew 🔫
Pebble Yeet has a secret
pedophiles accuse normal people of being the REAL pedos
Pedos mad a Black KANG
Pedos on Twitter. Everyone in shock for some reason.
People always ask me; Oh, Pugba the wise, how do I talk to manlets? Well, fear no more I tell you! For I have brought you a conclusive guide to the menace that is communicating with manlets!
"People don't commit crimes because they want to, they do it because they have to."
"People don't commit crimes because they want to, they do it because they have to." t. redditor
Perhaps anarchy is not the best ... Seattlecels realize
person gets really mad at me about art
Petition to change the image of the sub to the actual Germany
Petition to make Peter Soeller a mod
petition to mod u/dasklingtgut
Philosophers at /r/whitepeopletwitter have concluded that it’s woke to be antivax.
Philosophers of stupidpol debate the 🚺 🍆 question, words posting intensifies
Photo 📷 from the last ZweiRama meetup. Tag yourselves kings 👑 🙏 [NSFW]
Pibble arguments for the millionth time!
Pibble gives birdie love kiss
PissEarthers angry at pajeet for being angry that the show about that cool Indian guru apparently didn't have him fuck the Mayo chick
PissEarthers start falling in love with PissEarth, get a BASTE liberal and a BASTE black man.
PissMayos mad that their ancestors fought for something as great as this:
PissMayo thinks getting beaten up for Niggering (not being able to win the fight) is White Slavery.
PissStain writes weird story about Tyrone, shows that all he knows about his ((replacements)) comes from memes and rap videos.
Pitbullcels S E E T H I N G after various towns vote to ban pitbulls
Pizza and BriefSquirt argue.
Pizza names brief squirt
Pizza protests nu-Drama. Unrelated, but BriefSquirt pulls out interesting dm Pizza sent him, snappy quote worthy.
Pizzashill eat da poopoo
Planet of Ham (PoH) enrolls in a nutrition course and reaches out for emotional support
Planet of Ham (PoH) seeks advice to prevent ex from starting a diet with his kid
platy is a lover 💋😍 but he's also a killer 🔫😎
Player of the most autistic g*me on earth gets banned. Now he’s trying to begthe community subreddit, but no one is having it.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes
Please don’t upvote posts on this sub
Please follow instructions to prevent yourself from becoming an inc*l
Plus-sized drama when a heavyset woman requests help reigniting her marriage.
POJ used 1.8m of PPP money on cars and strippers. Somehow its trumps fault. Words words words
Poketards debate whether Russia would be a good look for the franchise
Pokémon: Which Region Suits You Best, Based On Your MBTI®
Poland 😡😡😡
PoliticalCompassMemes discusses the Furry question
Political ideologies you need to have if you use are tsvirama
Political post in non-political sub. Guess what happened.
Political r/insaneparents posts are the best r/insaneparents posts
Politician busted trying to meet with 14-year-old boy; Redditor claims to have hooked up with him on Grindr
Poointheloocel (Muslim variety) caught playing both sides of some war in Southern Russia.
Pope Francis: 'Nobody Out-Molests The Catholic Church' | The Onion Presents The Topical
Pop quiz time zweilords. How can you tell this is bait?
Portland antifa account gets mad at the cripples breaking up their battle formations and does an ableism followed by an orobouros
Portland riot/snack van dude does a sexual harassment
Poseur dorks 🤓 go on a Nazi 卐 hunt 🔫 in a sub for showing off shitty 💩 arts and crafts 🧵 that have been lame ♿ since the 80s 🦹
Post AHS arabfunny, heavily downvoted AHS shilling and mildly upvoted Freeze Peach comments. A bit 😴😴😴 though
Post animals that are literally you.
Posted by yours truly, u/DubTeeDub.
post feet
Posting here for Snappy bc I think my other account is shadowbanned. ESS made a huge anti-Bernie opposition research thread and said they would delete it if Sanders won the DNC nomination
Post your ZweiRama music here!
Potential incoming drama alert as it appears both Yeezus and Kim want a divorce. Invest in dramacoin now as who knows what Yeezus will reveal during the divorce process.
POV: You give an opinion on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
POV: You walk into Starbucks and order a venti soy latte
Power Bottoms of TMOR seriouspost about the rightoid villains
Powerful Individual of Adiposity eats graham crackers in frosting as a coping mechanism, is applauded for it.
Powerjannie posts to r/quityourbullshit, everyone reminds him he does it for free
Pozidriv scew
ppl are being mean an bullying this cute twink 😡
Prepare for a drama nuke.
Professor Jessica Krug admits she lied about being black: ‘I cancel myself’
Pronouns in bio is a very triggering topic for AITA
“Protest good. Sportsball bad” and the same fucking NPC average redditor takes are said in a sub who’s janny has been missing for weeks!!
PROTIP: Get your favorite subreddit url's tattooed on the inside of my bottom lip for safe keeping in case you lose your bookmarks.
Proud boys clip causes me to sort by controversial 😴 tbh this sort of drama is feeling really old and boring, but sharing it anyways plz give your free reddit silver
PSA: alright zweitards, enough is enough. Please do not post racist comments on here or this will happen
PSA: Alright, Zweitards, please do not make racist comments or this will happen
PSA: Enough is enough. No racist comments. Please behave or this will happen to you.
PSA: how to cope for inc*ls and zweic*ls with no bussy
PSA: If I catch you making openly racist comments. You will be asked to leave.
PSA: sex therapy for i*cels to release their inner rage
PSA: Stop being retarded
Pssst. Hey, any Brvhtopians wanna share a link to the discord?
Public freak out over ass.
Pungent, rubbery g*ssy 🤤🤤
Punk rock enthusiasts respectfully disagree on what can and can't be considered punk per se
Qanon predicted this
Quick reminder
Q was actually right all along holy shit lmfao
r4chan has a Good Morning moment
Rabid TMOR users frothing at the mouth when rightoids in rConservative post in defense of orangeman
Racewar enthusiast explains her struggle
Racewar enthusiast explains her struggle
racist shota needed
Radical Centrism has overrun smuggies!
/r/AgainstHateSubreddits schizoposts about /r/PoliticalCompassMemes
/r/AgainstHateSubreddits schizoposts about /r/PoliticalCompassMemes
Rammstein’s rightoid burger fans are on SUICIDE WATCH over new pro-mayocide video. They COPE! They SEETHE! Sie REIßEN DEM PEPE DEN KOPF AB!
