AHS finds sub where a "discount stonetoss" who's noticed ((Their)) threat uploads his comics. They bully his sub in an ableist manner while gifting his sub new subscribers. Here's the sub:

15  2019-07-30 by IsraeliArmyWaifu


u/hedgewik, Ily

Good job in getting blocked by a blue checkmark, I love you. Stay cute u/hedgewik, make an Alyssa Milano comic and tag her and see if she replies or anything. Pretty Pleeeeeaaaaaaasssse! Danke in advance.

I’ll put it on my queue 😉


PS tell me how it goes.

of course 😉

thank you friend :)

He should. u/hedgewik is a glowinthedark (((shill))). He tries to discredit the real right wing by making retarded childish cartoons while posing as one of us.

Downvoting snappy is a bannable offence


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If you needed a reason to subscribe, there it is


Not as good as stonetoss, but making AHS seeth is a noble cause.