Pizza protests nu-Drama. Unrelated, but BriefSquirt pulls out interesting dm Pizza sent him, snappy quote worthy.

3  2019-09-03 by IsraeliArmyWaifu


Seriously. Yesterday I made a comment on SRD the Frenworld ban in which I referenced Harry Potter characters. The very serious adults of /r/Drama and /r/ZweiRama decided to brigade it, with endless comments to "read another book" and breathless condemnations on how contemptibly immature they found it to use a children's book to describe an incontinent baby-talking Nazi meme sub. These are the same people who launched a campaign of mass harassment against multiple women over video games.


  1. Pizza protests nu-Drama. Unrelated,... -,,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

"I am not an incel you moron. I larp as an incel on /r/drama. I have a girlfriend lmao.

Thanks for outing yourself as a gullible idiot though. I'm just your typical fascist with a post history full of arguing against fascism. Almost like you don't know what any of these words mean and just randomly throw them out.":-/u/yangpede.

This wasn't even DM, this guy tried to claim I was a nazo and an incel on topminds of reddit.

Call him BriefSquirt. Pizza(/u/yangpede,/u/professorshillphd ..), why do you and /u/Kat_B0T hate each other? And why do /u/BriefSquirt and /u/Kaiser-romulus hate each other?

I don't hate kat bat, the guy is just... a character.

Is he some sort of rightoid?

He's a rightoid for sure, believes a bunch of crazy right-wing conspiracies but keeps claiming he's in the "center."

I mean like "pizzagate is real but russia trying to influence the election is a libtard conspiracy."

Imagine sending a PM

drama involving the over-pretztel?