Randwmk Y'wll moment
r/antidiet and friends genuinely are a twilight zone
r/antihatecommunities is incredibly based and everyone should sub.
Rate my fanmade trailer
Rational, definitely-not-insane anti-natalists fantasize that everyone's jealous of their miserable lives.
r/australia reaching black hole level cope and they still dont realise how out of touch they are with the rest of the country
r/averageredditor has an r/averageredditor moment
r/Aznidentity refuses to believe that Asian parents could ever say racist things about black people and plays whaboutism game
r/bakchodi has a struggle sesh when asked by MDEFugee about gr8est allies! (Do not ping, these people are ten times as potent as Chapos or MDEgenerates)
r/chapotraphouse2 aka the JRE sub argues about Jewish Manlet again, unironically endorses Breadtube
/r/childfree angry over pro-life mom, conflates having babies with killing babies.
r/coolguides makes a PSA that people with autism have low reading compression (/srs)
R*dditors seething over the superiority of the male race💪💪
R*dditors simp for fat liberal bitch on Tinder, claims she has "high energy" not "high blood sugar."
r/DebateAltRight on r/DebateFascism: "im gonna miss the genuinely big brained discussions on there"
r/detroit vs. lolbertarians
r/Documentaries is turning into a battleground between Pajeets and Paki Pajeets.
/r/drama janitors to yeetocaust unapprovedcels. Discuss:
/r/drama mods in a nutshell
/r/drama seething at their lack of border control
r/drama users yet again besmirch the honourable legacy of Germany.
Read another book
Read. Another. Book.
Ready zweicels?
Real Life Wakanda aka Racial Segregation in the Making 👊🏿
Real Life Wakanda aka Racial Segregation in the Making (compilation post, old and new)
Really amazing how I have this effect on so many people, it's almost like a superpower
Real schizo hours in /r/conspiracy
Recreational nitrous oxide user subreddit overrun by dog owners
Red army Antifa soldier dies in battle against facists. Rest in piece 👑.
Reddit bruh
reddit celebrates an 😍extremely😍cute😍 gender reveal
Reddit: “Here’s how Trump can still die”
Reddit: How can you believe in god? Don't you know it's a made up story by some dudes 2k years ago? Also reddit:
Reddit is russophobic
Reddit is the ideal centrist website
Reddit is the ideal centrist website 😎
Reddit Journalist Refused to Do My Homework for Me in Regards to the Portland’s “Peaceful Protest” and Love ❤️ (the surname, not xxx)
Reddit nerds get angry at college kids for having fun
Redditor gets a nose job, is laid up for weeks and has to be sponge bathed by their parents because rhinoplasties are my painless
Redditor (lol) proudly shows off the rich man who jacked his girlfriend (lmao). The full spectrum of men (ranging from chad to male feminists) come out to discuss sugar babies.
Redditors annoyed that 19 year old helicopter pilot fighting wildfires on the west coast comes from a wealthy background
Redditors calling eachother socially awkward redditors x 10000000
Redditors defend pedo movie as “cumming of age drama”
Redditor seethe and cope about rocket man (even when he's on their side)
Redditors get big mad when people point out that being in charge of a country so irrelevant that it frequently gets left off of maps and has the population of South Carolina does not qualify you as a "World Leader"
redditors 🦍🦧 out over ✈️🚽🧻 waste
Redditors really hate that Kenosha kid lol
Redditors🤢🤮 seething🤬 because of filipino🇨🇿 landchad💪😎😍🥰🤩❤
Redditors seething when someone brings up the mass exile of innocent Germans post WWII
Redditors sperg about a heckin wholesomerino post. Based user points out OP is a pathetic simp.
Redditors with intimacy issues have a group therapy session on how mommy and daddy screwed them up for life
Redditor takes the Landpill. Lots of Cope in the thread.
Redditor wants to sue the post office and press charges against his landlords for being mean. OP is living with his parents. OP is also 34.
Redditor with TDS bites a very low bait, then makes 3 smug posts about it.
Reddit*r 🤮 try’s some preventative car maintenance for the first time, blue-collar cels are left in confusion.
Reddit’s latest honeypot subreddit giga-seething over low effort bait 🤭
Reddit talks about how irresponsible you must be to protest during a pandemic
Reddit wars getting weirder and weirder. Mayos biting bait instead of AHS.
Reddit wars keep getting more retarded. Mayos add the AgainstAHSCensorBot as an approvedcel on WRD after AHShits want their brigade announcer banned.
🌍Redycling-cels♻ get cucked and chucked by the 👲Chinaman⛩.
Refugees from dosrama OUT !!!
Remember those who have died. o7
reminder that redditors don't deserve rights
Reminder to put L*tincels in their place.
Reminder to report any refugee posting so the admins don’t y’all us
Reminiscing time: a picture I took on one of my most fun outings with a couple other Zweichads.
/r/enlightenedcentrism has its weekly seethe fest over an average redditoid
r/EnlightenedCentrism: we're not tankies! Also r/EnlightenedCentrism: the American flag is a swastika
Rep Dan "Ethnostate" Crenshaw of Texas leads mixed-race SS parachute division "Avengers" on mission to physically remove his Bolshevik oppressors
Report: Kamala Harris died Sunday evening #RIPKamala
Reposts makes redditors mad 😡😡😡
Rest in Power, King!💯🔥😩😩
Retard goes on a schizo rant about why, despite living in Japan for 2 years, Japanese girls don't want to be pumped and dumped by him. The comments are pretty interesting as well.
Retard (possible LARPer) posts BuzzFeed dox that got BruhFunny quarantined on BruhFunnySatellite. AHShit picks it up.
retard says he likes nazis (but only aesthetics). other retards dogpile him
Retard spergs out on r/soyboys.
Retards sperg out Muh statistics and Muh Socioeconomics on r/hardunpopularopinon.
Retard writes a dissertation about getting drunk on hand sanitizer
(r/fightporn) Two fags fight and the tr*nny wins, comments get too spicy for the jannies
r/FragileWhiteRedditor is mad that a white woman defended herself against 2 race baiting blacks after the full video of the confrontation is released.
r/FreeMagic on its daily rightoid struggle session
r/freemagic SEETHING that so many trannies play magic the gathering and admit their game is autistic lmao
r/freemagic struggle session #45026211
r/freemagic thinks gays arent people or something
/r/GoCommitDie follow up - The cringe that keeps on giving
Ricecels think jannies cucking r/drama is somehow them prevailing.
