AHShit makes a quality effortpost about r/Israel.

12  2019-08-31 by IsraeliArmyWaifu


Seriously. Yesterday I made a comment on SRD the Frenworld ban in which I referenced Harry Potter characters. The very serious adults of /r/Drama and /r/ZweiRama decided to brigade it, with endless comments to "read another book" and breathless condemnations on how contemptibly immature they found it to use a children's book to describe an incontinent baby-talking Nazi meme sub. These are the same people who launched a campaign of mass harassment against multiple women over video games.


  1. AHShit makes a quality effortpost a... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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With every word you type you are exposing your bias more and more.

There's no denying this: You are so biased you see innocuous opinions and ironic or dark jokes as harmful incitements to genocide. You attribute the worst possible intentions to posters and generalize that to all users of r/Israel. You're so insecure about your stance that you get triggered when your deeply held beliefs are called into question (Your links basically scream "How can pro-Palestinians ever be fascists? We're on the right side of history", "How dare Israelis mention the fact that gays are treated like shit in areas controlled by Palestinians, or the fact that Arab countries do so much infighting and their people suffer under these horrendous totalitarian theocracies. This is making Palestine look bad...", "How can Israelis assert that Palestine has some blame in the conflict!? All I know is Israel is entirely to blame for the conflict, they must stop bringing up nuance that makes me question what I know", "Why are Israelis citing the fact that Israeli Arabs have equal rights? It's distracting people from the fact that Israel does other disagreeable stuff, everyone must only learn about bad things Israel does, not any of the good things")

Anyone with half a brain can see what posts are like in r/Israel. Memes, jokes, news related to Israel, pretty photos of Israel, relevant questions, all around reasonable, wholesome posts. Hell, here is a poll they did a few days ago where over a third of them voted for a center-left party. Of course political posts are going to get ugly at some points - and Israel is one of the most divisive countries to argue about in online political debates. It's inevitable that some of the worst, and most vocal and extreme, bigoted users will comment there. Bigots from either side of the aisle. By the way, this is a far cry from r/Palestine, for example, which is almost entirely about bashing and blaming Israel. (I know you only see things in black and white, so this might come as a surprise but I don't support banning or tagging r/Palesitne either)

There is no reason whatsoever to describe r/Israel as a "hate sub". Your only rationalization is pro-Israelis disagree with you fundamentally, and you THINK being pro-Israeli inherently makes you pro-genocide or a racist, simply because you completely fail to see the point of the other side. YOU are the embarrassment. Not the sub

How do AHShits induce such spergouts when they're probably the most insecure on Reddit?

"How can pro-Palestinians ever be fascists? We're on the right side of history", "How dare Israelis mention the fact that gays are treated like shit in areas controlled by Palestinians, or the fact that Arab countries do so much infighting and their people suffer under these horrendous totalitarian theocracies. This is making Palestine look bad..."

Irrelevant. Nobody expects Syria or Libya to respect human rights because they don't pretend to, Israel claims to respect human rights as they're murdering innocents for not vacating their homes and bombing hospitals.

Pro palestinians (in your mind) are just as fascist as zionists. Each wants a religious ethnostate, but one is supported by world powers and the other is denied statehood.

Fwiw, I don't think /r/israel is a hate sub, I think Israel is a hate country.

I pasted someone else's(/u/NeuroticSyndrome) spergout, retard.

Being israeli is enough of a spergout tbh.

I'm not Israeli, I don't have enough time to effortpost or spergout that much in defence on anything.

"But I tell you that anyone who looks at an Israeli to lust after her has already committed bestiality with her in his heart."

Matthews 5:28

I've been exposed as a Zoophile

What's the punishment?

You have to marry bibi tomorrow and remain faithful for the rest of your life.

A fate worse than death

Or, in something that's more on the /r/zweirama level (and yours too btw):

Oy Vey! Cool it with the antizemitizm!

The goyim know!

Goy vey

ahs are by far the most fragile people on reddit. their entire sub consists of finding <500-subscriber subreddits and screeching about ppl saying mean words on them

You know who else hated jews?


its deleted and yet i already know it was a pathetic post