awwww look at that adorable child killer awwwww

8  2019-06-23 by BriefSquirt



  1. awwww look at that adorable child k... -,

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Get a Dackel, be happy

i actually like pomeranians the most tbh, retarded little things that they are

Their facial expression always makes me crack up

oh yeah, theyre great


mine still chases her tail whenever she gets excited (which is always), and shes a few years old, its great to watch

You are fun!

I am



you seem to think that if i hate pitbulls, i should just accept that others do and vow not to get one myself. but it isnt enough just not to 'get one'. i dont want them to exist. theyre ugly, and more importantly, over 50% of all child deaths due to dogs are due to, you guessed it, pitbulls. one of my friends had their dog attacked by a pitbull off of its leash. luckily their dog was not severely injured but it very easily could have been quite serious.

If you are retarded enough to feel threatened by dog, you clearly deserve to get killed by one.

I smell seriouspost

Did that post get linked somewhere? Almost all the comments are downvoted

It got linked here, so surely it's another 5-man brigade