Rick Riordan really takes mythological accuracy to a whole new level in the latest trials of Apollo book.
Rightoid media outlet falls for most obvious bait account ever. (See video linked by tweet)
Rightoids absolutely SEETHING after /r/LoveForLandlords officially endorse Joe Biden
rightoids and mdecels btfo'd
Rightoids are handling DDR's infection well
Rightoids have created a knockoff Jannie sub called r/AgainstDegenerateSubs. What the fuck's going on?
Rightoids retard speak about our greatest shame
Rightoids take the bait hard.
Right winged’s token duck lips 👄 called out in the comments for spreading misinformation about brave and stunning athlete 🏋🏻 and has yet to acknowledge and apologize 👏🏻 #TimesUp4DuckLips
r/incel meetup vs r/inceltears meetup 🤔
R.I.P fellow deuxtards
RIP u/ProEvilOperarions
/r/Ireland jannie claims he's being stalked after bragging about being a jannie on his public LinkedIn page, closes sub in a huff when admins don't give a shit. Users welcome jannies back with loving open arms 🤗
Ritual Sexual Bootlicker of Color spends life making excuses for the police, is rewarded with an early grave
r/JapanCirclejerk wrangled up a lolcow who wants to move to Japan because... *checks notes*... white people get too much hate?
r/JusticeServed learns from our estranged mother aaarrrhhhslashdrama
/r/LoveForBankers has been censored. Powermods furious that we support People of Finance.
r/LoveForLandlords got evicted 😔
/r/LoveForMoms has been created.
/r/Menslib user shares his unpopular opinion
r/Montreal becomes a gimmick subreddit for studying dead languages.
/r/movies seething over what the greatest actor and director of our time does in the privacy of his bedroom
r/mtg-cels continue their meltdown lmao. Complete with official corporate 'yikes'.
/r/nba is Personally attacked by a clipper
/r/News NEETs gasp 😦 when they find out police 👮🏻♀️ 👮🏾♂️get paid overtime during these protests
/r/nyc mod has a Kanye moment and bans the use of the word “homeless” equating it to n-slur and f-slur. Tendies flung all over the thread, one janitor even steps down.
/r/onejoke is a subreddit of assmad troons
Rote Front der Revolution!
Rowling continues her crusade against the troon menace
Rowling writes another book 😴
r/PCM has banned the n-word, both defeating racism and making rightoids seethe
r/pics: you should love everyone. Also r/pics: what if they're a trump supporter?
rPoliticalHumor abandon humor, excessively seriouspost instead
rPolitics doomposters take a clickbait headline way too seriously for the trillionth time
/r/PublicFreakout found a video of the teen shooter who killed those losers in Wisconsin but this time he’s punching a girl 👧
r/punk has a phobia of red hats
r/readanotherbook post with screencaps of long-ass Twitter rant gets locked after 48 comments. How? Why? I have no idea, as I didn't read through any of that, because I'm not autistic! However, since you (yes, you!) strike me as an odd chap, I think you'd like this.
Rslurs mad
r-slurs of FWR doing their thing
R-slurs who don't know any of the context to the video they're getting mad about try to explain how it's different from another situation they know nothing about
/r/standardcels exposing libertarian beliefs once again.
r/standardcels is banned
r/SubredditDrama gets baited into defending pedophile culture.
/r/TopMindsOfReddit and /r/Conspiracy still let the fatty from Kenosha and the two guys he shot live in their brains rent-free
r/unpopularopinion denies the abortionpill 😒
Russia conspiracy reappears, for a breath of fresh air 🤤🤤🤤🤗
r/videos does a heckin' transphobia
r/yuri has a new rule banning visible male genetalia since it's a Yuri sub, somehow proves to be controversial because trans
Sad emoji
Safe space for wypipo is made (or faked, I can't be bothered to figure out if real) at some 3rd tier college. Twitter seethe ensues.
Saidit drama
Sal alt-posted his AmA all over reddit making him tonight's biggest loser
🐟sardine🐟 attacks the 🇩🇪vaterland🇩🇪 - found out who hurt xim👩💅
🐟sardine🐟 attacks the 🇩🇪 vaterland 🇩🇪 - found out who hurt xim👩💅
Sardines discuss my last trolling event
Sardines shitting bed cos they can’t afford a two bedroom home rent off minimum wage
Sarin (1939)
“Say the magic (slur) word and I will gladly send myself to prison for you” - actualpublicfreakouts prolapse over this hi-iq life philosophy 🧠
“Say the magic word that hurts my feelings and I will gladly go to jail for it” - r/actualpublicfreakouts peak prolapse over why this is hi-iq life philosophy. 💕
Schizoboomers come to terms with time
Schizophrenic Armenian living in LA claims to be gang stalked by international salaried agents of the Turkish state as revenge for criticism(risking major international incident)
Schizos accurately predicted John Lewis' date of death
Schizos catch Mike Pence shape-shifting and come to reasonable conclusions
Schizo schizoposts about nonexistant schizoposters
Schizo's Mad at daddy and the deep state. Bonus if you can find them talking about the (((media))).
Schizo's Mad at daddy and the deep state l. Special bonus of you can find an the (((media)))
Schizo's Mad at daddy and the deep state. Special bonus if you can find them talking about the ((media))).
Science says mentally ill people are more likely to be mentally ill. Redditors unexpectedly hit the fan.
scientists of reddit discuss how ice works
???? (See for yourself, I can't tell if it's real)
See post flair
Self-described "neurotypical empath" psychology student isn't worried about the nuclear red flags her alcoholic sociopathic lover shares with her
Self-Hating BLM Activist Only Wants Superior Mayo Eggplant 🍆
Seriously tho what's with the random raygun that appeared in All Dogs go to Heaven?
serious-posting rightoid ignites small flamewar in r4chan thread
[serious post lol] has anyone tried the tulpa stuff? Is it real or bullshit?
Serving up some fresh pasta for Snappy
Sex addict claims hot female gamers caused him to injure his penis
sex-havers trying to prove it’s okay to play video games, calling twitter boomers pieces of shit
Sexist incel and menslibbers discuss who the primary victims of war are🤔
Sexually frustrated Hi IQ-cels cannot comprehend basics of nutrition and defend lion-diet aka scam-diet perpetuated by Lobster 🦞 King’s daughter
Sex was better in the Soviet Union
sheep fuc-erm-shaggers buy and sell their large-scroted godhead at auction for an unprecedented 490,000 quid. Seriously, look at the nads on this thing.
