Totally true story

3  2019-07-25 by IsraeliArmyWaifu



  1. Totally true story -,,

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you've gone through more political positions than trump's gone through wives. is it not possible that this is not going to be your final political position? i'm pretty sure there's some documented phenomenon, but i can't remember its name right now, where people tend to think that who they currently are is going to be settled as who they will always be and don't expect to change any further, but they very well almost always do.

u/ThuptenSonamTashi has an unironically perfect explanation for it if it's real, look at his comment.


I can believe it. People who watch bread tube or PJW/ molymeme a lot are always fucked in the head. Of course they’re trans now too. This person is probably mentally ill in some way.

I was in an echo chamber, no one really challenged eachother's opinion

Now youre in reddit, the left wing echo chamber