r/mtg-cels continue their meltdown lmao. Complete with official corporate 'yikes'.

6  2019-05-03 by BriefSquirt



I dont know where to begin to unpack this.


My buddy is going back from Afghanistan in two weeks, I m trying to give him something nice. I m not mad at Wotc, I just disappoint.

chapocels rejoice at an amerikkkan soldier (read: imperialist) not getting a going-away present.


Its funny that everyone that pays even the slightest iota of attention to MTG knew this was going to happen.

Its really pathetic.

I can't wait for my foil Teyo and $10 ebay giftcard. Missing out on $250 jace and $130 ugin for my superfriends deck.

(this is nerd-talk for kope)


I get the frustration, but this repeated sentiment everyone shares that they were definitely in the first 12,000 because they placed an order right at 3:00 is just not possible. The more folks say it the less true it becomes.

yes, folx-posting too.


he fact that this fucked with me as bad as it has is probably a sign that I should ease off.

Whilst a massive corporate fuck-up, it's making these people realise there's more to life than their cardboard hobby, so maybe its a good thing really for them.