She is even worse than a Redditor—she is, may Allah forgive me for uttering this word—a Yahoo Answers power user
She wanted to remain a virgin until marriage so she cheated on her boyfriend by letting some Italian backdoor her but when her boyfriend asked her for backdoor access, she’s offended and refused 🤔
Should an officer be charged with murder for causing a pregnant woman to miscarriage? No, yells out a Redditor.
Should I migrate here?
Should we turn the blind eye when rice 🍚 is attacked by watermelons 🍉 for the sake of blm? Is racism towards rice 🍚 okay but not for watermelons 🍉?
Simple Sicilian Sardines a la Gennaro
SJW feminist wants to be a pilot
Skynet the AHShit argues with the subhuman denizens of reclassified.
Slay the Spire is problematic
Slur Skeptics get buttmad as they once again refuse to acknowledge the very lowest levels of political strategy
Smash Community Goes Full Libertarian
SMH... are we doing enough to stop terrorism?
Smh kamala
Smoothbrains of TRCM seething because they keep getting baited
Smug dramanauts gonna get what's coming to them 💣RIP.
Smuggies Libertarian mad
Smug Zionist spergs out at IsraelKilledTrillions on HistoryMemes.
Snappy got cucked by automod??? 😳😳😳
Snappy is open for business
Snappy quote suggestion thread yeet
Social Movements don't count unless I get credit for them
So I'm all like, unironically return to monke, but then I'm like that wouldn't be great for autistic people, and then I'm like, maybe autistic people are the next stage in human evolution and us monke people are gonna be at war with the autists
Soman (1944)
somebody makes a smuggie of a comment i made lmao
Somebody please tell the men who get on this sub to stop mansplaining
Some chapo tried brute forcing my account or something. Make sure to use a strong password zweichads. 🙏
Some delectable B🌈U🍆S🌈S🍆Y for you tonite, bois. Complete with mental illness. Let's appreciate deese sweet handles💯.
Some guy goes to r/Architecture and asks why modern architects hate old-school architecture. The artists of Reddit proceed to calmy lecture him on why he's wrong over the course 100+ comments in an 80 point post.
somehow missed this: the uncensored thread of the floyd bodycam footage. this is what happens in an uncensored sub, lol
Some legends say that you can hear the bots responding to each other to this very day...
Some legends say that you can hear the boys replying to each other to this very day...
someone died. time to sort by controversial!
someone gets hit by a car; rNews concludes: "this is tRump's fault"
someone makes autistic medical racism post, gets SHETOO'd
Someone paints Trump 2020 in a Boston street. People comparing it to the BLM graffiti and woke leftoids versus rightoids flinging tendies in the Boston sub
Someone posts a shitty meme to r/conspiracy, clearly breaking "no memes" rule. Conspiratards seethe at jannies not doing their job.
Someone Removed All My Posts
someone ridiculed a fallen comrade😥
Some posted one of Obama's war crimes and caused drama. Walls and walls of texts.
Some Reddit shill spergs out on AHS, defending the admins for not taking any action against Libertarian Sub r/AgePlayPenPals.
Something something whataboutisms
Something with shizoids, the police and the Rona is happening in the prison colony. Will the Austral*id revolt and bur- no wait that already happened.
Some trans men may still get periods, r/periods discuss if this means they should get access to female help resources. (NP link warning 🤢) ( TERF Trigger warning)
So much *tradishunal* nip Kunst yet we had to import degenerate immiral anime :(
So much *tradishunal* nip Kunst yet we had to import degenerate immoral anime :(
sorry for not calling it dreima
Sort by controversial and enjoy the overplayed ‘Israel vs Palestine’ arguments. Oh an it’s in the football subreddit lmao
So there are times when I miss being a kid in school. Then I pick up my nephew and he complains about all the bullshit he went through that day and it reminds me how much teaching administrators are basically paid jannies.
South Africa riots over some soap
So very close 🧺💼
So who’s ready for this to be the next Deux?
Spanner screw
Special "fuck the frensh" smugpost so you guys can feel like a real drama subreddit.
Specially designated for *edditors
Spreading facts
Spread the word, ZweiCHADS. We can't allow hate communities to have a platform on our site.
SRD fears the Centrist
SRDines brigade an /r/averageredditor thread about trans.
SRDines continue to sniff their own farts in the wake of yesterday's wild ride. This time, it's about r/conservative and their audacity to... [shuffles deck] ...accept the LGBT community?
SRDines forget they aren't in AHS for a moment as they seethe over their hatred of /r/ActualPublicFreakouts
SRDines have the nerve to DEFY Gamer Law, so they can whiteknight for zoomer climate activist, smh.
SRDines kink shame a lolicon
Starterpack about functional families makes redditors jealous. Linking the whole thread because the cope is everywhere.
stay strong queen
Stay woke
Stell dir vor, dass du so irrelevant wärst, dass Corona-Chan Grönland lieber besuchen würden als deinen Staat. Es ist vorbei für West Virginia.
Stellen Sie sich vor, sie hätten Kirchen überfallen und den politischen Flügel des traditionellen Katholizismus verboten
Stoicism is toxicity masculinity, or is it 🤔
Stoicism is toxic masculinity, or is it?
Stonks! (done properly)
Stop being a pussy.
Struggle sesh on r/punk (stolen from STDRedditDrama)
Struggling salesman collects important data from neurodivergents LARPing as neurotypicals in effort to improve job performance
Stupid, fat foid becomes a stupid thin foid and whinebrags about it.
StupidPol accidentally reminds itself of the company they keep
Stupidpol besmirches Kween Kamala on /r/politicalhumor.
Stupidpol convinced that the issue in Belarus is actually not enough communism
Sub who’s name I won’t mention that has a history of posting CP is ecstatic that /r/pedogate has been banned
Suhas Lamkhade
Suhas Lamkhade
Sunday Cat Megathread
"Superfats" unite to crush a problematic intuitive eater.
Super Racist Terry Crews attacks the most important institution in Black culture
Sup i got banned in drama for saying the truth about platypus
Surprisingly no drama
sweaty there's a lot to unpack from that THICC AZZ BOOTY
Tabun (1936)
Tag Yourselves
🔥 Take
Take a guess what game this person streams
Tankies denounce the 'H-word'. What genocide could they possibly be referring to?
