one brave user in r/holdmyfeedingtube goes against the white supremacist tide.

8  2019-08-07 by BriefSquirt


Downvoting snappy is a bannable offence


  1. one brave user in r/holdmyfeedingtu... -,,

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I would actually argue that white people can't be victims of discrimination either. After all the years of racism and oppression non-whites have had to endure, is it any wonder that sometimes PoCs lash out?

You’re definitely right! I kind of felt trapped into that with them going for the dictionary description of racism 🙃

Oh definitely. But it does become a little bit hard to distinguish when, say, a PoC is homophobic to a white person - would that be discrimination, do you think?

I think it would be, yes.

You should read Boosie's rants about homosexuality. Boomer on meds tier hilarious.

What if you are a white person and go to a majority Black Country like Jamaica. Can blacks there not be victims of discrimination. How does this work? Or does the specter of colonialism still sit her Jamaica. Use your prime German mind to explain this to me.

For some reason that thread keeps glitching out for me, the comments keep collapsing after I start scrolling