AHS writes 1000 word essay about the sub where losers shit on furfags.

18  2019-07-15 by IsraeliArmyWaifu



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Should we ping AHS or will it cost us pinging?

The potential milking here is worth losing pinging IMO.

What if we ping them with compliments? Does that put us on the list of love subreddits?

Just don't be mean

I'll love ping them


Is eating blubber in your fishsuit considered cannibalism /u/ilikewhales_?


B r u h

Whales are mammals.

Do they have fur?

They have a tiny amount of hairs on their lower jaw.

I don't believe you. How can a fish be a mammal? I don't care if it births live young, even the platypus has fur!


Why do you want to fuck fish? Also, CMV: not hunting furries in fursuit is transphobic.

I mean he's right, Platypuses, Dolphins and Whales are all mammals. And iirc whales eat a lot of fish.

Commenting here because AHS would rather delete something than allow discussion

Its funny how when describing the furry community you specifically forget to mention the diaper fetishists, the rainfurrest disaster, the free HIV tests at furry conventions. You mention roleplay but seemingly forget how often it tends to be of an erotic nature.

Yeah sure, it may be a minority, but its an extremely loud minority, and it ranges from anything as innocent as cosplaying your WoW Tauren Druid, to being hospitalized due to their addiction to shit-eating. And considering how far down the fetish hole the furry community can go, I would think twice before letting one near a playground.

YIH is a community that shows how deranged a community can be, and if you think that sub is hateful for showing how vile and putrid furries can be, you might as well call AHS a hate sub, since thats pretty much what they do (but with politics and not furries).

In case anyone is interested: Fredrik Knudsen has a wild report on the history of furries, and as you can guess, it begins as something as playful as watching foreign cartoons, and descends into a catastrophe of fetishism.

And I'm gonna end this wall of text by saying that, while there are good people who happen to be furries (Such as Fredrik, and -albeit controversial- Nightmind, and also the numerous cartoon review channels like the Alpha Jay Channel), but you specifically are by far the least qualified to talk about how furries are "the victims" and how they're "not degenerate" when the first thing seen in your profile is a drawing of a whale fucking another, and right below it is a whale with a cock almost his own size. You're one of the reasons furries are seen with such disgust.

Holy fuck nice

Night mind is a furry, fuck sake.

people who dress up as dogs complaining about “dehumanization”