Two retards have a slapfight on smuggies, nothing of much value, but a good way to pass a few minutes.

8  2019-08-04 by IsraeliArmyWaifu


Downvoting snappy is a bannable offence


  1. Two retards have a slapfight on smu... -,,

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/u/microwavethejuice shouldn't you be happy that even after your babytalking frenworld autism, your fellow retards can still kill? I doubt Mr /u/ArseLonga can say the same of his ideology. And shouldn't you be happy that you eliminate more people than they eliminate kaffirs these days?

Oh and what's your opinion on legal immigration /u/microwavethejuice.

It's nice to have another fan and you jew rats will have your turn any day now.

You'll have to face me, my tits and my Uzi first.

But what's your opinion on legal immigration u/microwavethejuice pls come back, ily❤❤❤.

Only college educated useful people. "Economic migrants" can settle in Brazil or Mexico, which are totally not third world hellholes so they will love it there.

But what's yo opinion on legal immigration?

Someone is scared of our superior intellect and physical training 🤭😖😂🤣

Remember when smuggies was just a mildly clever cartoon subreddit that wasn't over-run with 14 year olds radicalized by /pol/lacks over XBox Live. Me neither?

Can't dispute claims, go for the ad hominem. Every time.

Do you really want to bring the argument to another thread?

And it's not an ad hominem, it's an observation.

I mean, the thread is about our argument so yeah. "14 year olds on xbox live" is an ad hominem suggesting these ideals are only believed by "edgelords". You will resort to the name calling because that's what shitlibs do. It's in your nature.

I'm talking about a real phenomena where reasonably organized shitposters on /pol/ spread propoganda (whether they believe it or not) to much dumber people like yourself through facebook, r/The_Donald, etc.

You really need to learn more about these people. They despise boomers and T_D and the redditfag aut rightoids ain't organizing shit, they'll be banned immediately for doing that

I'll admit things might have changed since my time. Still, conscious or not, I see this alt-right whole thing as middle schoolers and normies being given Kool-Aid by people who aren't as earnest as them.

I'm not the recipient in these cases. You think I'm insane or something. I know the weight of the things I say and the validity of it, the response from people who want to agree, etc. People eat up our ideals because they make sense. Why do you think reddit censors so hard? Because when given equal forum, people will be right wing more often than not.

Since you speak only in rhetoric I can’t tell what you’re arguing for besides, inadvertently, the need for mayocide.