Tankies of TMOR dropping some of the biggest brain takes ive ever seen
Target removes (((WWII)))-inspired children's costume following comparisons to clothing worn by Jeff Mangum's waifu
Target removes (((WWII)))-inspired children's costume following comparisons to clothing worn by Jeff Mangum's waufu
Teenager posts on r/unpopularopinion. Helicopter parents respond.
Telephone cord
Telling an incel to have sex is cruel and hurtful
Ten tickets please.
TERFs appropriate the MDEfugee strat
Terms you must include when typing to zweichads🥰
Terves erfinden in ihrer Quarantänepsychose verrückte Erzählungen über soziale Gerechtigkeit
🎣 Textbook catch and release, like the good old days.
Tfw a literal child asks you "why does everyone else in our family hate you?"
tfw approvedcel but banned from drama
Tfw instead of bombing radical leftoids and rightoids in the Middle East your government funds healthcare for leftoid freeloaders.
tfw no bass virtuoso gf
Tfw no gf but its words posting
Tge fascisdt on stupisppl rwmovwd tgis hilarious takw. Acorcing to this tweets logic, 2Mana supports Ilan Omar, whicg simplu isnt true!
Thank god for rural America
"Thanks for the karma, morons": has your creative writing sub ever been trolled so hard that you asked the chadmins to redistribute the karma collection calculation?
Thank you all for advocating for love ❤️ and peace ✌️ (In ER for Covid Test)
That radically centrist Harry Potter image inspired me to dig out this beauty from my dank meme stash
That’s right
That time the girlfriend of an indie developer formally declared war on transwomen after being "called out" for being transphobic
The 20-year moratorium on 9/11 Jokes has finally been lifted and Egg-and-oil-based sandwich spread drama abounds
The absolute state of Fr*nzosecels and Netflix
The absolute state of mayos 🤭
The absolute state of the mayo family unit. Swift and forced conversions to Islam are the only cure.
The animal fucker who isn’t an animal fucker but admits to fucking actual animals goes on another schizophrenic rant about white people
The average anarchist is exposed
The BBC is a neutral source
the beginning of the end for dramacels
The Biden campaign puts out an edgy new advertisement
The bitch that will not die speaks up again against the gaymer menace
The chosen one has fallen.
The chose one has fallen.
The deep state cant keep getting away with it!
The definitive version.
The dogpill is real
The Drama Libertarian gets posted to FWR.
The Drama Libertarian was defending his preference of 9 year old bodies on SRD 2 days ago.
the dramatard, caught between the jannie and the mdefugee. fights admirably, no escape.
The dude who got a bunch of coins for asking a Harry Potter question posted this on AMA and was told to go outside, replies with "No need to go outside when you have platinum!". Later posts another AMA and gets more coins for getting coins.
The economic impact of Asian soybean rust on the U.S. farm sector
The First Ever (I hope) ZweiRAMA Bookclub!
The fourth drama sub will be Slavic
The glasgow knife attacker didn't deserve to die, he was simply a victim lashing out for his poor treatment as a migrant
The infection graphs aren't the only charts that are showing strong rebounds
🤩🤩🤩 The Kaiser 🤩🤩🤩
The LARP is strong with this one...
The last of us 2 gave me nightmares
The last of us was shit.
The last thing a Rightoid sees after not behaving.
The left is imploding
the most gullible sub on reddit swallow yet another baitpost whole
The most neurodivergent corner of the political compass displayed in one thread😍
The most popular runesc*pe yo*tuber 🤮 gets exposed by his girlfriend. Turns out she has been playing the game for him.
The pakistani jannies of /r/India celebrate independence day
The pipeline is strong 😻
The pro-circumcision crowd forgot to eat their corn flakes this morning.
🤭 There are azn only dating sites and these Reddit-ricecels still can't get their dicks wet.
There are people that hate Jews and consider them subhuman but worship the same god that made them his chosen people
The reason Obama won a Nobel peace prize was for his work with doctors without borders. Google "Obama doctors without borders to learn more!
The Reddit Freeze Peach Wars have pinging!! Take a look. FWRetards have whole posts just to ping and bully users DubTeeDub also engages in it. WRDgenerates have also started pinging as shown here.
There is nothing wrong with taking medicine.
There it go 🙁🙁
There's this small indie artist that passed away recently but his music is really good.
The roots are just going way deeper than any of us have ever realized man
The same JPEGMAFIA song gets posted again on HHH, "ACAB and I wanna kill em all including their kids" vs "Heartless Psycho, how could he use a dying guy's sample!" once again.
These cunts are unironically supporting this shit. This is how pedophilia will be normalized. I'm going to commit genocide.
These duplicitous warmongering fucks. The peace agreement was designed for Palestine to reject REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
The Soyim come to answer life’s biggest questions. Can you guess what game it was?
The SRDine fears this.
The tgyytew r6 b CD e4iiwq4saSt7i
"The thing about privilege is you fail to understand the impact of bigotry." What is this referring too? Saying 'oogabooga' in a kids cartoon....
The Trannitor seizes a chance on /r/all
The ULTIMATE comeback to any conservative and the password to END le DRUMPF's reign of terror
The whitest sub on reddit has a big struggle sesh over a jogging enthusiast doing 24 months for dealing meth
The Windex company is not happy with me--that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage.
they quarantined r/4chan so im posting this here instead. epic frog post
They took this from you.
They went for the first degree murder charge. What do you think the odds are of BlasterLawlz beating the rap?
the zoomercide begins as Forknife is banned from both Apple and Android appstores
Things are designed by male body types and that’s sexist
This account is almost 2 yo lmfao
This but ironically
This but unironically
this but unironically
This but unironically
This but unironically🤔🤔😋😋Sinophobes seething🤣🤣🤣🤣
this entire anti-🥴🔪🍆👶 permacope subreddit
This g(o)uy doin' God's work
This guy's a dollar store Joe Keskold who tries to bait rightoids
This is a 🇪🇺 pro EU 🇪🇺 sub. If you look like this and smell like Tea: LEAVE 🍵🤮
This is how we defeat the deux menace
"This is just Qanon rage bait" - "at least she did some research" - "I miss it back when they were still funny" - *siiiip* yup... another day, another Babylon Bee thread on r/atetheonion.
