r/EnlightenedCentrism: we're not tankies! Also r/EnlightenedCentrism: the American flag is a swastika

23  2019-07-28 by pugba


Downvoting snappy is a bannable offence


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Fucking centrists saying liberals and conservatives are the same, don't they know that both are secretly nazis?

Along with Chapos they aren't tankies anymore, just boring.

Good point tbh

Ironically the chapo retardation on the EnlightenedCentrism subreddit proves the need for Enlightened Centrism


did you know they used to hang american flags outside of auschwitz and dachau? the (((liberals))) memoryholed this, but a true comrade can see through imperial lies


I doubt tankies ever reply

they dont seem to be very eager to defend their views tbh

they dont seem to be very eager to defend

Also the centrists party of nazi germany sided with the national socialist party when they did this. Its 100% guys. Read history pls.

based centrists