True Art, hilarious comments

3  2019-07-23 by IsraeliArmyWaifu



  1. True Art, hilarious comments -,,

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do you truly believe that black people have the power to hypnotise white people merely through the sound of their voice?

He got hypnotized the first and only time he listensed to rap and went to his local projects, massacred rivals, snitches and shot at the police in a drug fueled rage, went on to turn his parent's basement into a trap house and he even pimped a hoe or two for the rest of the night. He ended up in jail with no memory of what happened the previous night and his cellmate is a Farrakhan nut and believes he's Yakub's creation, which enraged him even more, but the inmate told him the story of how Jews and Whites use modern rap to hypnotise the black population and that he was an honorary black, upon doing some research after his release he found out that blacks were a tool used by jews to numb the goy and the inmate was still brainwashed.