This is now a Heidi Klum sub. We stan Heidi Klum!
this is what germanophobia looks like 😢
This is what happens when the adm*ns make MDEgenerates go outside.
This is what happens 😤 when you post something transphobic in r/ZweiRama 🇫🇷🤮
this is what rightoids are cooming to today
This is what we took from them. 😎😎😎
This is what winning on the internet looks like
This is why I repost.
This is why ZweiRama doesn't tolerate chuds
This is your brain on Porn.
THIS JUST IN: Kettle vs pot
This just in: Top Scientists confirm evidence of a positive correlation between im*ge-posting and Funko Pop ownership
This photo was taken in บัสsy, Thailand in 2015. Due to the the industrial revolution and its consequences, naturist displays like this one will no longer be visible to the naked eye by the year 2025
This probably gonna get cucked, so i'll leave a link for a good Discord here. Farewell, Deuxchads, Zweichads, or whatever we now have to be...
This random high schooler's TikTok got blown up by a random woke twitter account and she's being dragged across the entire site
This so much this! 😀🤩🥰😍❤🤗
This sub
This sub is some bullshit. I hate it.
This subreddit is a potential target for termination.
this tbh
this tbh
this tbh
this tbh
Throwback to the people who said the covid was literally nothing in February
Tidbit of drama when an apparently underage righty homo lets loose his opinion
TIL chokes on the ted pill. Some question their dosage, others question their sanity
TIL: Ze MK Ultra guy vaz at ze nuremboorg trials
Tim Hortons used to be good
Tiny Cluck has a message for you
'tists argue with copypastas
TL;DR: State sponsored looting as part of corona relief when?
TL;DR: State sponsored looting as part of coronavirus relief when?
TMoR names the (((Zwei)))
To all of you who didn't believe in me...
Toby fox, creator of famous game undertale and deltarune, creates new game, rental due.
Tonight I got to give the gift of crying to my friend who hasn't cried in a decade.
Too soon?
Top 10 angel sightings caught on film ft Roblox and BLM!!!
Top 10 are tsvirama approved ways to cook an egg
Top 10 board games
Top 10 body parts you gotta have if you use are tsvirama
Top 10 countries that arent in NATO but should be (did your country make it on here??)
Top 10 ethnic foods
top 10 ethnicities you NEED TO BE if you use are tsvirama
Top 10 jobs you gotta have if you use are tsvirama
Top 10 people who should have been president (did you make it on the list?)
Top 10 things you gotta study if you wanna use are tsvirama
Top 10 tsvirama approved exercises
Top 1 place to fart if you use are tsvairama
Top 5 are tsvirama approved clothes
Top 5 are tsvirama approved con artists
top 5 are tsvirama approved letters
Top 5 are zweirama approved colonies
Top 5 authors you gotta know about if you use zweirama
top 5 countries in NATO
Top 5 Countries ZweiChads should consider to bring back from the dead.
Top 5 hobbies you gotta have if you use are tsvirama
Top 5 reasons I hate myself
Top 5 reasons I was bullied in high school
Top 5 subreddits you gotta use if you use are tsvirama
Top 5 Things That Ruined The Internet
Top 5 times I have been banned from are drama
Top 5 tv shows you gotta watch if you use are tsvirama
Top 5 types of fingers you gotta have on your hand if you use are tsvirama
Top kek from Babylon Bee.
Top ten things you gotta suck if you’re gonna be an are tsvirama user
To /r/Drama, /r/Deuxrama, /r/ZweiRama
Torx screw
Torx security screw
Totally true story
Trabicels BTFO
Tracer team nabs German tourist for flouting Covid-19 quarantine rules, continuing his holiday in KZN
trannies cope that they will never have a real vagina/penis
Trans gamer gurl vs cis gamer gurl and her simp
Trans* goes on a binge.
Trans hate. Trans acceptance. And pedoapoligia all on display in the comments.
Trans incel woman writes post about chad woke men
Trans Rights Says Landlord Rights when some enterprising individual seeks to export landchad culture to the Twitter t-slurs
trans women are not women
trans women are women
TRCM once again proving that their brains are too smooth to detect humor when an obvious lighthearted quip is posted. (Warning: hazardous levels of seriousposting ITT)
TRCM once again proving that their brains are too smooth to detect humor when an obvious lighthearted quip is posted. (Warning: hazardous levels of seriousposting ITT)
TRCM seethes over their collective inability to distinguish satire from reality
TRCM totally not mad btw just confused that not everyone takes every joke 100% serious like they do
TRCM totally not mad btw just confused that not everyone takes every joke 100% serious like they do
Tri-groove screw
Tri wing screw
Tr*nnies cope over new Wizardshit game
True Art, hilarious comments
Trump calls to ban Critical Race Theory courses being taught in federal agencies, /r/News hates this!
trump derangement in r/BanPitBulls lol
Trump destroyed in unfathomably based ad by Mexican President
Trump is literally Hitler and there is proof.
Trump's brother that nobody knew existed dies, redditors cum in their pants and celebrate
Trump supporters offer leftists help moving to a better country. Leftists mad.
Trump wants to buy Greenland lol
Trump won
Trussy causes a struggle sesh in /r/BrandNewSentence
Trying to revive this place
T-slurs👰🏻♂️get mad😡when told 🏀 basketballs had it worse
T-the dogpill was just a joke right? Right guys? It’s not like anyone would ever take the meme seriously
Turanoids after a commie Kurd claims to have found evidence of their role in the mayocide:
Turbo user from AHS thinks us making jokes about the worst event to happen to our country (Deutschland) is us being secretly nazis
Turkish drama
Twitter-cel marries a 90 year old widower out of the goodness of her heart
Twitter-cel 🤮 marries a 90 year old widower out of the goodness of her heart
Twittercels in absolute awe 😱 that anyone could possibly be a Landlord Right’s Activist 💪🏡🏠
Twitter Liberalism 2020.
Twitter puts their autojannies on overtime as they ban bitchute links. KotakuInAction reacts calmly to this.
twitter stupid person nazi jew holocaust haha
TW: I was ruthlessly harassed by m/n in VC. Cyber bullying is real.
Two brown retards (one of them is me) are angry at each other because they're both racist
T-word posts a ""misleading"" title and gets exposed
Two retards have a slapfight on smuggies, nothing of much value, but a good way to pass a few minutes.
