Snappy is open for business

8  2019-07-25 by BriefSquirt

That's right, meine Kerle!

Snappy can now quote things. I wrote some test quotes and they worked so now we can add real quotes. It may truly be over for deuxzoels.


it takes a little moment to update, but you can see this post here as evidence:


im not known for my big brain




This reminds me of how on the show "Naked and Afraid" women have an insanely higher survival rate, and it's ALWAYS been a female, never a male, to hold the records for "longest time spent alone" and all of that. As much as men love to brag about their "physical prowess" (which I am happy to acknowledge the biological truth that they have more physical strength than us) when it comes down to the ULTIMATE measure of physicality- the ability to survive- women take the cake for sure. No contest


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