My piby tweuts scrernshot cayses drwma in BPT.

3  2019-09-25 by bwmenamr


Of course you can! Just wear a button that says "I'm a ginger, not a racist!" and maybe a cute etsy

anthropomorphized stick of gum that says "Big Red", you definitely need a rainbow button, because rainbows (duh)! And maybe hand out business cards that read "Roses are red, Italians say grazie, just because I wear red suspenders, doesn't mean I'm a nazi!" And I don't know if you're male or female (it really doesn't matter) where you wear your red scrunchie, as long as you as the one holding it! Ala . Winona Ryder in Heathers! Remember kids, Teenage suicide, don't do It!

Look in all of those random thoughts above, I'm trying to say don't let those fuckers take anything from you! Unless your thing is white sheets, swastikas, oh and the most important part, that you're also a complete and total vile stain on humanity, you're probably going to be okay!

Buck up little camper!




  1. My piby tweuts scrernshot cayses dr... -,,

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The maître d’ stops by to say hello to McDermott, then notices we don’t have our complimentary Bellinis, and runs off before any of us can stop him. I’m not sure how McDermott knows Alain so well—maybe Cecelia?—and it slightly pisses me off but I decide to even up the score a little bit by showing everyone my new business card. I pull it out of my gazelleskin wallet (Barney’s, $850) and slap it on the table, waiting for reactions.

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I’m wearing a two-button wool gabardine suit with notched lapels by Gian Marco Venturi, cap-toed leather laceups by Armani, tie by Polo, socks I’m not sure where from.

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