TwoX celebrates not being completely incompetent
Two X COPEs about loose holes
/u/briefsquirt is seething
UFC main event winner last night simulates bumsexy dominance over loser as he writhes in his blood. Fans debate if supercool or SECKSHUAL abuse.
uh oh
Uh-oh! Somebody pointed out how muzzies are rightoid. You can guess how this ends.
Uh oh! 😯 Somebody posted a forbidden video in a well-known landlord rights sub. Will the fugees be evicted? Does this violate the Landking's lease agreement with the chadmins? Let's find out 👀👀👀
/u/LANDLORD_KING cucked for the last time by the jannie that got their account suspended
um sweaty? it's racist to complain about casting choices in a film adaptation
Uncle ted operating on massive scale from inside of prison
Uncle Ted predicted Bernie Bros
Unfathomably based and consent-pilled
Unga Bunga Y'all
Uno says trans rights
Unpopular opinion gets downvoted by moids on r/unpopularopinion🙄
Untermensch who grew up reading Harry Potter think 'vitriol' is a fancy word
Untermensch who grew up reading Harry Potter think 'vitriol' is a fancy word
Update: Adam Kovic leaves funhaus, confirms that his wife didn't know
UPDATE: After Burger woman pretending to be an anime dragon acknowledges Taiwan's existence, her employer succumbs to Chinese pressure and suspends her for three weeks. The official company subreddit is now also a flaming shitshow
Uppo Text
Use emojis, r-slurs! 🤬🤬🤬🤬
Users discuss the black man menace in.. r/soccer?
User writes paragraph after paragraph about how they are open to the idea of a 1000 year old wolf banging a teenage raccoon... in an lesbian anime sub
Using arts and crafts to convey the opinions of the average soccer mom is punk
Usually I'm against the imageposting menace, but this time I can't resist. KINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vat are you zincing about?
vegan columnist seethes at retarded coonass legislation
Vegan's learn the delicious taste of cope
Veritards caught Muslim Mommy buying votes
Very popular video game streamer is banned permanently from twitch, with a reliable source saying “He’s done”. What did he do exactly? Literally no one fucking knows.
Victim-blaming but woke 😎
Video about the latest French export hits front page. Cancellations, pearl clutching, pedosplaining, French apologia 🤮, you name it this thread has it
Vintage shitflinging session.
Viper – Crack DeMarco
Viper - Draped In Cake
Viper - MESSAGE TO TRAP LORE ROSS 2.0 *DISS TRACK 2*(unusually high production value)
Virgin vs Virgin
Visual Novel fans are worse than anime
Volkswagen is #cancelled
Wakanda cancels SRDines
Waldensians be like
Wanna go run over AHS users together, ZweiChads? 😎😎😎🤔🤔🤔
Warum gab es keinen Versuch, AHS zu überfallen?
Was banned from arrr slash drama again ama
Was Troisrama banned?
Watch out Ben, there's a new dog in town!
WatchRedditDie links to Drama linking to CTH. Clearly we need to go deeper.
Wat do himdus do to own cousin fucong musdlimes? Drink pis?
We are Kings!
we are now fort nite themed subreddit
Web app developers wager that they're less expendable than $100,000,000
Weeaboo mugs elderly mother for mobile game money
Weeb asks r/movingtojapan where he has to go to hail the Kaiser and get a trad wife.
Weebs cope about beeing Pedophiles again
Weekly quarantine improvement post: how are you bettering yourself while stuck at home?
We gonna infect all the retards who go to the Superbowl 😎Snappy pls
We have Re opened.
Weirdo doesn't like that America dropped some hot freedom on Japan in SRD
Weird schizocel gets in an argument with other cels over whether monogamy is a “mate guarding fetish”
Welcome to today's version of IS 👏 IT 👏 MURDER👏👏👏👏🤔🤔🤔
Welcome to ZweiRama!
Welfare-grubbing freeloaders hate on Amerikkka for failing to provide enough gibs
Well-known hate sub r/SubredditDrama attempts to cancel gay people once again
Well paid jannie on r/SeattleWA breaks out mod flair to crush the enemy with facts and logic
We need a bot that tracks how many people u/IsraeliArmyWaifu pings and ban him if he doesn't reach his allotted monthly quota
We need a zweichad who’s good with automod
We science deniers now, boyz 😎
We smokin on that good stuff this month...
We stan
We will make ZweiRama great again, we will ping lolcows and we will make Drama pay for it
We wuz samurai
Wgatevr's gping on on r/mwsstehger is evwn mire autistic tvan me!
What are tgese Pajwets smokinf? "Islamo Bolshwvusm Nazusm".
what are you gonna do? piss your pants? maybe shit your self? maybe piss and shit your pants?
What could possibly go wrong?
What did Ron Paul mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
What do you guys like to dip your fries in
Whatever the fuck this is
Whatever the German word for "CHAD" KARL KRAUS
what happened to cumtown
What happened to my egg?
what have y'all been listening to lately
What if it was all just a dream? 😳
What if we replaced the Sub Icon with Modern Greater Germany..... jk jk jk...... Unless 😳
What in the emperor's hairy balls is this shit? Does taking your Jannie Job too seriously lead to such ascension?
What in the name of autism is this?
What is the context of this angry lady’s tantrum?
What men can do to make women feel less threatened in dreams
What's more common on reddit; 12 year olds or adults at the mental level of 12 year olds?
What's ur favorite youtuber?😙
What's with cringe?
what the fuck?
“Whenever there's a female character in a game that doesn't look like she belongs in hentai, incels throw a tantrum.” 👏🏻
when i have to sneak home bc i stayed up hanging with the ZweiChads
When somebody mentions the Holodomor
When the FUCK did this happen? I'm not gonna give them my email address or make a new one just so I can make u/spezrapedmein2007 a thing
When they fondle your junk.
when trump says make america great again, he means he wants to take america back to slavery cos that's the only time america was ever great
when your kids are fucking based and raised-right pilled
Where should I go for my next vacation?
which are you ?
Whichever Zweichad just retired CONGRATS!!! 🥳
Which of you Zweichads did this? 😂😂😂
Which one of you Arschlochficker did this?!
Which one of you fuckers did this?
Which side is zweirama on?
While you were eating sauerkraut, I studied the blade
White foid experiences diversity
white girl being stupid
White man steals a tank during the middle of the Minneapolis riots
White people nonsense
WhiteRetardDicklets expose a lying mod of an online hate cult. Bitching about being called crackers even after they should be celebrating BrapoKrapHouse's quarantine. Mayos can't even be satisfied and shut up for a DAY, smh.
