Autistic Pro Weebshit Libertarianism art on r/smuggies

5  2019-07-24 by IsraeliArmyWaifu



  1. Autistic Pro Weebshit Libertarianis... -,,

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u/Daxior89, YIKES!! I go to see what autistic hallucinations you inbred cumskins have of ((Merchants)) and their puppets, but I get weebshit instead. Who hurt you sweaty?

Ok pedo

Ok Libertarian

Why you mad bro

Because you don't believe ((they)) are making your "objectively best" race a minority and are replacing it with "low iq subhumans". Which should be ideally practiced by someone who posts on r/smuggies unironically.

They do, what the fuck am i supposed to do? The meme was about hentai. Becouse hentai is way better than real porn that is controlled by ones like ((you))

But aren't ((Merchants)) Libertarians themselves according to you?


I think you need your frens at smuggies to black/redpill you.


You both are being autistic as fuck rn


I hope I was being more autistic.

They do, what the fuck am i supposed to do? The meme was about hentai. Becouse hentai is way better than real porn that is controlled by ones like ((you))

LOL. All weebs should be gassed

I hope so u/Pepsiman14

I came here for drama and you didn't disappoint.

You're mad, and that's funny.

Of course I'm mad. It's a generic Reddit memer who isn't woke on the ((Question)). You appear to be woke on the question Mr u/Mundane_Batrachian, you don't disappoint

No, you're worse lol.

Redditors have the excuse of ignorance, something you apparently lack.

What am I worse about? How am I not ignorant/u/Mundane_Batrachian?

Low tier bait.

Answer my question, retard.

Lol stay mad.

Answer my question
