PissEarthers angry at pajeet for being angry that the show about that cool Indian guru apparently didn't have him fuck the Mayo chick

9  2019-07-17 by IsraeliArmyWaifu



  1. PissEarthers angry at pajeet for be... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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What even is that sub?

its kinda hard to tell, but it seems like the new clownworld but infinitely more shit.

New aut rightoid sub probably, soon to get shoah'd. I always try to get updates on rightoid subs before AHS does.

Keep up the good work

I'm subbed to a bunch I don't even visit, I sometimes post on them to stir shit, like my WRD post about r/AgainstDomesticAbuse getting quarantined, I expected it to blow up and AHS to pick it up but the true autists were involved in Gallowboob drama going on then, they didn't notice it.

u/Zorgrak_The_Minotaur, if you're disgusted by smash being used to phrase sex, how does Crash sound?