Post AHS arabfunny, heavily downvoted AHS shilling and mildly upvoted Freeze Peach comments. A bit 😴😴😴 though

1  2019-07-23 by IsraeliArmyWaifu



  1. Post AHS arabfunny, heavily downvot... -,,

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u/Nick_Gurr45, what is your stance on gay marriage?

u/Nuck_Gurr45, daddy please post your dms here, it'd be far more appropriate. I love you, stay cute😘😘😘😘😘.

Dude wtf

He's hot

People should marry who they like 😊

what if i like little kids?

Subscribe to r/Libertarian

What did you send u/HeroExist in your dm? I wanna know.

he said i was schizophrenic and insane for being trans and that my brain would rot on estrogen

u/Nick_Gurr45, u/HeroExists

Y'all should post screenshots of your dms sweaty

grow a spine

u/HeroExists from AHS, do you have arabfunny niggas following you or u/Slingster from Arabfunny, is it vice versa? If any of you have stalkers rn, please ping them here.

i don’t have any consistent stalkers really, but i keep getting harassed by toxic users/mods from arabfunny, i get at least one message every hour, usually more. They all tend to say the same shit along the lines of “kys ttamny faggot” “you’re a failure” “you’re parents probably hate you” yadda yadda. it doesn’t really hurt my feelings or whatever but it’s obnoxious as hell

u/Slingster is one of them. Slingsta, don't kys, you a hottie, $hort Dog's in the house. Same goes for u/HeroExists, don't forget $hort Dog's in the house.

As far as I’m concerned you are a male. I don’t think you will be able to change that opinion either.