opposing having women in your medieval fighting game makes you far right, according to some posters in r/Mordhau

15  2019-07-03 by BriefSquirt



i cant be fucked quoting every comment but basically if you dont want females in your fighting game you're a 'right wing asshole', and also if you say the gamer word in chat you are a right wing asshole apparently, not just an edgy retard. theres plenty of juicy shit in there though, multiple slapfights and lolcows.

this isnt a right wing agenda post though, theres retarded shit from both sides


my favourite part is when enlightenedcentrism is linked and somebody replies, "

people who link that sub unironically think picking a team and radicalizing yourself to ignore the negatives of your team while attack the other team for similar things is a good thing".



  1. opposing having women in your medie... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  2. https://old.reddit.com/r/Mordhau/co... - archive.org, archive.today

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Good. Gaymers need to suffer.


We live in a society and that's problematic

u/mbbird please oppress the Gaymers even more, thank you.