Opinion | How to Force 8Chan, Reddit and Others to Clean Up

12  2019-08-08 by ThatCoconut


Downvoting snappy is a bannable offence


  1. Opinion | How to Force 8Chan, Reddi... - archive.org, archive.today

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I too like to force ideas onto other people

Don't kink shame. There is a safe word.

Isn't there?

I hope their plan doesnt include compensation for jannies.

Meh, the first few paragraphs are full of too many inaccuracies and emotive appeals for me to bother reading the rest.

Translation. Give neolibs full power of the internet.

It worked in China. Get everybody telling on each other. Control them with social justice points. Shame those who don't follow. Deplatform anyone who disagrees.

TenCent much?