Chris Hansen holds a livestream with a child-rape survivor/victim, having copyright-struck-down a bunch of fan channels only days before. He opens the chat up for viewer questions. r/FansHansenvsPredator discusses.

8  2019-08-02 by BriefSquirt


Downvoting snappy is a bannable offence


  1. Chris Hansen holds a livestream wit... -,,

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Is it not Chris' fault for hosting a livestream with viewers questions when he had just begun a pretty big copyright striking? Like, that's gonna piss off a lot of people, you know?

You sound like a abusive husband blaming the wife that he has to beat her

I can completely understand your position. But Chris should at his age and experience be able to recognise that doing something like what he did might cause a fan base to lose their shit. I don't mean to say it is not their fault - it undoubtedly is - but to use a poor analogy, it is kinda like a parent leaving their young child unsupervised at night in a dark park. It's just asking for trouble.


Yes that is a poor analogy because leaving your kid in a park at night serves no purpose whatsoever and is nothing more than abuse. If leaving the comment section open for questions means "Chris is at fault that we had to harass this victim of sexual assault", then you really have to question if that part of the audience was actually worth keeping.

I am saying that they both are at fault. Chris should have known better - and honestly should have been interacting a bit more with his fan base especially as he's trying to get like $80 per year from them to sign up to that website of his and thus known they'd do shit like this.

And obviously the audience themselves were at fault, that isn't even questionable.

Do we call it copyright beating now?

No, but harassing a victim of sexual assault for daring to tell her story sure is equally as disgusting


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