PissMayo thinks getting beaten up for Niggering (not being able to win the fight) is White Slavery.

1  2019-07-27 by IsraeliArmyWaifu


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u/RadiantUpstairs, imagine being such a big nigger that you think you break your "chains" by saying nigger and get martyred for it.

It's "and losing the fight".

u/RadiantUpstairs, not being allowed to say Nigger is white slavery?


Or serfdom, take your pick, the distinction being mostly a meaningless quibble, whether one has a Master who owns one bodily or a Lord who can tell you what service you must perform is a fairly academic distinction, both appropriate the body in some way.

Having a Lord means one is a Serf, and a Serf is someone who is subject to servitudes prescribed by the Lord, that he do something or that he not do something. So anyone who is subject to a servitude that he not say X is serf, and whoever defines X is his Lord, whether this is a de jure relationship or a de facto relationship is quite irrelevant.

This really freezes my peaches

What does that mean? Like, your testicles have lost their will to produce sperms?

Free speech opponents like mocking it as "freeze peach".

On an unrelated note, how did you know?

It's pretty obvious.

what other people do they want to subjugate?

Fair point.

I wonder what u/Lateknighttt has to say about this.

u/Radiant upstairs I doubt hardcore PissEarthers like Asians tbh. Idk if u/Lateknighttt will answer, can you please ask u/Lateknighttt from my side?

u/Lateknighttt also likes Jazz, I thought it was supposed to be OG black degeneracy according to you guys.

Jazz is boring nonsense but Jewish rats promoted it to make money and attack Christianity they later betrayed the Jews and mocked the blacks they themselves promoted. Typical Jews in other word. Quote literally satanic. The high jews are marrying chicom inner parry Chinese and have ties to the India government. Nomadic parasites are nomadic in other words wandering from host to host.

Asians know how to eat.

Food is life!

so should we form an alliance with china/korea/japan against this threat?

We should consult pissearth mods on this one, they aren't very friendly with Asian mixing.

u/ChickenNuggetSkoon, whatcha think?

Lol that account is banned bro

I just realized it now. Anyway what do you think?

Asian mixing is a meme and the only dudes that get with Asians are ones that literally can’t get with white women. Idc about their supposed higher IQ, their culture is trash.

asians are based af though

Lol they only hate the Jews because they view them as another enemy. Their culture is dogshit, full of a bunch of unfeeling nutjobs who find joy in animal torture. Trust me, if we were at mercy of the Asians it could be even worse than our current predicament.

right, so asians are still degenerate. i still believe a temporary alliance would be beneficial.