Need good YouTube recommendations

3  2019-07-24 by pugba

Anything interesting to pass the time pls


good recommendations get mod

Everyone here is a mod anyway 😂😂😂


Everyone is here

Audi famam illius.

Solus in hostes ruit

et patriam servavit.

I hope it isn't a good recommendation, if it is, pls don't make me a mod.

Singing + dancing + pajeet + whiteface = A recipe for entertainment. It was unironically good, thanks

It's got 27M views and it's older than Charlie bit my finger, if it only blew up back then, it's probably only famous in Bangladesh, the whole world should know about this. Unironically better than whatever anyone on Reddit (including Chapoids, honktards, boomers and zoomers) is laughing at right now imo.

at least post your interests 🙄

I'm into almost everything as long as it's presented in an entertaining fashion

Go watch The Right Opinion

Watched his most popular vid, hated every bit of it

Tbh his content is boring, but I watch him to learn about stupid e-drama and when I'm doing something in the background.
