AHS and BPT moderator angry that retards on WRD upvote obvious Larper.

4  2019-07-22 by IsraeliArmyWaifu



  1. AHS and BPT moderator angry that re... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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u/DubTeeDub, that username clearly suggests he's a Larp, why are you mad about a Larper? u/NigrKiller6Million, hit it from the back and make me moan.

u/DubTeeDub never responds to pings unfortunately.

I'm not a larper u nigger

The fact that you decided to reply and call me a nigger proves you're a low effort larper, you got a comment saying you espouse PewDiePie's values, but they denounced him as a cuck for censoring a green frog and ended their friendship with them. You seem to be learning what's hip with the auto rightouds these days, you're improving, better since I last saw you.

If you read my comment correctly you'd see I espouse someone else's values, not those of Pewdiepie.

I stand corrected, but this is how the "people" you try to be act like on default subs: https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/cf9hyn/comment/eu8qwk8

Okay, why do you seem so hellbent on trying to prove I'm a larper? I don't know why you want it to be true so bad. Is it because of my name?

It's because you suck at seriousposting on rightoid subs and low effort baity comments like these: https://www.removeddit.com/r/WatchRedditDie/comments/cfx77y/comment/eudl5xf

Even if WRD is filled with CAnimals and MDEtards, they don't allow such comments, at least try to be subtle or try to look like one, the stuff you say, especially the early ones sound like you just read about the Alt right on Wikipedia of ADL/SPCL.

Fuck off and die anarcho centrist

Sir, one last question, do you know where I can sign up for gay scolism?

why you gotta wish death on people and make me have to do actual mod work smh my head

His account got suspended yesterday thanks to u/DubTeeDub.

Asking others to keep themselves safe is even worse than anarcho centrism

Takes this L

That name is indeed spicy

It sounds more like a name a 2016-2017 r/dankmemes user would have than current generation Reddit rightoid.

u/TheNorthAmerican will show you how to get positive upvotes in normie redditfag threads and make sure the normies get downvoted. Please show this Larper how it's done, sir.