White supremacist incel defends Jim Crowe laws
White woman laments the destruction of the Berlin Wall because she wanted to fuck it (and other tales of inanimate object debauchery) (not clickbait)
Wholesome 😊😊😊
Who must go?
Whoops that board dedicated to fighting the zionist conspiracy to promote "equality" is starting to get kinda prejudice. Users give mixed reactions.
Whops, I accidentally got /r/standardcels Epstein'd.
Who's on this?
Wh*te ppl try to repent for their crimes. Obviously they can't but watching them try is kinda funny ngl.
Why am I not surprised
Why are redditors so pathetic?
Why are they like this 🤣
Why basketballs hate mayos, according to TDS(Tyrone Derangement Syndrome) suffering mayo.
Why can't I cross post here 😔
why did r/drama go private
Why I identify as Aromantic
why is it always harry potter
Why Sealion could have succeeded
Whyte 👩🏼 womyn struggle to cxpe after watching Bill Burr’s monologue
why tf do redditors care so much when people don't put their shopping carts back
Why U.S. Roads And Highways Are So Bad
Witchcraft on animal bones
Witches hex the Moon
WMAF couple gets cancelled for using the shattered glass from Charleston riot to make jewelry and giving them black victim names with a huge price tag attached to them 🤔
w*man is angry that the husband she's divorcing won't pay for things
Woke 4-year-old DESTROYS transphobic neighbor in this tale of single moms grooming their children into mental disorders.
Woke Jews argue whether accurate data on black Jews is a heckin racism. Flame war in comments.
Wokest site on the internet has monthly struggle session over latest crime against humanity: whether using "beep boop" to describe Scrabble players is a slur against autists
Woman of Girth seeks male approval, hates herself, cannot bring herself to eat a salad.
Woman rejects husbands belle delphine role play
Woman seethes about her soggy meat
Woman's swallows 🐶💊 and chokes on it.
Womyn are NOT possessions 😡😡😡
words battle breaks out in PCM when someone does a heckin t-slur-phobia
Words Words Words
WORDS WORDS WORDS. A thread about affirmative action in medical school gets y’alled 🤠
words words words on why lgbt is bad, more drama in the thread
WORDS x3 posting from.... *checks notes*..... MAGAtards?!
Worldnews hates the Imperial metric system
Worldnews whiteknights and jealous of overhyped kids retards fling shit at each other
World Rugby rules trans women out of elite female teams
World's biggest nerds get into a fight over whether Statistics shows colonialism dindu nuffin.
Would you save him?
WoW author is woke about wh/te m/n
WRD got drama'd (by its mods, not the admins)
WRD is dying
WRD is private.
WRDtards have a meltdown over their powerjannie FreeSpeechWarrior.
Wtf I love Bloomberg now?
Wtf I love South Africa now
wtf I love the EU now??
wtf I love the marines now
Wtf I'm a misogynist now
Xi Jinping: "Listen, fat"
X-mooslims ☪seethe at a guy that almost left Islam but then bounced back hard after taking one look into their sub 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Y’alling of the curry variety
Y'all want bread flairs?
yeah we monky-posting, keep scrolling.
"Yes i post on /r/ZweiRama and not /r/Drama. How did you know?"
Yet more autism in r/drama as a massive wall of text is posted.
Yikes, he done a transphobia
Yikes moment as Jacob Blake does a heckin antisemitism
Yikes🤢 sweaty💅
You can now help crowdsource a conspiracy theory
"You can't call them 3rd world countries and look down on them"
You need to have a high iq to understand thus work of art referencing having a high iq in order to understand another form of "art?".
"YOUR BALLSACK PUSSYLIPS CAN WAIT SIS" major twittercel shitshow as proud queen and chicken slayer comes out as transphobic 😱 😭 😩
your daily dose of orange man seetheposting in rpolitics (caution: words × 3)
Your daughter will have dark skin, which is shameful unlike my light skinned daughter. Also, I will enslave her sexually as an adult.
You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Your tax dollars in 2020
"You see, the eleven year old girl being pimped in the film is a metaphor for our society" 🤢🤮
"You see, the eleven year old girl being pimped throughout this whole movie is a metaphor for our society." 🤮🤮🤮🤮
You Shouldn't be Allowed to Listen to Music If You Watch The Needle Drop
You think they will accept my application?
Yr Almaen
Zedong-cel dunks on coping anarchists🤭🤭🤭
Zoomer culture must be destroyed inshallah
Zoomer genocide has begun.
Zoomer gets told to mow the lawn, concludes that existence is pain and procreation was a mistake
Zoomer 😂🐄 get wrangled by /r/BanVideoGames, turns out he’s a pedophile.
Zoomer makes a literal essay post on the call of duty subreddit
Zoomers are angry over a meme that says no
Zoomers BTFO'd by Mac Daddy
Zoomers did this
Zoomers don't know what this is 🤭🤭🤭
Zoomers! Sound the Battle Horn! It doesn't matter if TuMORs and AHShits kick us off Reddit! It's time to RISE UP against the Millennials!(Another autism haven's about to be destroyed 😔🙁).
Zoomer🤮 w*man👩 gets schooled🏫 by moid👨, s33th3s♨️ and c0pes😭; fellow queens👩👩 tell her to report📋 it to her teacher👩🏫
Zwei Alpha (me 😎) made the Chapos mad.
Zweichad ghost story time!
Zweichad in the wild
ZweiChads RISE UP!
Zweichad taken too early from us 😢
Zweimusak 🎶
Zweirama border control visualized
Zweirama did a heckin' war crime(tm)😬
Zweirama: Grenzenloser Spaß
ZweiRama has been created
ZweiSadists BTFO
Zweitards and Zweichads unite for our national anthem
Zweithads > Deuxchads > Dramacels >> SRDines
Zweithads >> ALL
Zwei-tunes 🎶
Zänk ju for träveling wiz deutsche Bahn.
🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 Для Немцыцелов все кончено! 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
Я боюсь немцев
𝕬𝖑𝖙𝖊𝖗, 𝖊𝖎𝖓𝖜𝖔𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖌𝖊𝖘 𝖁𝖊𝖗𝖇𝖔𝖙, 𝖑𝖒𝖆𝖔