[Haram] Mayo Autist wonders into ZweiRama and disrespects Allah.

2  2019-09-23 by TelAvivTitties


My mother's life is being threatened by the american government and im fuxking done caring about anyone elses opinions about the truth.


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Fragile Muslim manlets

As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

Today, It’s always right vs left, but Islam is “Wassatiyya”, or “Of the Moderate”/“moderate”, and we both know there is degeneracy and evil on both sides.

On the left you have normalization of Sodomy: all this trans gender whatever it may be, communism, atheism, abortion, women’s promiscuousness disguised as freedom, racism, totalitarianism, prejudice, drug use, pedophilia and other anti-Islamic ideologies.

On the right you have Conservatism: especially fiscally (screw everyone, no charity, only worry about myself), Ultra Nationalism, Right Totalitarianism, fascism, racism, prejudice, etc.

I know I’m not a perfect person, and far from a perfect Muslim. But each and every single day living in the US I see more and more things that sicken me, or make me want to move. And I just think about Islam, and how Islam cures these issues (that are disguised as “Freedoms”), not only on the Governmental/Political level, but also the societal, familial, and personal level. In the heart.

I’ve done a lot of bad things, and haven’t been the best person, but today is Friday, and a new day.

Whenever you see something horrible on the news, remember Islam is spreading like wildfire because it is the ONLY WAY. It is impossible to live any other way and be happy.

“Verily Allah will not change a nation until the people change what is within their Hearts.”


As-Sawaamu Awaikum Wa wahmatuwwahi Wa Bawakatuhu

Today, It’s awways wight vs weft, but Iswam is “Wassatiyya”, ow “Of de Modewate”/“modewate”, and we bod know dewe is degenewacy and eviw on bod sides.

On de weft yuw have nowmawization of Sodomy: aww dis twans gendew whatevew it may be, communism, adeism, abowtion, women’s pwomiscuousness disguised as fweedom, wacism, totawitawianism, pwejudice, dwug use, pedophiwia and ofew anti-Iswamic ideowogies.

On de wight yuw have Consewvatism: especiawwy fiscawwy (scwew evewyone, no chawity, onwy wowwy about mysewf), Uwtwa Nationawism, wight Totawitawianism, fascism, wacism, pwejudice, etc.

I know I’m not a pewfect pewson, and faw fwom a pewfect Muswim. But each and evewy singwe day wiving in de US I see mowe and mowe dings dat sicken me, ow make me want to move. And I just dink about Iswam, and how Iswam cuwes dese issues (dat awe disguised as “Fweedoms”), not onwy on de Govewnmentaw/Powiticaw wevew, but awso de societaw, famiwiaw, and pewsonaw wevew. In de heawt.

I’ve done a wot of bad dings, and haven’t been de best pewson, but today is Fwiday, and a new day.

Whenevew yuw see someding howwibwe on de news, wemembew Iswam is spweading wike wiwdfiwe because it is de ONwY WAY. It is impossibwe to wive any ofew way and be happy.

“Vewiwy Awwah wiww not change a nation untiw de peopwe change what is wifin deiw Heawts.” uwu

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They y'all'd their own account, but Sharta Law sounds kinda shitty