[Gelangweit Scheissposten] Kring normies on rapmorelikecrap get wOoOoshed, brigade and mass downvote satirical post by a 15 day old troll account.

3  2019-08-13 by IsraeliArmyWaifu


Downvoting snappy is a bannable offence


  1. [Gelangweit Scheissposten] Kring no... - archive.org, archive.today

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TBH I think this unironically is a case of a joke going over your head.

Bro you just posted cringe

I know, but it was too retarded to let go of.

explaining your implied /s on a drama sub

Bro you just posted cringe


apologising to a Jannie

Bro you just posted cringe

This is a shitty post tbh